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Unit2 Four Seasons 一、教学内容:Lesson 3 Are you tired ? 二、学情分析 本单元的教学对象是四年级学生,这个年龄段的学生有了一些英语基础知识 底垫,求知欲都比较强,因此,在新语言点的教学过程中,教师要尽可能利用新 旧知识的结合去激活学生的兴趣,多创造恰当的语言情景,给学生充分学习机会, 让学生大胆实践,积极参与,形成自主学习的能力。 三、教学目标 1.能听懂、会说和认读表示感觉的形容词,如 tired, thirsty, hungry.以及动 词词组 have a rest ,要求发音准确。 2.能问会答句子:Are you tired/hungry/thirsty? 并用 Yes /No 回答。 并且能 使用 What about you? 进行寒暄,询问情况。 3.能够听懂、会说本课对话,并能认读和仿编。 四、情感目标 1.激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养他们的自信心和自主学习的能力。激发学 生的爱心,教育学生学会关心他人。 2.培养学生运用所学句子进行交际的能力。 五、教学重难点 1. 能听懂、会说和认读表示感觉的形容词,如 tired,thirsty, hungry 以及动词 词组 have a rest 。 2. 能使用句型“Are you ...”关注他人情感,能综合使用其他所学语言进 行日常交往。 3.能够较自如地表演对话,并能进行仿编。 六、教具准备 课件 七、教学过程 Step1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. T:Good morning boys and girls! Ps:… How nice to see you ! Ps:… 2. Duty report. T:Who’s on duty today? P:… What day is today ? P:… Is everyone here ? P:… T: Thank you! 3.Review the words.T:Now,please look at the picture,Tell me in English.Are you OK ?(课件出示图片,复习形容词) Step2 New lesson 1、 Teach the new words. T: There is a boy .His name is Guoguo.Today ,he is running a race .He is running running and running. 1) He feels very very tired( 出示单词及图片,教学单词 tired) 2) He feels very very thirsty ( 出示单词及图片,教学单词 thirsty) 3) He feels very very hungry( 出示单词及图片,教学单词 hungry) 4) So, He is sitting down here and have a rest . ( 出示单词及图片,教学短语 have a rest)。 2、Practice the words. 3、T: I want to activity too,(我也想活动一下。)What about you ? Ps:… T: OK,now ,Let’s play a game .Are you OK? Please stand up ! I say and you do . Are you ready ? Ps:… T: Let’s run run …… stop. Let’s jump jump …… stop. T: Are you tired ?(反复询问、板书)引导学生完整回答。Yes, I am. No, I’m not. 4、Practice sentence 1)、T: Who is tired ? Raise your hands and please stand up .(让感觉累的学生站起 来) T: Are you tired ? Ps: Yes ,I am. T:我们都累了可以怎样回答? (引导学生回答 Yes, we are.) Now, Let’s together answer my question. T: You are tired . Let’s have a rest. Please sit down. T: Who is not tired ? Raise your hands and please stand up . T: Are you tired ? Ps: No, I’m not. T:我们都不累可以怎样回答? (引导学生回答 No, we aren’t.) 2)、Next, practice the dialogue in group.use tired 、thirsty and hungry.(小组练 习句型) 3)、T : Today,we also learn the new lesson. Are you happy ?Ps:… T: 但是有个别同学感到没有学好,心里很不开心,应该怎么表达呢? Ps: No, I’m not. T:但是没有关系,只要你加强练习,一定会学的很棒! Step3 Homework. T: This is our homework.(屏幕出示,师讲解) Step3 Say Good-bye! 八、板书设计 tired thirsty Are you tired ? hungry have a rest Yes, I am . Yes, we are . No, I’m not. No, we aren’t.

资料: 3.2万


