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Unit 4 Seasons and Weather Lesson 12 Generation Gap 习题 一、补全单词。 1.generat_on 2.house_ork 3.g_p 4._dd 5.pre_ty 6._ess 7.p_aise 8.l_zy 二、单项选择。 1. —I love Sports News. What about you? —__________. A.I did, too B.I do, either C.I do, too D. I love to 2. —Welcome to Beijing! —__________. A. Not at all B.That’s all right C.Goodbye D. Thank you 3. Nina’s home is ___________ from here, so she doesn’t have to take the bus. A.five minutes’ walk B. twenty-kilometer C.two hours by bus D.two hours 4. He is very tired. He doesn’t want to do ___________. A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything 5. I found it _______ to work out this math problem in one minute. A.easy B.easily C.quickly D. Hardly 三、完型填空。 Flies (苍蝇) usually live in the dirty places. Let‟s look at a fly, and see where it 1 . First, it flies out of the window, 2 it stands on 3 dirty thing s in the street, and then it flies back to the house and walks over your 4 . When a fly walks on the dirty things in the street, its 5 have got some germs 6 them. When the fl y walks on your food with its dirty feet, it 7 the germs on your food. What can you 8 this? First, we learn that we mustn’t leave dirty things in the street or on the ground near 9. Second, we learn that all food must be covered so that flies may not 10 it. Third, we learn that flies often carry germs and we must kill them as soon as we see them. ( )1. A. walks B. stands C. lives D. Flies ( )2. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth ( )3. A. some B. any C. every D. each ( )4. A. food B. drink C. cups D. bowls ( )5. A. body B. feet C. eyes D. head ( )6. A. in B. to C. on D. over ( )7. A. carries B. has C. leaves D. takes ( )8. A. study from B. study for C. learn for D. learn from ( )9. A. the factory B. our door C. our house D. a window ( )10. A. Arrive B. get C. arrive in D. get to 四、综合填空。 parent, tell, call, celebrate, together, why, start, after, shop, newspaper Most people buy lots of presents just before Christmas. But some people think we buy too much. They start a special day 1Buy Nothing Day. They don‟t want anyone to go 2 on that day. Buy Not hing Day is on November 29. It is 3 Thanksgiving. Often, before Christmas we see many ads. in 4 and on TV 5 us to“buy, buy, buy!”The idea for Buy Nothing Day 6 in Vancouver, Canada. No w people all over the world 7 Buy Nothing Day. In California, the U.S., 8 and children get 9 to re ad stories, sing songs and draw pictures. The children talk about 10 they can‟t get many toys. 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______ 五、抄一抄,写一写。 1.gap 2.housework 3.generation 4.add 5.lazy 6.praise 7.mess 8.pretty Answers: 一、补全单词。 1.generation 2.housework 3.gap 4.add 5.pretty 6.mess 7.praise 8.lazy 二、单项选择。 1-5 CDADA 三、完型填空。 1. D 2.B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6.C 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.D 四、综合填空。 1. called 2. shopping 3. after 4. newspapers 5. telling 6. started 7. celebrate 8. parents 9. together 10.why 五、抄一抄,写一写。 略。

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