人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 11-12)

人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 11-12)


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教材系统复习 考点精讲 人教版九年级 Units 11-12 friendship king banker pale queen examine nor palace grey lemon uncomfortable shoulder goal coach kick courage pull agreement disappoint backpack block worker burn alive airport till west cream pie bean market fool cancel believable disappear powerful weigh ladies wealthy officer official drove driven nodded nodding discovery overslept agreement disagree   disappointed expected unexpected alive lively uncomfortable comfortably below costume party would rather leave out call in give…a lift show up to start with let…down kick sb.off be hard on sb. pull together sell out drive sb.crazy/mad take one ' s position keep one ' s eyes on go off in line with by the end of by the time neither…nor… rather than find out make sb.crazy/mad look at sb. be going to what ' s more what to do about The more the more badly feel like eating Neither nor whatever too hard on yourself so close to winning is full of about to in line with left at home as much as     they     could I ' d    rather     go listen     to When people throw rubbish on the streets , it makes me angry. What happened ? I overslept. A B relaxed understood C C C D A A B B D C D A C A A B B B D A B C C be cancelled agreement disappear overslept unexpected weight 考点精练 二十  九年级Units 11-12 C C C B D A B B D D B A D A C A B C D B C B C A B does she be done young enough if/whether watered How soon Europe square ago skate growing Unforgettable

资料: 8611


