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八年级(下)Units 1-2 冀教版八年级下册英语期末复习课件(1) shower neither plenty instead rabbit until cover storm test dry purpose consideration considerate filled rose risen  dirty windy larger  largest small basic weather report plenty of hundreds of be scared of  play on the swing long for turn around hold on come down give…a push fill…with… turn into take energy from… log onto  make sure keep…away from close up open up look after  by the way  in the bottom of… in the middle of at the top of… in a word  one by one all year round as…as… for sure best of all neither nor won't  until turn  into In  a  word have  fun  When   it scared  that  Wherever   with What's the weather like today/How's the weather today What's the temperature B B C raised money C D B D not  only   has Neither  of D A cry   instead D  B C Don't  until  didn't until C C filled filled/full   with/of C B  C B A A  A as   possible D C  A A D really  windy fast   pleased doing meaningless didn't until  A B A A  northern  largest drying rabbits shower  What's  like How  fast Does  read How  long There will be some showers this afternoon. neither  nor won't until  longs  for   can't without  make balance think  fresh around longs nearly neither  In plenty of Because 第一篇 教材系统复习  考点精练九 八年级(下) Units 1-2 D B D B C B A C impossible B B B B B B A C A  D B B Both of them had planted many different plants in their gardens. 但是这位退休教师的植物好好地长在它们原来生长的地方。 The retired teacher's plants. That is why my plants survived. They looked better than the teacher's./They were much bigger and greener than the teacher's. nineth healthy believing to climb doing went Luckily visitors spoken themselves C A A D B

资料: 8611


