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From Oct. 31st to Nov.4th, we _______________ the ___________ military training in the Oriental Land 5-day took part in joined in participated in had obey cooperation improve put out strict attend rescue talents (feel ) on top of the world deal with realize cheerfully set up escape strengthen perseverance develop achievements Time lessons or activities Feelings or gains _____ the first day go there by bus; meet the ______instructor be dressed in army uniforms ______________ the opening ceremony feel _______________ know to _____________orders on attend strict on top of the world follow /obey Day 2 hold a fire drill (消防演习) Learn many ways to ______from a fire and how to ____________ a fire run away / escape put out Day 3 Learn to _______ a tent ________the importance of unity (团结) and _________ _________ ____ friendship and _____________team spirits set up realize cooperation improve develop _____ the night of the third day take part in the 8-km march learn the importance of _____________; _____________ our willpower On perseverance (坚持) strengthen enhance (加强) Day 4 1) have a lesson about first aid (急救) 2) hold a class meeting at Knowledge Road know how to _________ wounds and _______________ those in danger in an emergency know the life story and the ______________ of the great person deal with save / rescue achievements _____ the night of the fourth day _____ such a cold night have an evening party Watch wonderful programmes many students showed their _____. The audiences watched the performance _____. On On talents cheerfully Day 5 watch a military exercise attend the closing and the award ceremony say goodbye to the instructor feel ________ happy with ourselves proud of ourselves satisfied with ourselves sad to leave it hard to say goodbye In a word, the military training ____________________ has left us an unforgettable/deep impression has benefitted us a lot. will play an important role in our life. ( 2) Complete some useful expressions or sentences from the students. 1, 6, 7, 8, 10 1.The training was so tiring _______________________________________ ( 我们一回房间 就睡着了). (翁宇鸿) 6. It __________________________________(我们花了1个小时乘 车到那儿). ( 冯知毅) that we fell asleep as soon as we came back to the room took us one hour to get there by bus 7. We should ____________ (感激)their dedication. This unforgettable experience ________________________________________ (将帮助我 不会轻易放弃有挑战性的事情). ( 曾嘉懿) 8. Before the military training, I _________________________________________ (感到如此 激动以至于我不能立刻入睡). ( 沈玉婷) appreciate felt so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep at once will help me not give up something challenging easily = will help keep me from giving up something challenging easily 10. _____________________ ( 毫无疑问) everyone has his own unforgettable experience. __________________ ( 我也 一样). ( 赵宇) There is no doubt that So have I So do I. . (3) . Put some sentences written by the students in right order. ( ★ 金疏桐; 金潘旭; 徐欢予; 张佳月; 刘士嘉; 谭荣海; 徐泽鑫; 辛炜祺 ) Last week , I went to join in a five-day military training in the Oriental Land. As for me, an unforgettable experience of mine is this military training. It has left me a deep impression. During these five days, we have learned a lot of new skills there, such as how to put out a fire, how to save others when they are in danger, how to set up a tent and so on. These skills are very useful in our daily life and they can help us when we have trouble. We also participated in some other activities. For example, we went to visit the submarine. It was very old and was made in the 1970s. But I don't think it is as good as the German U-boat in World War II. I was fascinated by them. In addition, it is important to learn how to fold the quilt because it reflects our patience, persistence, and the pursuit of the perfect spirit. Moreover, our strict instructor always reminded us of our dormitory problems. In order to avoid these problems, we did it as well as possible. When I was in trouble, I would choose to stick to working it out. In a word, with the help of teachers and instructors, my willpower has been developed and I have become more confident and increasingly willing to accept challenges. During these days everyone was in high spirits. So was I. There is no doubt that the military training is an unforgettable experience for me. Last week , I went to join in a five-day military training in the Oriental Land. As for me, an unforgettable experience of mine is this military training. It has left me a deep impression. During these five days, we have learned a lot of new skills there, such as how to put out a fire, how to save others when they are in danger, how to set up a tent and so on. These skills are very useful in our daily life and they can help us when we have trouble. We also participated in some other activities. For example, we went to visit the submarine. It was very old and was made in the 1970s. But I don‘t think it is as good as the German U-boat in World War II. I was fascinated by them. In addition, it is important to learn how to fold the quilt because it reflects our patience, persistence, and the pursuit of the perfect spirit. Moreover, our strict instructor always reminded us of our dormitory problems. In order to avoid these problems, we did it as well as possible. When I was in trouble, I would choose to stick to working it out. In a word, with the help of teachers and instructors, my willpower has been developed and I have become more confident and increasingly willing to accept challenges. During these days everyone was in high spirits. So was I. There is no doubt that the military training is an unforgettable experience for me.

资料: 3.2万


