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(Grammar time & Fun time) 1.I can talk about birthdays. 我能够谈论生日。 2.I can say the ordinal numbers and find the rules. 我能够说出序数 词及其规律。 3.I can do a survey about birthdays. 我能够进行有关 生日的调查 Grammar time Funtime Happy birthday to you! When the music is on, you should pass the ball one by one. When the music stops, the student with the ball should tell us your birthday. Play a game: pass the ball Revision the eleventh of May the eighth of April 在1分钟内介绍自己了解的生日的活动,说得越多越好。 Liutao's birthday June 11 June 4 June 19 June 16 June 18 June 6 我的生日是以下其 中一个,猜一猜是 哪个。 Liu Tao's birthday June 11 June 4 June 19 June 16 June 18 June 6 Read and find the fourth of June the sixth of June the eleventh of June the fifteenth of June the sixteenth of June the nineteenth of June 观察这些表达日期的词组,你能发现什 么规律吗?是以什么结构表示日期的?the 序数词 of 月份序数词 Can you find out the rules(规则)? fourth nineteenthsixteenth fifteentheleventh sixthfour nineteensixteen fifteeneleven six 一般情况下,直接加th th th th th th th 基数词 th 序数词 Cardinal numbers ordinal num bers 哪些序数词不是直接在基数词后加th的?请在书上81页圈出来! one two three four five first second third fourth fifth six seven eight nine ten sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth first fifth eighth second third ninth eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty- one twenty- two twenty- three twenty- first twenty- second twenty- third twentieth twenty- first twenty- second twenty- third twelfth 序数词 Can you find the rules? Let’s play a game Step 1 Please work in three and spell the numbers.三人一组拼读单词纸上的数字。 Step 2 Everyone chooses 4 numbers. 每人任选六个数字。 Let’s play a game 当拼写完全部序数词时,小组共同起立, 大声说 “Bingo”. first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth twelfth fifteenth eighteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third 1 2 3 4 st nd rd th st nd rd th 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20 th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th 21 22 23 st st nd rd 数字 + 序数词的最后两个字母 nd rd First, write the numbers. 首先,我们写出数字。 Next, write the last 2 letters of the word. 接着,写出词尾的两个字母。 Let’s play a game There are _______ months in a year. January is the _______ month. I can say spring summer autumnwinter twelve first Let's say Thursday Morning 1 Chinese 2 Maths 3 English 4 Art Afternoon 5 Music 6 PE There are ...floors. ... is on the...floor 四人一组,根据图片用基数词和序数词 接龙说句子。 你还能结合自己的学习与生活用 基数词和序数词说出其它的句子 吗? 4F library 3F Music Room 2F Computer Room 1F Art Room seasons rainbows 彩虹 … I can do 1. Talk in groups. 2. Ask and answer one by one. (接龙问答) “ When’s your birthday?” “It’s on the…” Everyone should take notes in your book. (每个人用序数词的缩略形式在书上82页记录) I can report Who has birthday in the same month? 谁的生日也在这个月? In our group,______ students have their birthdays in … Only one student has the birthday in... What do you usually do on your birthday? 在生日时你通常做什么? Let’s talk What do you want? What’s your wish? 你的生日愿望是什么? I want … I want to go to… I want to have… LOREM IPSUM DOLOR Work in three. Please talk about your parents' birthdays. 三人一组,谈论自己父母的生日。 I can remember love your parents 1. Read Grammar time and try to remember 2. Write a passage to thank your parents. Homework

资料: 3.2万


