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Unit4 Whose Cap Is This? 学 习 内 容 Unit4 Whose Cap Is This? 共几课时 6 课 型 新授 执教第几课时 1 学 习 目 标 一.知识目标: 能初步听懂、会说、会读单词 shorts, trousers, shoes, socks. 二.语言技能目标: 能听懂、会说、会读,并且会在一定的情景模式中运用 Whose …are they? They’re…进行问答。 三.学习策略目标: 1.学生能尝试用已学旧知带动学习新单词。 2.学生能在对子学习和小组活动中通过“生教生”的方式,互相帮助。 3.学生能通过找关键词,分辨单复数。 四.情感态度目标: 1.学生能 chant、最强大脑等游戏感受到学习英语的快乐。 2.学生能通过询问东西的主人以及失物招领懂得要收拾好自己的东西。 教 学 重 难 点 教学重点 1. 能初步听懂、会说、会读单词 shorts ,trousers, shoes, socks. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读,并且会在一定的情景模式中运用 Whose …are they? They’re…进行问答。 教学难点 1. trousers,shoes 的读音。 2. shorts ,trousers, shoes, socks 一般都是用复数 教学过程设计(方法、手段、意图) Procedures Activity Purpose Step 1: Learn by myself 1.仔细想一想,我还记得下列单词读音和意思。将意 思写在横线上: they_______ it________ cap______________ skirt________present ________ box____________ my ________ pen________ short__________ 1.我能根据以前所学单词尝试拼读新单词。 short→shorts skirt+ box+luck→sock 课前完成 Step2: Review &Lead in 1.Greeting Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you . 2.Lead in Please close your eyes and listen ! Yesterday was my birthday, and my mum gave me the box. Do you want to know what’s in it? Step3: Presentation 1. Teach the new words. Use pictures to teach shorts, trousers, shoes and socks. 2. GLs teach the words. Step4: Group work 1. Chant together. 2. Make their own chant. 3. Show time. Step5: Pair work 1. The teacher teach new sentence Whose …are they? They’re… 2. Pair work . Ask and answer with your partners with your clothes. Step5: Practice and improve 1. Please remember what they wear in 1 minutes. 2. Answer questions. 3. Do some exercises. - -Whose socks ? -- Lu Hua’s. --Whose cap ? -- Miss Liu’s. Step6: Have a test Have a test 1.Whose apple this? A. is B. are 2. Whose are these? A.sock B.socks 3.-- shorts are these? --They are Haotian’s. A.Whose B.Who 4.The shoes are _. A. Lu hua B.Luhua’s Step7: Summaries 1.What did you learn? Words: Sentences: _______________________________________ Others : 3. Lost and found Please pick up your things. Step8: Homework 1.Make cards for the new words. 2.Read the new words and the text 5 times. Writing on The Blackboard Unit 4 Whose cap is it? shorts socksshoes Whose ….are they? They ’re…. trousers

资料: 3.2万


