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FRIEND OR ENEMY Video • Read this excerpt from the play Winston and the Spider to learn about one kind of small creature. • The scene begins with Winston and his wife Betty standing in their kitchen. Group Competition: crossword • 1.Find the words in the article to complete the crossword according to clue given to you. • 2.You don’t have to tell me the word in numerical order. For example, if you find the block number 7 is easy, you can work it out first. • 3.Find the words as soon as possible. If you know the answer, just stand up and spell it correctly. After that, you could get one point for your group. Across: 2. a net used to catch insects 3. stretch easily like rubber band 6. able to stop bullet 8. a wound made by an animal or insects Down: 1. to try to cure an illness 4. made by people, often as a copy of something natural 5. continue to live after a difficult situation 7. not often Keys: • 1.treat • 2.web • 3.elastic • 4.artificial • 5.survive • 6.bulletproof • 7.rarely • 8.bite Underline the Betty’s remarks from line 1 to line 22 and read them aloud 1.Kill it!(jumping in fright, and then shouting) 2.Why?You are not frightened of it,Winston ,are you? 3.Not really,(she sighs.)but I suppose you are going to tell me anyway. 4.No, I didn’t know that. 5.So everyone is happy except the insects. Pest Control seasons Spiders Farmers / 1.___________________ which look like ________ 2. __________________. winter / 1._____________ while insects are ready to ______________. 2._________. 1.Their fields __________. 2.Farmers __________. build shelters for spiders survive the winter in the shelters emerge healthy and hungry attack farmers’ crops fill their empty stomachs have been protected become happy put them all over their fields little tentsautumn spring Complete the mind map using the information from line 25 to line 40. Spider’s usages silk usages lighter than a feather poison use it in spacecraft Spider’s usages silk usages lighter than a feather poison use it in spacecraft use it in artificial organs like hearts make really bulletproof vests strong than steel as elastic as a rubber band properties treat brain disorders Complete the mind map using the information from line 25 to line 40. • Betty thinks spiders are nasty and should be killed. • She had no interest in knowing about spiders and had a misunderstanding about them. Betty’s attitude towards spiders From the start She began to understand the spiders are farmer’s friends and people should understand things in nature and not destroy them. In the end changed Speech Contest: Who is the best speaker ? • 1.Watch a video on how to make a speech • 2.Write a speech draft based on the summary and the information you found from the internet • 3.Practise your speech with your parterner in your group • 4. Choose the best one to participate in the competition • 5.Grade the speaker except the one from your group based on the assessment table • 6.Find out who is the best speaker Summary • Spiders are not insects. They survive winter by living in shelters built by farmers. In spring, they eat insects that attack farmers’ crops. They make webs with silk, which is strong, light and elastic. Scientists plan to use spider silk in spacecraft, etc. Their poison can be used to treat brain disorders. Therefore, spiders are enemies of insects and friends of humans. We should try to understand things in nature and not destroy them. You can begin the speech with.. • 1.Hello, ladies and gentlemen, today I am very honored to stand here delivering the speech, my topic deals with… • 2.Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, instead of talking about some profound stories, I have a little request for each of you to take a minute and think about… • 3. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I’m ..from group…First, I would like to begin my speech with such a question. Do you know Assessment Table Name   Total points   Items Requirements Score Content(3’) Features, Usages,Habits,Behaviors etc. Language(4’) Correctness, Fluency, Pronunciation Stage  manners(3’) Appearance, Appropriateness, Body Language Homework • 1.Read the text aloud at least three times • 2.Modify your speech draft. • 3. Record your speech and email your recordings to 1848750513@qq.com Read and think • Betty was frightened of the spider. • She didn’t want to learn about the spider and had no idea of the spider. Underline the Betty’s remarks from line to line 22 and read them aloud 1.Kill it!(jumping in fright, and then shouting) 2.Why?You are not frightened of it, Winston ,are you? 3.Not really,(she sighs.)but I suppose you are going to tell me anyway. 4.No, I didn’t know that. 5.So everyone is happy except the insects. Betty’s attitude towards spiders From She began to understand the spiders are farmer’s friends. To changed 1. Why did Betty jump in fright? 2. What were Winston’s views on spiders before he watched the programme? 3. What happened to spiders in winter before farmers built shelters for them? Because she saw a spider. He thought they were nasty and dangerous. Most of them did not survive. She wasn’t interested in Winston's talk about spider. She still thinks spiders are nasty and should be killed because she thinks their bites are dangerous. She got Winston’s point and realized people should respect useful creatures and protect them. 1.(Looking bored) Interesting, but now I must go and… 2.What? 3. I still think spiders are nasty and should be killed. Their bites are dangerous, aren’t they? 4.That’s good news for you ,then.(she laughs.) But seriously, I get your point, Winston. We should try to understand things in nature and not destroy them 4. Why are the insects not happy? 5. How did Betty feel about Winston’s talk about spiders? 6. What probably happened to the spider that Betty and Winston saw? Why? Because they may be eaten by the spiders. She felt bored. It probably was not killed and ran away, because spiders are useful creatures. • 1.be not frightened of it • 2.useful creatures • 3.watch a TV programme • 4.completely change my view about spiders • 5.I suppose • 6.the enemies of insects • 7.the friends of humans • 8.build shelters for spiders • 9.put them all over their fields • 10.be like little tents • 11.survive winter in them • 1.不怕它 • 2.有用的生物 • 3.看一个电视节目 • 4.彻底改变我对蜘蛛 的看法 • 5.我想 • 6.昆虫的敌人 • 7.人类的朋友 • 8.为蜘蛛建巢 • 9.把它们放在田间各 个角落 • 10.就像小帐篷 • 11.熬过了冬天 • 12.emerge healthy and hungry • 13.attack the farmer’s crops • 14.fill their empty stomachs • 15.their fields have been protected • 16.the natural method of pest control • 17. It is being copied all over the world • 18. stronger than steel • 19. lighter that a feather • 20.as elastic as a rubber band • 21.make their webs with • 22.develop a material • 23.have similar properties • 24.plan to use it in spacecraft • 25.artificial organs like hearts 12.出来了 健健康康但又饥 肠辘辘 13.袭击农民的庄稼 14.填饱了他们空空肚子 15.他们的田野收受到保护 16.害虫控制的自然方法 17.被全世界效仿 18.比钢铁还要硬 19.比羽毛还要轻 20.像橡皮筋一样有弹性 21.用来织网的丝 22.开发一种材料 23.有相似的属性 24.计划用在宇宙飞船上 25.像心脏一样的人造器官 • 26.做出真正的防弹背心 • 27.蜘蛛很恶心 • 28.它们咬人会很危险 • 29.人几乎没有什么危险 • 30.他们的毒汁有用 • 31.被用来治疗精神错乱 • 32.我明白你的意思了 • 33.了解自然界的生物 26.make really bulletproof vests 27.spiders are nasty 28.Their bites are danerous 29.to people, rarely 30.their poison is useful 31.be used to treat brain disorders 32.I get your point. 33. understand things in nature • 1.不怕它 • 2.有用的生物 • 3.看一个电视节目 • 4.彻底改变我对蜘蛛的看法 • 5.我想 • 6.昆虫的敌人 • 7.人类的朋友 • 8.为蜘蛛建巢 • 9.把它们放在田间各个角落 • 10.就像小帐篷 • 11.熬过了冬天 12.出来了 健健康康但又饥 肠辘辘 13.袭击农民的庄稼 14.填饱了他们空空肚子 15.他们的田野收受到保护 16.害虫控制的自然方法 17.被全世界效仿 18.比钢铁还要硬 19.比羽毛还要轻 20.像橡皮筋一样有弹性 • 26.做出真正的防弹背心 • 27.蜘蛛很恶心 • 28.它们咬人会很危险 • 29.人几乎没有什么危险 • 30.他们的毒汁有用 • 31.被用来治疗精神错乱 • 32.我明白你的意思了 • 33.了解自然界的生物 21.用来织网的丝 22.开发一种材料 23.有相似的属性 24.计划用在宇宙飞船 上 25.像心脏一样的人造 器官 • 1. an opinion about something • 2. a shelter made of cloth for people to sleep in • 3.to continue to live despite difficulties • 4.creature that destroys plants or food • 5.able to stretch and then return to its original shape • 6.not real ,made to copy something natural • 7.able to stop bullets • 8.horrible ,unpleasant 1.View 2.Tent 3. Survive 4.Pest 5.Elastic 6.Artificial 7.Bulletproof 8.nasty Summary Spiders are not___________. They_________  winter by living in _________built by farmers.  In spring, they eat _________that attack  farmers’ __________. They make webs  with___________, which is __________,  ________ and__________. Scientists plan to  use spider silk in__________, etc.  Their  poison can be used to treat________  _________. Therefore, spiders  are___________ of insects and __________ of  humans. insects survive shelters insects crops silk strong light elastic spacecraft brain disorders enemies friends We should try to understand things in nature  and not destroy them. Find the answers to these questions by reading the article from line 25 to line 40 1.Did betty start to like spiders after Winston told her that spiders are farmers’ friends? How do you know that? She disliked the spiders because she thought spiders were nasty and should be killed. 2. Betty thought spiders bites’ are dangerous. What did Winston do to deal with Betty ‘s misunderstanding about them? Winston explained to her that spiders bites are dangerous to insects rarely to people. 3.What is Betty‘s attitude towards spiders in the end? She began to understand spiders in nature and not destroy them

资料: 3.2万


