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山西省太原市部分学校 2018-2019 学年下学期七年级英语期中试卷分类汇编 任务型阅读 2018-2019 山西省太原市初一第二学期期中英语试卷 D 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词。1-4 题,每空一词,请将第 5 题译成汉语。 How do you get to school? Different students get to school in different ways. The following students are talking about their ways to get to school. I usually go to school by bike, because my home isn't far from my school. It's only 10 minutes' ride on my bike. I can also have a good talk with my friends on the way to school. It's so relaxing. When it rains or snows heavily. my dad drives me to school in his car. ---Jane I am in Grade 7. I usually go to school from Monday to Friday. My home is near the school, so every day I usually get to school on foot, and it's one of the best ways of exercise. ---Tom My home is on a busy street. It is not easy to take the bus to school. Luckily, there is a subway from my home to school. I need only 5 minutes to get to school by subway. ---Emily My home is about 10 kilometers from my school. First, I walk quickly for about 15 minutes to the bus stop. Then I take a bus for 30 minutes. After that, I have to walk fast for 10 minutes again. On the way to school, I am just like a horse keeping running. I want to get to school on time. I really hope to have a house near my school. ---Erie 61. _____ do the four students get to school? Jane When it rains or snows heavily. her father 62. ______ her to school. Tom He goes to school 63. _________ days a week. He usually walks. Emily It 64. ________ her only 5 minutes to school by subway. Eric "A horse keeping running"means(意思是)65. _______ in Chinese. 【考点】题目定位,固定句型,短句翻译。 【难度星级】★★ 61【答案】How 【解析】文章整篇在说四名学生的上学方式,结合问句应该是 How. 62【答案】drives 【解析】原句“my dad drives me to school in his car. ”可知应是 drives. 63【答案】five 【解析】原文中 Monday-Friend 共五天,所以是 five. 64【答案】takes 【解析】原文是“I need only 5 minutes to get to school by subway. ”换用题干中的表达是 It takes sb. some time to do sth. 所以是 takes. 65【答案】一匹不停奔跑的马 【解析】形容 Eric 走得快。 E 阅读下面短文,简要答所给问题,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。 Welcome! Enjoy the fun of studying science in beautiful sunshine! 2019 Sunshine Science Summer Camp(夏令营)opens on June 30th. And we have two months for the camp. All children aged 7-14 are welcome. Here is the timetable. Time Things to do Places 8:30---8:50 Breakfast Room 501 9:00---10:50 Bird Learning Ruby Park 11:00---12:30 Free time a. Sports: ball games b. Music: sing and dancing The gym (the 1st floor) (the 2nd floor) 12:30---13:00 Lunch Room 501 13:30---15:30 Computer class Room 201 15:40---16:40 DIY class Room 301 17:00---18:00 Swimming The beach 18:30---21:00 Free activities Everywhere in the camp 22:00 Bedtime Room 401-405 66. When does 2019 Sunshine Science Summer Camp open? 67. Where do the students there have breakfast? 68. How long is a computer class? 69. Can students make model planes or cars in the DIY class? 70. Do you want to join the summer camp? Why or why not? 【考点】题目定位,一般、特殊疑问句的回答 【难度星级】★★ 66【答案】On June 30th. 【解析】原文第一段第二行。 67【答案】At Room 501. 【解析】根据图表可知。 68【答案】2 hours. 【解析】根据图表可知是 13:30-15:30,故为 2 hours. 69【答案】Yes, they can. 【解析】DIY 是“Do it yourself”的缩写,结合问题可知是肯定回答。 70【答案】Yes, I do. Because I want to take part in these activities. 【解析】开放性问题,意思合理、无语法错误即可。 2018-2019 山西省太原五育中学初一第二学期期中英语试卷 请阅读下面非连续性文本,按要求完成所给任务。 We did a survey about different kinds of transportation in Taiyuan last week. We asked students about their favorite kinds of transportation. Here are some of the results. We can get some information from the data( 数 据 ) and know how middle school students get to school. Some students come to school by bike. Bikes are cheap and convenient. Some students like cars because they are safer than bikes. Cars are also faster than bikes and buses. Among some students, buses are not popular, because they often have more passengers (旅客) . Buses are also dirtier and more crowded(拥 挤) However. not many people can afford(买得起) a car. Car pooling (拼车) is also a kind of way to school. Ways of transportation in Taiyuan In the US car pools are a very common(普遍的) way for many students to get to school. “BEEP, beep,” goes the car horn(喇叭). You run out of your home with your schoolbag, and jump into the waiting car. In the car, your friends say “hey”. This is the daily car pool to school. Usually, four friends share a car. Parents may take turns to drive you all to school. What do friends do in the car? If you didn’t have time for breakfast at home, you can eat in the car. If you don’t finish your homework, this is your last chance to finish it before class. Some students just sleep a little more before classes begin. If you can’t take the school bus, car pooling is a green way of transportation (交通). Parents don’t need to drive four cars to take four students to school each day, they can all get into one. More importantly, car pooling teaches students important life lessons such as the responsibility ( 责任) of being on time. If you’re late, then all of your friends will be late too. Questions: 46. From the chart(图表), what kind of transportation do students like most? 47. Who drives the students to school in the US? 48. In the passage, the underlined(划线的) word “it” refers to(指) 49. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (不超过 25 个汉字) 50. What do you think of car pooling? 【考点】任务型阅读特殊疑问句、代词、英译汉 【难度星级】★★★ 46【答案】By bike. 【解析】根据图表所示,很直观就能看出来。 47【答案】Parents. 【解析】由文中第二段最后一句可知。 48【答案】homework 【解析】前文提到的没有完成家庭作业就要在车里完成。 49【答案】如果你不能乘公交车,拼车就是一种绿色的交通方式。 【解析】略 50【答案】I think it is a green way for us to go to school. Because it can save much energy. 【解析】开放性问题,意思合理,没有语法错误即可。 2018~2019 学年第二学期期中考试七年级英语 (D) 阅读下面短文,在下面的横线上填入与文章意思最符合的内容,并将答案写在答题卡相 应的位置上。61 一 64 小题每空一词,65 小顺不超过 8 个汉字。 Hi, I’m J ane. I’m thirteen years old. I’m a middle school student. But I don’t feel happy. Because they are too many rules for me --- class rules, family rules, dining hall rules and museum rules. In our class, we must hand in our homework on line. We mustn’t arrive late for class. And we can’t eat or drink in the classroom. At home, I can't watch TV from Monday to Friday. I have to do my homework first when I get home. It is a little difficult for me. And then I have to walk my dog. I must go to bed by ten o’ clock. In our dining hall, we can't be noisy. And we must eat up all my food. In our museum, we mustn’t take photos. And we can’t run here and there. Rules, rules, rules! They are terrible! What can I do? Actually I know that I saying goes, no rules, nothing stands. So we have to obey the rules to have a better future. Too Many Rules for Me Class rules Hand in our homework on time and we can’t be 61 Kangaroos live in Australia, They can’t run or walk. But they can jump very fast. Baby kangaroos can’t jump and they can’t see, A young kangaroo is always in its mother’s pouch (育儿袋) for the first six months. They can see when they are nine weeks Old. They can jump when they are eight months old. Family rules I can just watch TV on the 62 Do my homework first when I get home. It is not 63 for me. Dining hall rules We can’t make too much 64 Museum rules We mustn’t take photos and run everywhere. Conclusion (结论) Please translate “no rules, nothing stands” into Chinese. 65 (不超过 8 个汉字) 解析: 61. late. 由 “We mustn’t arrive late for class.”可以得出答案。 62.weekand. 根据文章“At home, I can't watch TV from Monday to Friday.”可知答案。 63. easy. 由文章“It is a little difficult for me.”,可得知答案。 64. noisy.从“In our dining hall, we can't be noisy.” 可知答案。 65. 没有规矩不成方圆。直译“没有规则,没有什么能够立得住”。 (E) 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,简要回答所给问题,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。 Camels live in the desert. They can close their long noses to keep out the sand. Camels have humps on their back--- some have one and some have two. Humps do carry water. They carry food. 66. How many kinds of animals are mentioned (提到) above? 67. Can young kangaroos see when they are nine weeks old? China is home to pandas. Most of them live in Sichuan Province. They live in the forest with the Help of scientists and keeper there. But there are not many pandas in World, because people cut down the trees. Also, they can’t have their Babies easily. Let’s help them, now! 68 What does the underline (线的) word “humps” mean in Chinese? 69 Why are there not many pandas in the world? 70. What other animals do you like? Why? 解析: 66. Three kinds. 文中共出现了“kangaroo, camel and panda”三种动物。 67. Yes, they can.根据文章第一个框第三行可知答案。 68. 驼峰 由文章第二个框“on their back”可得知答案。 69. Because people cut down the trees and they can’t have their babies easily. 70. I like dogs, because they are loyal and friendly. 开放性题目,答案仅供参考。 太原市外国语学校 2018-2019 学年第二学期七年级期中考试英语试卷 VI. 阅读理解(二)(共 10 小理,毎小题 2 分,满分 20 分) A 请阅读下面文本,按要求完成所给的任务。 In many middle schools, students must wear the school uniform on school days. Do they like to wear the uniform? What do they think of that rule? Zhao Li is a 12-ycar-old girl from No. l Middle School. She says, “I don't like my school uniform because it is not beautiful at all. Everyone has his own favourite color. I think we girls should wear some colorful clothes.” Guo Kai, also a middle school student, has a different idea. He says, “I like my school uniform. It looks cool. All my friends think so and we follow the rule every day.” Zhang Ye, a 13-year-old girl, says, “I have to wear the school uniform on school days. I think it's a good rule. It helps me save( 节 省 )time. Before. 1 didn't know what to wear every morning and I was always worried about this. It took me lots of time to choose the clothes, so I was always late for school. Now I wear the school uniform every day, and I’m happy that I have more time to do other things.” 51 What clothes does Zhao Li want to wear? 52.1n the passage, the underlined word “ it” refers to (指的是) 53.Why docs Zhang Ye like the rule? 54. please translate the underlined sentence Into Chinese. (不超过 15 个汉字) 55. Do you like wearing the uniform? Why? 解析: 51. 根据题目关键词 Zhao Li want to wear 定位到文章第二段。答案为 Zhao Li want to wear some colorful clothes. 52. 根据题目关键词 it 定位到文章第三段。答案为:School uniform。 53. 根据题目关键词 Zhang Ye 定位到文章最后一段。答案为:It helps me save time. 54. 答案为:在上学的时候我不得不穿校服。 55. 开 放 习 题 。 答 案 ①Yes, I like. Because I think it help me save time. ② No , I don’t like………… B 阅读下面文章,在表格中填入适当的单词,完成相关信息(不超过 15 个汉字) Qingming Festival, also called Tomb Sweeping Day. usually falls on April 4 or 5. It is a special day when people remember their ancestors (祖先). This year, the holiday falls on April 5. It is a traditional Chinese holiday. On this day, tomb sweeping(扫墓)is one of the most important activities. Families bring flowers, food and wine to the tombs( 墓 )of their ancestors. They sweep dusk (尘土)off the tombs, put food in front of the tombs and pray(祈祷). Why do Chinese people have this tradition? It’s because people believe that visiting tombs during Qingming Festival is a good way to show respect( 尊 重 )to their dead( 去 世 的 )family members. In addition to sweeping tombs, people also go outside and start doing outdoor activities. Families often get together to fly kites or climb mountains at this time. Qingming Festival-----a special day for people to 56. their ancestors When is it? This year, it falls on 57._____________. What do people do? Families bring flowers, food and wine 58. __________the tombs of t heir ancestors. First, they sweep dust. Then, they put food in front of the tombs and pray. Why do people do this? Because people want to show respect to their dead 59.____________ members. What other things do people do? It is also a good time to go outside and start doing outdoor activities, like flying kites or 60. _________ mountains. 解析: 56. 答案:remember。定位到文章第一段“It is a special day when people remember their ancestors”。 57. 答案:April 5。定位到文章第一段“This year, the holiday falls on April 5.” 58. 答案:to。定位到文章第二段“Families bring flowers, food and wine to the tombs(墓)of their ancestors.” 59. 答案:family。定位到文章第三段“show respect(尊重)to their dead(去世的)family members.” 60. 答案:climb。定位到文章最后一段“fly kites or climb mountains。” 太原志达中学志达中学 2018-2019 学年初一英语下期中试卷 VI.阅读理解(二)(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,简要回答短文后提出的问题。 Oink, oink! Here comes the Year of the Pig. Pigs are also important in our life. People kill them for their meat and skin. The meat makes the dishes delicious. And most of our shoes and bags are made of their skin. What other things do you know about pigs? We sometimes say "Stupid( 愚蠢 的) like a pig" is that right? No! In fact, pigs are one of the smartest animals in the world. They can swim well and remember things for a long time. Scientists in the United States even find that pigs can learn to use some easy tools quickly. Their long noses are very great, too. With them, some pigs can learn to play games on computers and help people do some difficult work like finding the food in the mud (泥土) or the drugs(毒品) in the airport. Pigs are always dirty. If you like TV shows, you must know Peppa Pig, a little pink pig. She likes to take a shower in the mud. Do you know why? Because it can make her away from the sun and the insects(昆虫). Aren’t the pigs smart? The pigs are fat and have big ears. These make people always think that they are the symbols of luck and money. When we are children, many of us have a "piggy bank"--a small box like the pig to save money. It helps us know the importance of money. 61. Why do people kill pigs? _________________________________________________________________ 62. Pigs' noses are great. Give us one or two examples(例子). _________________________________________________________________ 63. How do the pigs keep away from the sun and the insects? _________________________________________________________________ 64. What is the "piggy bank"? _________________________________________________________________ 65. Do you like pigs? Why? _________________________________________________________________ 【考点】题目定位,一般、特殊疑问句的回答 【难度星级】★★ 61【答案】Because people want their meat and skin. 【解析】原文第一段第一、二行 People kill them for their meat and skin. 62【答案】They can help people do some difficult work like finding the food in the mud or the drugs in the airport. 【解析】原文第二段第四行。 63【答案】They like to take a shower in the mud. 【解析】原文第二段倒数第二句可知,注意切换主语单复数。 64【答案】A small box like the pig to save money. 【解析】原文最后一段倒数第二行。 65【答案】Yes, I do. Because I think they are cute and funny. 【解析】开放性问题,意思合理、无语法错误即可。

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