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Unit3 You naughty little thing No book,Just cook 自然拼读绘本阅读课 知识目标:1.学生能够了解’oo’ 字母组合在单词中有长音和短音的区别。 2.学生能够根据所学规律自主阅读理解绘本故事。 技能目标:1.学生能够根据’oo’ 字母组合在单词中的的长音和短音来拼读单词。 2.学生能够在指导下自己阅读和朗读绘本故事,并尝试小组表演 情感目标:学生能够了解成为好的厨师和好的学生需要付出努力。 教学重点:1.’oo’ 字母组合在单词中的的长音和短音。 2.根据绘本故事了解成为好的厨师和学生学院付出努力。 教学难点:根据绘本故事了解成为好的厨师和学生学院付出努力。 Step1 From ’o’ to ‘oo’ Free talk: T: What can you see on the picture? S: A cook. T: Yes, I can cook. Can you ? What can you do? S:... T: Very good. Look this is letter ‘o’. letter ‘o’ sound ... S:/o/. T: Can you read? (fox, doll, sock,dog) S:... T:Excellent. What’s this? S: Octopus. T: Yes. Let’s chant together. S: Octopus, octopus, O,o,o O sounds /o/,/o/ On,on,on. T:Good. How about double o? ‘oo’ sound...? S: /u/. T:Let’s watch the video and think: why does the word foot can’t be read at first time? (Video Time) T: Why? S: Because ‘oo’in foot is short sound. T: Great. Can you spell a word with long sound ‘oo’? (E+平板运用, 即时反馈) Spell and read words with long sound ’oo’. T:How about short sound ’oo’? Can you spell a word with short sound ’oo’? (E+平板运用, 即时反馈) Spell and read words with short sound ’oo’. Use the rule to put pears in to the right basket. (E+平板运用,将单词选入正确篮子里) Check the answer. Step2 Story Time Chant time: Foot look Look! What a big foot! cook book Who’s got this cookbook? T: Let’ s spell S: b-o-o-k-book.(A cookbook appears on the screen) T: What’s this? S: It’s a cookbook. T: Yes. Can you read? (chant time) A cook A good cook. A good cook book. Look at the good cook book. T: What can you see on the cover? S: By Hook. Teach: Mr Hook. Mr Hook: Hello, I’m Mr Hook. I want to be a cook. Read part A and think about the question: Why does Mr Hook need a cookbook? Check the answer. Try to read and role play. Read part B and think about the question: 1. Does Mr Hook find the good cook book? 2. Is Mr Hook a good cook now? 3. How to be a good cook? Find the answer in the picture book and ask students to pay attention to the picture ’Here is a good cook.’ How to be a good cook? (E+平板多选题,讨论) Read the picture book together. Finish the exercise and try to review the story. Step3 How to be a good student? T: Now you know how to be a good cook. But we are not cooks. We are...? S:Students. T: Yes! So how to be a good student? Now you can talk with you partners. Pair work S: Study from day to night. S: Be polite. S: Read more books. S:.... T: Excellent. You can read more books and be a better student! Come on! Step4 Homework 1. Read the story five times 2. Try to find more words with long sound ’oo’ or short sound ’oo’. 板书: No book,Just cook (平板呈现) long ’oo’ short ’oo’ moon book Noodles cook

资料: 3.2万


