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九年级(全)Units 3-4 冀教版九年级英语复习课件(2) necessary town shoulder rock earthquake object rule expect compare passage although single express knock neck safety seriously certainly ugly loudly aloud hung  lay  lain lied expectation stuck burned/burnt spread them themselves salty knives wounded musical  musician  humorous suddenly training be careful jump up run after jump out go down take off stick out of  put out stay calm pull over keep an eye out for bring down compared with…  make one's living dive into… run away pass by knock down break out in blossom  stretch out  in time  at once a set number of all of a sudden once upon a time  no longer ever since…  that lay kept away from Be sure  protect from the  nineteenth truly  policy great  characters that's not necessary stand on the chair Sorry,I won't which one to write It's my favourite story  D care  careless carefully careful take  care  of  B A A to treat wishes expected  to expect  that A A Compared compare to A D more more The  higher the  farther A C A loud  loudly aloud D D C B D D C B carefully impolite bsent A C D A salty A musician stranger seriously burned/burnt safety Is anything Don't  use  didn't   she  So  do spent  working ran  away by  accident took  off  passed  by  stay/keep  calm scared turned  run him broke out with no back knocked playground 第一篇 教材系统复习  考点精练十四 九年级(全) Units 3-4 C D A B B B B stay calm C B B D A B C D A B A C D B B C  A A cities will hurt yourself safest  Stay away building clearer fallen first should  more more take action make promises look  up reminds of

资料: 8611


