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Unit 7 Chinese Festivals Cartoon time ﹠Checkout time 1. Say the months (看到数字,说出月份) Quick respond January February July March May April June September November August October December food 2. 快速说出相关的词汇 … festivals rice dumplings Let’s review a. In January or February b. get together with families c. eat rice dumplings a. climb mountains b. eat moon cakes c. visit grandparents d. in October or November a. in May or July b. eat rice dumplings c. dragon boat races a. in September or October b. look at the moon c. eat moon cakes d. visit grandparents a. dress up b. In November c. Trick or treat d. make pumpkin lanterns a. in December b. put socks on the beds c. buy a Christmas tree d. eat a turkey Ask and answer Think and write 最喜欢的 What’s my favourite festival? Listen and guess It is Mother’s Day 母亲节 It’s on the second Sunday of May. It’s a day for mothers. How to show our love to mothers? give some flowers to her, send a card to her, help her do housework , … Think and say Watch and answer How do Bobby and Tina show their love to Mum? They give Mum a card and some flowers. Why is Bobby’s mother so happy? Because it’s Mother’s Day. Bobby and Tina give their mother presents. They say: Mum, I love you. Read and fill in the blanks Try to read Is there a Father’s Day too? It’s on the third Sunday of June. 父亲节,是感谢父亲的节日,开始于二十世纪初的美国。 每个国家的父亲节日期都不尽相同,庆祝方式也多种多样,大 部分都与赠送礼物、家族聚餐或活动有关。全球大部分国家和 地区是在6月的第三个星期日庆祝父亲节,包括香港及澳门等地。 Work in groups 四人一组,按照Cartoon time的内容进 行续编或者改编。提示:Father’s Day。 Homework 1. Continue the story of Cartoon time. 续编Cartoon time 的故事 2. Do something to show your love to your father and mother. 向爸爸妈妈表达你对他们的爱。

资料: 3.2万


