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Survey  What impresses you most in the Spring Festival?  red envelopes /red packets /gift money/lucky money/  Have you spent all of your gift money or saved it up? When? __________________________________ Where? __________________________________ Who? __________________________________ What? ___________________________________ On 26 April,2005 At schools About 7,400 American bankers. The bankers teach primary and secondary school students how to handle their money v. to deal with or control 控制,处理 Why? Topic Sentence:_______________________________ Supporting examples: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ 1. In 2003, American teenagers spent $175 billion, An average of $104 per week per teenager. 2. Few teenagers have any savings. 3. Most spend money as fast as they can. 4. Nearly all will continue their spending habits when they grow up . What do bankers teach the students? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 1.How to budget their personal activities and make smart decisions about money. 3.To understand their family’s expenses. 4.How to invest and save money. v. plan in advance how one will spend money 制定预算 (v.& n.) v. spend money in order to make something better 投资 __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Quote: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Topic for discussion: Make your own money budget I have¥4000 in all. I want to buy… Because… How shall I handle the rest of the money? How will the budget make my life better? Homework Finish writing the plan about how to spend your money . Surf the Internet and get more information about TCTS. Sometimes happiness comes from a little case .有时候幸福只 是来源于一件小小的事情 You will be happy as long as you full you life with value. 只 要你活的是有价值那么你就会幸福  The people who try his best to create happiness for human being will get the return from all he has done .努 力给别人创造快乐的人肯 定会因他的所为而得到回 报的  The value of happiness can’t be weighed by money.幸福的价值是金 钱不能衡量的

资料: 3.2万


