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General Revision 2 小学二年级 英语 Part 1 情境导入 Leading in Let’s sing! Let’s sing! a hat a black suit a black hat a suit a magician魔术师 a magic cabinet 魔术柜 Our tasks 1. Listen and point. 2. Listen and judge. 3. Look and choose. 4. Listen and chant. Part 2 教学过程 Teaching Procedures Round 1 Let’s listen and point! Let’s listen and point! You can pass Round 1. Round 2 Let’s listen and judge! Mike Coco Betty Lily Robin × Let’s listen and judge! Mike Coco Betty Lily Robin ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )√ ×√ √ √ × Let’s listen and judge! You can pass Round 2. Round 3 Let’s look and choose! My father is _________. A. old B. tall C. short ( )B tall sister grandpa mother father Let’s look and choose! My mother is _________. A. old B. strong C. short ( )C short sister grandpa mother father Let’s look and choose! My grandpa is _________. A. old B. strong C. young ( )A old sister grandpa mother father Let’s look and choose! My sister is _________. A. old B. tall C. young ( )C young sister grandpa mother father Let’s look and choose! You can pass Round 3. Round 4 Listen and chant. Listen and chant. She isn’t old. She’s young. .Let’s chant! She isn’t old. She’s young. a shirta coata sweatera skirta jacket sweater shirt skirt jacket coat Let’s look and choose! j a c k e t s k i r t s w e a t e r c o a t s h i r t coat sweater shirt jacket skirt Let’s look and choose! I can make them colourful. Tom: Do you like this skirt? Tom: No, I don’t. This shirt is black. I like blue. I don’t like black. Jinjin: Yes, I do. I like red. I like this red skirt. Do you like this shirt? .Let’s listen! Tom: Do you like this skirt? Tom: No, I don’t. This shirt is black. I like blue. I don’t like black. Jinjin: Yes, I do. I like red. I like this red skirt. Do you like this shirt? Let’s answer the questions! ( ) 1. Does Jinjin like the red skirt? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. ( ) 2. Does Tom like the black shirt? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. A B Part 3 反馈与评价 Feedback & Assessment She is tall. Her dress is pink. Look at Mary. I like her dress. It is ________. The panda’s skirt is ________. Look at the panda. I (like/ don’t like) the panda’s skirt. It is ________. The panda’s skirt is ________. Look at the panda. I (like/ don’t like) the panda’s skirt. strong purple It is ________. The panda’s skirt is ________. Look at the panda. I (like/ don’t like) the panda’s skirt. Part 4 课后作业 Homework Homework Try to introduce the lovely actors and actresses. Part 5 结束语 Conclusion strong old youngshort tall shirt skir t coat jacket sweater See you next time!

资料: 3.2万


