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• Spring is in the air. • It is time to go outside and do some gardening. •It is . •It is time to stay inside and do some learning. The natural world Plants the interesting world of plants learn to care for plants The natural world Animals /Creatures Creatures large and small “Of all the creatures large and small, I love the spider most.” Spiderman Facts or Myths about the spider The spider is an insect. Goliath birdeater the largest spider body lengths up to 90 mm and leg spans up to 250 mm Some spiders are enormous. Some have the appetite for lizards and birds. Betty Winston a kitchen talk between What are the basic elements of a play? • characters/actors • costumes • scenes/settings • script/lines/dialogues • stage directions Practise the lines with each other. Pay attention to the stage directions. script reading Words that you may have difficulty pronouncing excerpt /ˈek.sɜːpt/ creature /ˈkriː.tʃər/ shelter /ˈʃel.tər/ emerge /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/ feather /ˈfeð.ər/ elastic /iˈlæs.tɪk/ artificial /ˌɑː.tɪˈfɪʃ.əl/ organ /ˈɔː.ɡən/ poison /ˈpɔɪ.zən/ Practise the lines with each other. Pay attention to the stage directions. Underline the characters’ opinions on spiders. In Betty’s opinion, spiders were _______________. lfrightening line 1 linsects line 4 lnasty, dangerous and should be killed line 33 lworth knowing and understanding line 39 Betty changed her views on spiders, after having a chat with Winston. Winston convinced Betty into accepting his ideas. Line 5 “Spiders are very useful creatures.” Line 11 “Spiders are the enemies of insects and the friends of humans.” Line 26 (spiders’ silk is)“…stronger than steel, lighter than a feather and as elastic as a rubber band.” Line 35 “But even their poison is useful.” How to convince? examples of spiders’ usefulness & values (SUV) SUV 1: a natural method of pest control Chinese farmers believe the spread of spiders will make the world a better place. emerge shelter emergin g economy (BRICS) SUV 2: properties of spiders’ magic silk artificial organs bulletproof vests cosmonauts astronauts taikonauts strong light elastic strong light elastic strong light elastic SUV 3: medical application of the poison “Bitten by my favorite creature!” SUV +: magical application of the poison a summary of the SUV (Spiders’ Usefulness and Values) In the field of agriculture In the field of science A: material science medicine or physiology Spiders eat insects, which serves as a natural method of pest control. Materials with similar properties to spiders’ silk are used in spacecraft, artificial organs and bulletproof vests. B: Spiders’ poison can treat brain disorders in humans. Friend or Enemy? • Spiders take away lives of insects. • Spiders save lives of crops, cosmonauts, astronauts, taikonauts, patients, policemen and so on. • Spiders are enemies of insects and friends of humans. “Just because I don’t speak doesn’t mean I cannot act. Give me some lines and I will also shine even better than Betty.” Sincerely, the Spider of the Kitchen Winston and the Spider the Real Play • actors Winstons & Spiders • costumes JC Yellow, the new black • scene most beautiful campus in Shanghai • script with stage directions Winter, an unknown field in an unknown part of China. (There seems to be a banyan tree, or a mountain with odd peaks, or a Tibetan temple, or a twisting wall in a distance.) A shrunken(缩小的) Winston enters a big tent to stay away from the freezing cold. He stands in the middle of the structure, surrounded by spiders. One spider comes up to talk with him. scene nThe whole script is divided into 2 pages. Choose either page. Make sure you and your mate are on the same page. uComplete the page with words from the text or your own intelligence. uCompare your answers with those of your mates’. uPerform the play with attention to the stage directions. 1 Winston 2 shelter 3 survive 4 spring 5 emerge 6 starve = be hungry 7 pesticides 8 pest control 9 spacecraft 10 similar properties 11 feather 12 elastic 13 bulletproof 14 artificial organs 15 poison 16 treat brain disorders in humans answers for reference Perform the play with stage directions. Spider: (RAISING ONE OF ITS 8 LEGS) Good day, Mr…? Winston: (WAVING HAND) Good day, just call me Winston . Spider: I am the spider. Welcome, Winston, my friend, to our humble house. Winston: Thank you. Well, what a lovely house decorated with (LOOKING AROUND)… minimalism. Spider: Yes, it is indeed very simple, but we appreciate the farmers building this shelter for us. We survive the winter in this tent. Winston: (RUBBING HANDS) Sorry for the poor creatures out there! So, what do you do during the winter? Spider: We rest and wait for the new year with patience and optimism, as one of your poets said, “if winter comes, can spring be far behind?”. Winston: (THUMBS UP) Wow, it is a pleasure to talk with a genius like you! Spider: (IGNORING HIS COMMENTS) When spring comes, we emerge healthy and hungry. Farmers want us to survive and starve as well. This way, we can eat the insects and the crops are kept from destruction. Winston: That’s killing insects with spiders instead of pesticides – a natural method of pest control. I can’t help admiring the wisdom of the Chinese people. Spider: I can’t agree with you more. It is even wiser of them to use our silk in spacecraft. China is the third country to send man into space, isn’t it? Winston: Yes, I know the word “taikonaut”. But, as for “silk-naut”…it is a bit beyond my imagination. Spider: Well, it is not the SILK itself. Actually, it is some magic material with similar properties to our silk. Winston: (BEING CURIOUS) What are the properties? Spider: (PROUDLY) Being stronger than steel, lighter than a feather, and as elastic as a rubber band! Not only in space, our silk also serves man on earth. Winston, your name reminds me of… Winston: Churchill, Winston Churchill. People always say that. Spider: And you are British. Winston: As British as I can. Spider: I am very sorry for the terrorist attack outside your Parliament. But you know, people’s attempt to understand the workings of our silk has led to the development of bulletproof vests and artificial organs. And, if necessary, we can even bite the terrorists. Winston: (SMILING) That’s very sweet of you, but I don’t think terrorists will faint at the sight of a spider. Spider: (RAISING ONE OF THE LEGS) Winston, my friend, it is not the appearance but the poison that matters. Doctors use it to treat brain disorders in humans. Winston: Oh, I see. (REMEMBERING SOMETHING)Ah, that is also good news for me. I don’t know how I got shrunken. Maybe you can give me a bite and have me completely restored. Spider: Well, I am not sure about this but it’s worth trying. (BITING WINSTON) a bite of the spider spiders’ usefulness and values a bite of plays elements and playfulness I English.

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