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Unit 2 Lessons in life Ⅰ.匹配词义 A.单词匹配 ( )1.outstretched A.v.挤满 ( )2.cram B.adj.透明的 ( )3.transparent C.v.倚,靠 ( )4.absurd D.adj.张开的,伸开的 ( )5.lean E.adv.本能地 ( )6.stroke F.n.绝望 ( )7.instinctively G.adj.荒唐的,愚蠢的 ( )8.despair H.v.轻抚,抚摸 [答案] 1-5 DABGC 6-8 HEF B.短语匹配 ( )1.laugh at A.传递 ( )2.search for B.寻找 ( )3.pass on C.穿着……衣服 ( )4.be dressed in D.嘲笑 ( )5.be pleased with E.对……满意 [答案] 1-5 DBACE Ⅱ.默写单词 1.phrase n. 成语,习语;警句 2.luxury n. 奢华,奢侈 3.pure adj. 纯净的,洁净的 4.fee n. 工作酬金,服务费 5.cooperate v. 合作,协作 6.Madame n. 夫人,太太,女士 Ⅰ. 语境填词 dressed;graduated;phrase;fees;performed;addressed;upper;pure;luxury; cooperate 1.There is an upper limit of £20,000 spent on any one project. 2.She was,in her own favourite phrase,“a woman without past”. 3.These shirts are 100% pure cotton. 4.Private university fees are much higher all over the world. 5.The two groups agreed to cooperate with each other. 6.Now we'll be able to live in luxury for the rest of our lives. 7.The play was first performed in 2008. 8.The girl graduated from high school two years ago. 9.He was dressed in jeans and a Tshirt. 10.I was surprised when he addressed me in English. Ⅱ.语法填空之派生词 1.The plan's success will rely on full cooperation(cooperate)from everybody. 2.The cooperative(cooperation)witness provided the police officers valuable information about the suspect. 3.White roses are a symbol of purity(pure). 4.It was purely(pure)my misunderstanding. 5.Maria bent her head instinctively (instinctive)to avoid being recognised. 6.My apartment cost me a lot—I hope you find it sufficiently luxurious(luxury). 1.One important early work that did so was Aesop's Fables,a collection of stories that history credits to Aesop,a Greek storyteller. 早期的一部做这件事的重要著作就是《伊索寓言》,一部历史上归功于伊索的故事集,伊 索是希腊的一个故事讲述者。 2.The children's adventure takes them through many magical places before they at last find the Blue Bird in a most unexpected place. 孩子们的冒险经历了许多神奇的地方,最后他们才在一个非常意想不到的地方找到了蓝 鸟。 3.They dance merrily around the CHILDREN,then the one who appears to be the chief goes up to TYLTYL with hand outstretched. 他们在孩子们周围欢快地跳舞,然后那个看起来是酋长的人,伸出手向狄蒂尔走去。 4.He is no more absurd than the majority of men... 他和大多数男人一样荒谬…… 5.If any of you should find him,would you be so very kind as to give him back to us? 如果你们中有人万一能找到他,你们能把他还给我们吗?

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