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湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) 填补市场空白资料 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) 本试卷共 页 46 个小题,满分 100 分,考试时间 90 分钟。本试卷由阅读理解、语言知识运用、书面 表达三个部分组成。 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A 篇 Volunteers Wanted! In this instant New York Times bestseller and “multigenerational story that’s City of Sunrise Police Department volunteers serve the community while learning more about law administration and making new friends. Volunteers act in a variety of roles - such as providing administrative assistance to the Department, greeting visitors at the Public Safety Complex, and lending a hand at special events. Please review the Sunrise Police Department Volunteer Program Application or call (954) 746-3370 for general information regarding the Department’s volunteer opportunities. The Department also offers residents an opportunity to participate in the Citizens Volunteer Patrol (CVP). The CVP is designed to reduce crime by having citizens guard their own neighborhoods and report any suspecting or criminal activity to the police. Qualified participants must be 21 years of age or older. For more information, contact PSA Arnie Axelrodat at (954) 746-3770. Other specialized volunteer programs within the Sunrise Police Department include: Seniors and Lawmen Together (SALT) Council. SALT is comprised of retired leaders working in cooperation with public safety and elder affairs professionals. Through education and communication, SALT tries to reduce the criminal victimization of older citizens and enhance the delivery of law administration services to seniors. For more information, please call (954) 746-3384. Police Explorers. This program provides a means through which young men and women aged 14 to 20 may decide, by means of actual experience, whether they would like to pursue a law administration career. The Explorer program focuses on community service and citizen involvement. For more information, please call (954) 746-3376. 1. What can City of Sunrise Police Department volunteers do? 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) A. Giving law assistance to the Department. B. Greeting visitors in community centre. C. Offering general information to the police. D. Providing help at special events. 2. Who can join Seniors and Lawmen Together Council? A. A 21-year-old law graduate. B. A businessman living in the City of Sunrise. C. A retired leader expert in public safety. D. Teenagers pursuing a career in law. 3. If you want to volunteer in guarding your neighborhood, which number should you call? A. (954) 746-3370. B. (954) 746-3770. C. (954) 746-3384. D. (954) 746-3376. B 篇 After written art had to fight a tough battle for attraction during the first decade of social media, owing to a certain group of writers, it is now on a significant rise. How Instagram and Twitter have offered jumpstarts to careers of authors like Dean Cocozza sets a blueprint for thousands of ambitious writers. Cocozza started writing lyrics for his music as a teenager. He immediately had to experience that translating art to social media is not as simple as posting whatever his pen put down. “Anyone who uses the platform with an intent will quickly learn that you only have the glimpse of a moment to catch the viewer’s attention. So the work I shared shifted to be more to the point, often one-liners. Then stuff started to go viral.” The success and demand for more poems resulted in his first book Zero Dark Thirty, which sold out quickly. Despite the book containing mostly short writings, even said one-liners, Cocozza emphasizes that he doesn’t write for social media. “It was a very personal project resulting from a certain period of time” in his life. There are much bigger things that he works on and plans to get involved in. Dean Cocozza has brought back emotional depth. In-between monetized (货币化的) content, blatant (明目张 胆的) advertising and “perfect lives”, social media holds a spot for a new generation of artists, including literature. Critical thinkers and authentic writers remind the app’s consumers of their emotional human nature. Art galleries and bookstores might have lost a big part of their audience to digital media — but the art itself will always find ways to survive. 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) 4. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 1 refer to? A. Written art. B. A tough battle. C. Social media. D. A group of writers. 5. What challenged Cocozza when he began to translate art to social media? A. To earn a living. B. To draw readers’ attention. C. To protect his personal life. D. To show emotional depth. 6. What can be inferred from the last paragraph? A. Works with emotional depth are widely accepted on social media. B. People with perfect lives like social media better. C. Art galleries and bookstores will soon disappear. D. Arts of emotion depth still hold value on social media. 7. What’s the author’s attitude towards art in the future? A. Positive. B. Carefree. C. Doubtful. D. Disapproving. C 篇 Adults with a poor education are also likely to have poor health, a growing body of evidence suggests. Study after study has confirmed the link, and now experts are zeroing in on the reasons for it and what can be done. “Persons with a higher education tend to have better jobs, and better income, better benefits,” said David R. Williams, a professor of public health in America. Those benefits, he said, go beyond health benefits to include such other factors as having the flexibility to take a day off or part of a day to see a doctor. “People with higher levels of education tend to have more resources to cope with stress and life,” Williams said. They have stress, of course, but also more resources to cope with it — such as access to a health club to exercise away the stress — than people with less education, he said. “Being better educated also means that a person is more likely to understand the world of modern medicine,” said Erik Angner, an assistant professor of philosophy and economics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who has researched the link between education and happiness. “Modem medicine is incredibly complex. And if you lack the basic reading skills required to function adequately in the health-care environment, you might find it harder to effectively understand your medical care.” A report issued by Williams’ commission found that, compared with college graduates, adults who did not graduate from high school were 2.5 times as likely to be less than very good health. The report suggested that factors outside the medical system play an important role in determining people’s health. Access to medical care is 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) crucial, but it isn’t enough to improve health. What’s needed, they suggested, is increased focus on schools and education — encouraging people to obtain more education. 8. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Poor Education May Lead to Poor Health B. Higher Education Can Bring More Income C. Happiness Comes from Good Education D. Medical Care Safeguards Good Health 9. What is paragraph 2 mainly about? A. Resources to deal with life. B. Ways to exercise away stress. C. Factors concerning a higher education. D. Benefits related to a higher education. 10. What can we learn from Angner’s words? A. Better education means understanding the world better. B. Modem medicine world is too difficult to understand. C. People with a good education may be happier. D. Reading skills help in understanding medical care. 11. What is stressed in the report issued by Williams’ commission? A. Adults are less likely to have good health. B. The medical system determines people’s health. C. More education is needed to improve health. D. More access to medical care is important. D 篇 It might seem strange to be making predictions about 2021, but one thing is clear: technology has been affected just as much as every other part of our lives. Another clear thing is that today’s most important technology trends will play a big part in helping us deal with and adapt to the many challenges facing us. From the shift to working from home to new rules about how we meet and interact in public spaces, technology trends will be the driving force in managing the change. One of the major technology trends that are likely to play out this year is 5G and enhanced connectivity. Each successive advance in mobile connectivity from 3G onwards has unlocked new use cases for the Internet. 3G made 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) web browsing and data-driven services useful on mobile devices, 4G led to the growth of streaming video and music platforms as bandwidths (宽带) increased, and 5G, similarly, will open more doors in terms of what is possible. 5G means that services relying on advanced technologies such as augmented (增强的) reality and virtual reality, as well as cloud-based gaming platforms like Google’s Stadia, become a practical thing, anywhere at any time. They also threaten to make cable and fiber-based (光纤) networks redundant, with their need for us to be tied to a particular location. In short, 5G and other advanced, high-speed networks make other new technologies available anywhere, any time. A great example is Norwegian fishery operator Salmar that uses a 5G network to automate the care and feeding of its fish. Image recognition algorithms (算法) are used to detect which fish are over or under-feeding, and automatically distribute food and medicine needed to keep them healthy. Initiatives like this will become increasingly important during 2021, where businesses look to increase automation across their workforces. 32. Which of the following is highly influenced by 5G technology? A. Data-driven services. B. Streaming video. C. Music platforms. D. Google’s Stadia. 33. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “redundant” in paragraph 3? A. Useful. B. Unnecessary. C. Expensive. D. Special. 34. Why is “Salmar” mentioned in the text? A. To show the development of Norwegian fishery. B. To explain how to keep fish healthy. C. To present the application of 5G technology. D. To propose new initiatives for businesses. 35. What is the text mainly about? A. Different predictions of technology trends. B. Successive advances in mobile technology. C. One of the technological highlights of the year. D. The driving force in managing changes. 第二节(共 5 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) You probably learned many things by watching how-to videos on YouTube, but have you ever thought of making your own ones? You do not need to show it to anyone or put it on the Internet. __16___. Recording yourself, whether on video or audio, is an effective method of self-study. __17___ When you record yourself it helps you identify what you are good at in English and which areas need improvement. How-to videos give you the chance to do several things at once. You will talk about a subject you already enjoy while giving step-by-step instructions, which gives you a chance to use a few grammatical forms. __18___. Now, let’s go through the steps for preparing to make your video. First, choose a subject that will work well for a short video. Ideally, your subject will be something that is visually appealing and can be divided into steps. Is there a dish that you are great at making? Can you build or fix something? Do you have an artistic ability? __19__Even something as simple as how to fold a fitted sheet can be a great subject. __20__ Make a list of the steps you think are important in making or doing the thing you have chosen. You might not know the English words for some of the things you are describing. Find and practice saying them. The last step is to record your video. A great way to introduce it is to say your name and then say what you are going to show. A. Any of these can be the subject of your video. B. Then, it’s time to prepare by gathering information. C. How do videos show people how to do or make something? D. We can learn to do something with the help of an Internet search. E. This is especially true if you cannot find someone to practice speaking with. F. Instead, the goal is to use the video to observe your own English speaking skills. G. You will also get the chance to learn and use words related to your chosen subject. 第二部分 语言知识运用 (共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on(跨上)it and 21 .But wait—isn’t this stealing? No, it isn’t. 22 shouts, “Stop! Thief!” That is 23 this free ride is just fine with the city. You 24 find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994.People saw a need for 25 transportation, and they wanted to help 26 pollution. So, to get 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) citizens(市民) 27 their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they 28 the Yellow Bike Project. The 29 bikes are painted bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands(短程差事),to work 30 to school. Then, they leave the bike for the 31 rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people 32 the rules, because they think it is not wise to 33 the bike that’s already free. Portland’s 34 was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its starts, similar programs were 35 in cities in six other states. 21.A. drive away B. ride away C. ride back D. run away 22. A. No one B. Someone C. Anyone D. Everyone 23. A. whether B. so C. because D. though 24.A. have to B. don’t have to C. can’t D. can 25. A. expensive B. crowded C. free D. common 26.A. protect B. control C. make D. bring 27.A.out of B. into C. up D. near 28.A. ended B. started C. changed D. refused 29. A. public B. private C. clean D. dirty 30. A. but B. as C. until D. or 31. A. next B. last C. best D. first 32. A. break B. make C. discussD. follow 33. A. buy B. repair C. produce D. steal 34.A. citizen B. street C. idea D. school 35.A. looked up B. made up C. put up D. set up 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下列选项,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括弧内单词的正确形式,并讲答案转写到答题 卡上。 Craig Foster was diving in bitterly cold waters off the southern Africa ____36____ he saw her - an octopus (章 鱼) hiding under a shelter of shells and stones. Deeply ____37____ (attract), he began following this incredibly shy creature, trying to prove he wasn’t a predator (捕食者) by staying very still in her ____38____ (present). And then, after 26 days of crazy pursuing, she reached out and touched him. 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) “The octopus trusted me and allowed me __39__ (step) into her secret world, showing me many behaviors__40__ were completely new to science,” Foster says. Foster __41__ (spend) the last ten years diving in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of South Africa. He began this daily diving as a way of dealing with a depression that had left him raw and disconnected. Immersing (沉浸) __42__ (he) in this underwater world has calmed his mind. Over the past few years, other animals have reached out to make contact, including otters, whales, and even sharks, __43__ nothing has compared to his “once — in — a — lifetime” bond with the octopus, he says. Foster says the greatest lesson she taught him is that humans are part __44__ the natural world around us, and not __45__ (simple) visitors. “Your own role and place in the natural world is the most precious gift we have been given.” 第三部分:书面表达(共 1 小题,满分 25 分) 你校正在组织以运动为主题的英语作文比赛,请你写一篇短文参赛,内容包括: 1. 你对运动的认识;2. 你的日常运动情况。 注意: 1. 词数 80 左右;2. 请在答题卡相应位置作答。 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五)答案 A 篇【答案】1. D; 2. C; 3. B; 【解析】这是一篇应用文。朝阳警察局正在招收志愿者,文章对各种志愿者的工作、要求和联系方式等进 行了介绍。 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) 【1 题详解】D 细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Volunteers act in a variety of roles - such as providing administrative assistance to the Department, greeting visitors at the Public Safety Complex, and lending a hand at special events.”(义工扮演各种各样的角色,例如为本署提供行政协助、在公共安全大楼迎接访客,以及在 特别事件中伸出援手。)可知,市朝阳警察局志愿者在特殊事件中提供帮助。故选 D。 【2 题详解】C 细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“SALT is comprised of retired leaders working in cooperation with public safety and elder affairs professionals. ”(SALT 由退休领导与公共安全和老龄事务专业人员合作组成。) 可知,退休的公共安全专家可以加入长者和法律人员联合委员会。故选 C。 【3 题详解】B 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“The CVP is designed to reduce crime by having citizens guard their own neighborhoods and report any suspecting or criminal activity to the police.”(CVP 旨在通过让市民保卫 自己的社区,并向警方报告任何怀疑或犯罪活动来减少犯罪。)和最后一句“For more information, contact PSA Arnie Axelrodat at (954) 746-3770.”(如需更多信息,请拨打(954) 746-3770 联系 PSA Arnie Axelrodat。)可 知,如果你想志愿保卫你的社区,可以拨打(954) 746-3770。故选 B。 B 篇【答案】4. A;5. B;6. D;7. A; 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。社交媒体的发展为艺术带来了巨大的冲击,艺术家们对此进行了艰苦的斗争, Dean Cocozza 作为其中的代表之一,成功地将艺术翻译到社交媒体上并受到了很多关注,给艺术带来了新 的生机。 【4 题详解】 A 词句猜测题。根据第一段第一句中的“After written art had to fight a tough battle for attraction during the first decade of social media(在社交媒体出现的头十年里,书法为吸引眼球进行了一场艰苦的战斗)” 可知,it 是指书法。故选 A。 【5 题详解】B 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“Anyone who uses the platform with an intent will quickly learn that you only have the glimpse of a moment to catch the viewer’s attention.(任何有意使用这个平台的人都会很 快发现,你只有一瞬间的时间来吸引观众的注意力)”可知,当 Cocozza 开始将艺术翻译到社交媒体上时,吸 引读者的注意力对他来说是个挑战。故选 B。 【6 题详解】D 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“Dean Cocozza has brought back emotional depth. (Dean Cocozza 带回了情感深度)”和第三句“Critical thinkers and authentic writers remind the app’s consumers of their emotional human nature. (批判性思考者和真正的作家提醒应用的消费者他们的情感本质)”可知,情感深度艺 术在社交媒体上仍然有价值。故选 D。 【7 题详解】A 观点态度题。根据最后一段最后一句“Art galleries and bookstores might have lost a big part of their audience to digital media — but the art itself will always find ways to survive. (画廊和书店的很大一部分观 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) 众可能被数字媒体夺走——但艺术本身总会找到生存之道)”可知,作者对艺术的未来持积极乐观的态度。故 选 A。 C 篇【答案】8. A;9. D;10. D;11. C; 【解析】这是一篇说明文。越来越多的证据表明,受教育程度低的成年人也可能健康状况不佳。 【8 题详解】A 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句“Adults with a poor education are also likely to have poor health, a growing body of evidence suggests. (越来越多的证据表明,受教育程度低的成年人也可能健康状况不佳)”可 知,文章主要是讲受教育程度低的成年人也可能健康状况不佳,所以选项 A 是最好的标题。故选 A。 【9 题详解】D 主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句“Those benefits, he said, go beyond health benefits to include such other factors as having the flexibility to take a day off or part of a day to see a doctor. (他说,这些好处不仅包括健 康方面的好处,还包括其他一些因素,比如可以灵活地休一天假,或抽出一天时间去看医生)”可知,第二段 是讲与高等教育相关的好处。故选 D。 【10 题详解】D 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“And if you lack the basic reading skills required to function adequately in the health-care environment, you might find it harder to effectively understand your medical care. (如 果你缺乏在医疗保健环境中充分发挥作用所需的基本阅读技能,你可能会发现更难以有效地理解你的医疗 保健)”可知,阅读技巧有助于理解医疗护理。故选 D。 【11 题详解】C 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“What’s needed, they suggested, is increased focus on schools and education — encouraging people to obtain more education. (他们建议,现在需要的是加强对学校和 教育的关注——鼓励人们接受更多的教育)”可知,这份报告中强调需要更多的教育来改善健康。故选 C。 D 篇【答案】12. D 13. B 14. C 15. C 【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了 5G 技术的应用和优势。 【12 题详解】D 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“5G means that services relying on advanced technologies such as augmented (增强的) reality and virtual reality, as well as cloud-based gaming platforms like Google’s Stadia, become a practical thing, anywhere at any time. ”(5G 意味着依托增强现实、虚拟现实等先进技术的服务,以 及谷歌的 Stadia 等基于云的游戏平台,成为随时随地实用的东西。)可知,谷歌的 Stadia 深受 5G 技术的影 响。故选 D。 【13 题详解】B 词句猜测题。根据“with their need for us to be tied to a particular location”(因为他们需要我 们被绑定到一个特定的位置)可知,此处是指使以电缆和光纤为基础的网络变得多余,所以 redundant 意为 “不必要的”。故选 B。 【14 题详解】C 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“In short, 5G and other advanced, high-speed networks make other new technologies available anywhere, any time. A great example is Norwegian fishery operator Salmar that 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) uses a 5G network to automate the care and feeding of its fish.”(总之,5G 和其他先进的高速网络让其他新技术 随时随地都可以使用。挪威渔业运营商 Salmar 就是一个很好的例子,该公司利用 5G 网络实现了对鱼类的 自动化照料和喂养。 )可知,此处提到 Salmar 是为了介绍 5G 技术的应用。故选 C。 【15 题详解】C 主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句“One of the major technology trends that are likely to play out this year is 5G and enhanced connectivity. ”(今年可能出现的主要技术趋势之一是 5G 和增强互联互通。)可 知,文章主要是讲今年的技术亮点之一 5G 技术。故选 C。 7 选 5 阅读【答案】16. F;17. E;18. G;19. A;20. B; 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。作者认为给自己录音,无论是视频还是音频,都是一种有效的自学英语的方法, 并且作者在文中提供了录制视频的方法和步骤。 【16 题详解】F 根据前文“You do not need to show it to anyone or put it on the Internet.”(你不需要把它展示给 任何人,也不需要放到网上。)可知,此处是讲录制视频的用处,所以选项 F(相反,我们的目标是通过视 频来观察自己的英语口语技能。)切合文意。故选 F。 【17 题详解】E 选项 E 中的 this 是指前文“Recording yourself, whether on video or audio, is an effective method of self-study.”(给自己录音,无论是视频还是音频,都是一种有效的自学方法。),此处是指在没有人能对 话练习时给自己录音是一种有效的自学方法。所以选项 E 切合文意。故选 E。 【18 题详解】G 根据前文“How-to videos give you the chance to do several things at once. You will talk about a subject you already enjoy while giving step-by-step instructions, which gives you a chance to use a few grammatical forms. ”(视频教你如何同时做几件事。你会谈论一个你已经喜欢的话题,同时给出一步一步的 指导,这让你有机会使用一些语法形式。)可知,此处是讲视频可以让你有机会做什么事情,所以选项 G (你也将有机会学习和使用与你所选科目相关的词汇。)切合文意。故选 G。 【19 题详解】A 根据后文“Even something as simple as how to fold a fitted sheet can be a great subject.”(即使 是像如何折叠一张合适的床单这样简单的事情也可以成为一个伟大的主题。)可知,此处是讲视频的主题 可以是什么,选项 A 中的 these 是指前文“Is there a dish that you are great at making? Can you build or fix something? Do you have an artistic ability? ”(你有擅长做的菜吗?你能建造或修理什么东西吗?你有艺术才 能吗?),所以选项 A(这些都可以成为你视频的主题。)切合文意。故选 A。 【20 题详解】B 根据后文“Find and practice saying them.”(找到并练习说出它们。)可知,此处是指查找信 息,所以选项 B(然后,是时候通过收集信息来准备了。)切合文意。故选 B。 完形填空 【语篇导读】 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了美国黄色免费自行车的发展历程。黄色免费自行车源于 1994 年俄 勒冈州的波特兰市,后由于人们的喜爱,很快在美国几个州得到了推广。 21.B 解析:此处表示骑车离开,ride away 意为“骑车离开”,符合语境。故选 B。 22.A 解析:根据上句“No,it isn’t.”可知,骑车离开不算偷。因此,没有人喊。no one 意为“没有人”,符合语境。 故选 A。 23.C 解析:this free ride is just fine with the city 是没有人喊的原因。because 意为“因为”,符合语境。故选 C。 24.D 解析:句意:在美国的一些城市,你可以发现数以百计的免费黄色自行车。can 意为“可以;能够”,符合语境。 故选 D。 25.C 解析:人们看到免费的交通工具成为一种需求。free 意为“免费的”,符合语境。故选 C。 26.B 解析:根据下文 onto pollution-free bikes 可知,人们想帮忙控制污染。control 意为“控制”。故选 B。 27.A 解析:根据下文 onto pollution-free bikes 可知,让市民从他们的汽车中出来。out of 意为“从……出来”。 故选 A。 28.B 解析:根据上文可知,他们开始了黄色自行车项目。start 意为“开始”。故选 B。 29.A 解析:句意:公共自行车被涂成明亮的黄色,放到城市里的各个地方。public 意为“公共的”,符合语境。故 选 A。 30.D 解析:“to run errands,to work”与“to school”之间表示并列关系。or 意为“或者”,符合语境。故选 D。 31.A 解析:句意:然后,他们把自行车留给下一个骑车者。next 意为“下一个”。故选 A。 32.D 解析:根据上文 There have been times when bikes have been stolen 和转折词 but 可知,大部分人是遵守规 则的。follow 意为“遵守”,符合语境。故选 D。 33.D 解析:根据上文 most people follow the rules 可知,他们认为偷已经免费的自行车是不明智的。steal 意为 “偷”。故选 D。 34.C 解析:波特兰市人的主意很快被很多人喜爱。idea 意为“观点;主意”。故选 C。 35.D 解析:相似的项目在其他六个州的城市开展起来了。set up 意为“建立;成立”,符合语境。故选 D。 语法填词【答案】36. when;37. attracted;38. presence; 39. to step;40. that/which;41. has spent/has been spending; 42. himself;43. but;44. of;45. simply; 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了克雷格·福斯特在非洲南部寒冷刺骨的海水中与一只章鱼的奇妙相遇, 它教给他的最重要的一课是,人类是我们周围自然世界的一部分,而不仅仅是游客。 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) 【36 题详解】 考查连词。句意:克雷格·福斯特当时正潜到非洲南部寒冷刺骨的海水中,他看到了它—— 一只藏在贝壳和石头下面的章鱼。此处是指正在做一件事的时候这时另外一件事发生了,用 be doing...when 句型,所以应用 when 表示“当……的时候”。故填 when。 【37 题详解】 考查过去分词。句意:他被深深吸引,开始跟着这只非常害羞的动物,在它面前一动不动, 试图证明自己不是捕食者。动词 attract 意为“吸引”,此处是指他被章鱼深深吸引,应用过去分词作状语。故 填 attracted。 【38 题详解】 考查名词。句意:他被深深吸引,开始跟着这只非常害羞的动物,在它面前一动不动,试图 证明自己不是捕食者。在介词 in 后应用名词作宾语。故填 presence。 【39 题详解】考查 to do 不定式和固定搭配。句意:章鱼信任我,允许我进入它的秘密世界,向我展示了许 多对科学来说是全新的行为……allow sb to do sth 意为“允许某人做某事”,为固定搭配。故填 to step。 【40 题详解】 考查定语从句。句意:章鱼信任我,允许我进入它的秘密世界,向我展示了许多对科学来说 是全新的行为……定语从句中缺少主语,且先行词为 behaviors,指物,所以应用关系代词 that 或 which。故 填 that/which。 【41 题详解】考查现在完成时或现在完成进行时。句意:福斯特过去十年一直在南非西海岸附近的大西洋 潜水。根据“the last ten years”可知,此处可用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,表示从过去持续到现在一直在 潜水,或许在将来可能也会。故填 has spent/has been spending。 【42 题详解】考查反身代词。句意:他沉浸在这个海底世界里,心里就平静了。此处宾语和主语指的是一 个人,所以应用反身代词。故填 himself。 【43 题详解】 考查连词。句意:他说,在过去的几年里,包括水獭、鲸鱼,甚至鲨鱼在内的其他动物也曾 试图与他取得联系,但没有什么能比得上他与章鱼之间“一生一次”的联系。前文“Over the past few years, other animals have reached out to make contact, including otters, whales, and even sharks”和后文“nothing has compared to his “once — in — a — lifetime” bond with the octopus”构成转折关系,且空格后没有逗号,所以应用转折词 but。故填 but。 【44 题详解】考查介词。句意:福斯特说,它教给他的最重要的一课是,人类是我们周围自然世界的一部 分,而不仅仅是游客。此处是指人类是我们周围自然世界的一部分,part 和 the natural world 是所属关系, 所以应用介词 of。故填 of。 【45 题详解】考查副词。句意:福斯特说,它教给他的最重要的一课是,人类是我们周围自然世界的一部 分,而不仅仅是游客。修饰 be 动词 are 应用副词。故填 simply。 →【书面表达】范文背诵 湖北省普通高中学业水平合格性考试模拟卷(五) Good morning, everyone! I’d like to share you with my sports story. Of all the sports, I like table tennis best, which is the most popular sports in China. On weekdays, I usually play table tennis after school and I have learned many practical skills. I also take part in other sports activities in our school, including running, basketball as well as football. On weekends, I go cycling or climb the hill and I have great fun. In my opinion, not only does the sports help me build up my body, train my brains and keep me confident, but also it helps me make a lot of friends.

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