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Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth. Section B(1a-1c+作文) Study Aims:学习目标 一. 掌握:recycle,transportation ,plastic, reusable , napkins ,tap(水龙头)等环保词汇 二. 能利用框架组织成文How to help save the earth 谈论如何做到环保。 三. 看环保公益广告,培养环保从我, 从小事做起的意识。   Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth. Watch an ad. What is it talking about? What can we do to help? What can we do to help save the earth? Rank these items from the easiest(1) to the most difficult(5). ___ stop riding in cars ___ recycle books and paper ___ turn off the lights when you leave a room ___ turn off the shower while you are washing your hair ___ don’t use paper napkins 5 4 1 3 2 1a Recycling paper is really easy. I agree. But it’s hard to stop riding in cars. 1b Compare your answers in 1a with your partner. ___ turning off the lights ___ turning off the shower ___ taking your own bags when shopping ___ not using paper napkins ___ not riding in cars ___ riding a bike ___ recycling paper ___ not using paper napkins 1c √ √ √ √ √ Things Julia and Jack talk about Things Julia is doing now Things Julia will do in the future Things Julia would never do ___ turning off the lights ___ turning off the shower ___ not using paper napkins ___ taking your own bags when shopping. ___ not riding in cars ___ riding a bike ___ recycling paper 1d √ √ √ √ √ Listen again and answer the questions. 1. Who read a book? 2. Would Julia turn off the shower when she is washing the hair? 3. Does Jack live close to school? Jack. No, she would never do that. Yes, he does. 1e We really shouldn’t use paper napkins, you know. I know. I stopped using them last year. Match them with the same meaning. 1. Turn off the lights when you leave a room. 2. Turn off the shower when you are washing your hair. 3. Don’t ride in cars. 4. Use reusable napkins . a. Turn off the shower after using it. b. Go by bike or on foot. c. Stop using paper napkins. d. Turn off the lights when you don’t use them. 1d 2a 3b 4c Match them with the same meaning. 1.Bring your own bags to go shopping 2.Keep the public places clean 3. Use public transportation 4.Recycle waste paper and never use wooden chopsticks a.Use reusable bags instead of plastic bags b.Take a bus or ride a bike instead of driving c.Throw rubbish into the bin d.Plant more trees and stop cutting them down 1a 2c 3b 4d 列举环保建议的动词: ·stop … ·plant… ·turn off … ·use… ·don’t use… • take… • waste… • keep… • recycle … --We __________ rubbish everywhere,we must_____________ bin please . What should we do? shouldn’t throw put the litter in the --We should_____________________ electricity as much as possible. --Don’t forget to ____________________________whe n you don’t use them. save/protect turn off the lights We have to stop _______________bags. --And we should __________________ bags when we go shopping. using plastic take/use our own We need to _______ or ________. It’s good for health. walk ride a bike --We shouldn’t_________________water. --You are supposed to_____________ after using it. waste turn off the taps We should ___________ trees. And we must___________ old books. plant recycle 2014丹东中考英语小作文:列举五条环保建 议 1.回收废纸,旧书 2.洗完头关掉水龙头 3.不用纸巾 4 .多种树,停止砍伐 5.不浪费水 6.不乱扔垃圾 1. recycle paper or old books 2. turn off the shower after washing our hair 3. stop using napkins 4. plant more trees and stop cutting them down 5. don’t waste water 6. throw rubbish in the bin 小结:Can you show us? 一人背其他人听并打 “√ ”。表中没有的动词写下来。 turn off stop reuse save recycle waste … protect, bring, take, throw, put 6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周 围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严 重。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习, 生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又 使环境污染越来越严重。请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ” 为题写一篇倡议书。 提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重;2.砍 伐森林严重;3. 大气污染严重;4. 白色垃 圾等。 要求:至少:3---4个方面 80字左右的。 How to 类作文框架 • First… • Next… • Then … • And … • We also… • At last… 环保、低碳生活类作文内容分析 环保、低碳生活类作文一般都会从三个方面进行内 容要点要求: 1.陈述环保重要性或现状 It is very important to protect our environment. 2. 具体做法 We should plant more flowers and trees. 3. 感受或希望 。 I hope our world will be more and morebeautiful. Let’s take actions. 完成大小两篇作文,互批,上交。 小作文,写出6条环保的建议。 Thank you ! Enjoy Michael Jackson’s Earth Song .

资料: 3.2万


