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Unit 13 We are trying to save the earth! Language goals: Learn some words and expressions about air pollution. Be able to talk about this topic. Air pollution Lead in: Look and think What is the weather like in the picture? Why is it like that? The air has been polluted seriously. Presentation : Look and think What has caused air pollution? forest fires street barbecue Practice : Look, think and say. What other human activities have caused air pollution? burning coal waste gas from cars throwing away rubbish and waste smoking Practice : Make a list in pairs. What has caused air pollution? burning coal waste gas from cars throwing away rubbish and waste smoking Discussion Group work What should we do to cut down air pollution? Everyone should play a part in cutting down air pollution. Production1 Listen and complete the sentences Kinds of pollution Problems What has caused the problem? air pollution The air is ___________ There are more cars on the road. Factories that ________ pollute the air with black smoke. _________ There’s too much ______ ___________ in the streets. Every day people are ______________ things. They’re also __________ in public places. land pollution badly polluted rubbish and waste burn coal throwing away littering Problems Ways to solve the problems air pollution waste pollution wooden chopsticks or plastic forks rubbish take the bus, subway or ride a bike instead of driving. bring a bag to go shopping. use chopsticks or forks at home. throw rubbish in the bins. Production 2 Read 2d and find out what Susan and Jason do to solve the pollution problems. Production 3 Complete the article. Our town used to be beautiful and peaceful . The river _________(以前是) clean. The sky used to be blue. The ground used to be covered with green trees and grass. But now the environment has changed a lot because of human activities. We have serious______________(环境问题). The most serious problem is that the air is____________(被严重污染). The air in my place is always foggy and hazy. We hardly ever see blue skies. …. Summary Reduce, reuse and recycle Our actions can make a big difference. Air pollution can be cut down soon! Homework Write down at least 5 human activities that have caused air pollution. Write down at least 6 ways to improve the air pollution.

资料: 3.2万


