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The Key to a Better Life  Time is money.  Money makes the mare(马,驴) go.  Money isn’t everything.  Money doesn’t grow on trees.  It’s easier to earn money than to keep it.  Money is the root of all evil.  A gentleman who loves money should make it by honorable means.  If you don’t manage your money, money will ignore you. When? Where? Who? What? On 25 April, 2005 At schools. About 7400 American bankers. The bankers teach primary and secondary school students how to manage money. Why? Thesis : Supporting examples: Children are big spenders. 1. In 2003, American teenagers spent 175 billion dollars, an average of 104 dollars per week per teenager. 2. Few teenagers have any savings. 3.Most teenagers spend money as fast as they can. 4.Nearly all will continue their spending habits when they grow up. What do bankers teach the students? How to budget and make smart decisions about money. How to balance their expenses against their income. To understand their family’s expenses. How to invest and save money. To plan to spend an amount of money for a particular purpose What’s the ultimate purpose of Teach Childre n to Save Day? Quote: To help students understand the value of saving money. A penny saved is a penny earned. Discuss ion:  What do you usually spend your pocket money on? Brainstor m How can you save more money? First, you must be frugal. Don’t let money burn a hole in your pocket..  Second, don’t be a borrower. Never borrow from others. Keep away from debt.  Third, don’t be a lender. Penny and penny laid up will be many.  Fourth, buy things in cash. Buy only what you need. Don’t buy what you want.  Stop using credit cards and online payment. Start saving for financial success.(keep record if every transaction) Brainstorm  What will you do with the money you saved? Bank deposit/Stock exchange/bonds/fun ds/ insurance What are the risks?  1.Save money Set aside 10% of your income and deposit it at the bank.  2.Learn some basic knowledge about money management. Bear in mind: there are always risks in making investments, so you can never be too careful. Assignment  Which do you agree? Why? Income – Expenses(Budget) = Savings or Income – Savings = Expenses(Budget)

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