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Unit 9 Lesson 4 【主题与课时】 北师大版《小学英语》三年级下册 Unit 9 Numbers 第 4 课时 【学习重难点】 1、初步建立字母 s.z 与字母发音/s/ /z/之间的联系 2、能够区分、辨别字母 s、z,以及在单词中的发音 3、能够拼读简单的以 s 和 z 开头的单音节词汇 【课时评价任务】 1.通过对图片进行分类 , 听、跟读单词;分组进行阅读(检测目标一) 2.通过游戏举牌分辨首字母,听,写出首字母(检测目标二) 3.通过同桌拼,展示带领其余同学拼。(检测目标三) 4.通过自己圈,拼读,听、跟读、小组读进行绘本阅读。(检测目标三) 【学习过程】 一:warming-up 1.Greeting: T:Good morning,boys and girls. How are you today? I’m happy. 2.T:Let’s sing a song. 一:warming-up 1. Greeting: S: Good morning, Summer. I’m good,and you? (学生一起唱歌) 二:Lead-in 1.T:I’m happy today. Do you know why? T: Look at the sun(播放 PPT 上的 二:Lead-in 1.S: No. 图片), it’s a sunny day.I’m going to the zoo. T:Guess, what animals can I see? T: (教师对学生的回答进行回应) T:In the zoo,I see some snakes. How many snakes are?(播放 PPT 图片) Let’s count:one、 two、three... T:How many snakes are there? T:Where are they?(播放 PPT 图片) T:Do you want to eat the salad? T:Besides snakes, what else can I see?Listen:It’s a big animal.It’s black and white. It runs fast.What animal is it? T:Yes,it’s a zebra.(播放 PPT 图片) Where is the zebra.Listen.(播放音 频 The zebra is in the ) T:The zebra is in the zipper. T: Look at the zipper,it runs away. S1:You can see elephant. S2:... S3:... S4:... S:One、two、three、four、five、 six. S:There are six snakes. S:They are in the salad. S:No, I don’t. S1: Zebra. S1:Zipper How many zebras are there? T:You are so good,let’s review the story. 2.教师边说故事的时候,学生在这个过 程中复习刚才的单词。老师边说边贴 单词。 3.T:Look at these words, who can help me to divide them into two parts.(手势进行说明) T:Why you divide them like this? (学生回答正确在黑板左边贴字“s”) 4.T:What sound does letter “s” make? T: Maybe.Listen and repeat. (播放音频:sun、snake、six、salad) T:What sound does letter “s” make? 教师教授 s s /s/ /s/并加以手势, 单独请两个学生进行纠音。 重复步骤 3 和 4,练习字母 z 的发音 和以字母“z”开头的单词。 S:Zero. 2.教师在说故事时,根据教师的提示 复习单词,并说出来。 3.学生上台进行单词分组 S:They all have “s”(they all start with “s” 4.S1: S makes sound /s/. (学生听并跟读单词) S:S makes sound /s/. 重复步骤 3 和 4,练习字母 z 的发音 和以字母“z”开头的单词。 三:Learn to say 1.Look and say : T:(播放 PPT)进行单词教读(两个即 可,剩余的学生自己读) T:Let’s read the words.(s 开头单 词) Boys please stand up. Girls please stand up. (对字母 z 的发音以及单词学习之后) T:Let’s read the words.(z 开头单 词) Group 1 please stand up. Group 2 please stand up. Group 3 please stand up. 2.What can you hear?(分辨字母 z 和 s) T: Everyone has two cards,one is s, and another one is z.When I say “sun”, you need to show me the s and say /s/ /s/. T:sun. T:When I say “zoo”, you need to show me the z and say /z/ /z/. 三:Learn to say 学生跟着老师读,剩余的两个单词一 起读。 男生起立读单词。 女生起立读单词。 每个大组起立读单词 S:/s/ /s/ T:zoo. 说出几个以 s 和 z 开头的单词。 S:/z/ /z/ 学生根据听到的单词进行游戏。 四: practice 1. work in two,完成 Activity 1; 2. Listen ,完成 Activity 2; 3. Share answer 四: practice 1. work in two ,完成 Activity 1; 2. Listen ,完成 Activity 2; 3. Share answer 五:Expand 1. look and say:snake and zebra’s name. 2. circle the words. 3. Listen and repeat 4. Work in four to read the story. 5. Presentation 五:Expand 1. look and say:snake and zebra’s name. 2. circle the words. 3. Listen and repeat 4. Work in four to read the story. 5. Preaentation

资料: 3.2万


