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1 Go For It! Unit 8 When is your birthday? Period 4: Section B 2a- 3b Ⅰ. Teaching aims 1.Knowledge and skills Have students master the phrases of school activities. Have students learn about some festivals and the dates. Have students learn to talk about what school activities they like and tell the reason. 2.Procedure and methods Develop students’ abilities of reading comprehension and have students learn to write an invitation note . 3.Emotion and values Have students get to love their class and their school and live happily every day. Ⅱ. Teaching important and difficult points How to write an invitation note. Ⅲ. Teaching methods Listening, groupwork , reading and writing. Ⅳ. Teaching procedures: StepⅠ. Lead-in 1. Teacher asks “What’s the date today?” Students answer “Taday is December 15th.” 2. T: There is an important festival in December in Western 2 countries. Do you know what it is? Use this question to lead to the festivals and the dates StepⅡ. School activities learning. 1. T:We have some festivals and activities in every month. What activities do you have at school? Let’s learn the activities together. 2. Learn more activities.( activities in 2b) StepⅢ . Listening(2b) 1. Before learning to the notice , play a guess game with students. 2. Listen to the notice and circle the dates. 3. Give students several minutes to finish the chart. Check the answers together. StepⅣ.Reading(2b) 1. Ask students to read the passage carefully and answer the questions: How many activities do they have in November? How is the term? Which month has the most activities? What activities from 2b do you like?Why? Check the answers one by one. Ask several students to express what they like and why. StepⅤ. Groupwork Ask students to work in groups of four and look at the chart. Tell them take turns to retell the activities. Ask several groups to present their production. 3 StepⅥ. Writing.(3a-3b) 1. If your school has an activity, would you like to invite your friend to come? What way will you choose to tell him or her? We can write a note. 2. Ask students to complete the note of 3a. Then let students read the note together. 3. Learn how to write a note and what we should write in the note. 4. Give students several minutes to write their own notes by themselves. Then exchange their notes with their partners. Help to correct the partner’s mistakes. 5. Let some students read their notes to the class. StepⅦ. Summary and homework 1.Today we learned some school activities and how to write a note inviting your friend to come to an activity. 2. After class remember all the new words and expressions. Write a passage about an activity in our school. Do you like it? Why or why not? 板书设计 Unit 8 When is your birthday? 4 Period 4: Section B 2a- 3b 1. Do you like(have)...? 2. Please come to ... Next week/ this Friday. 3. We have a/an ... It’s on ... 4.On ..., we have a/an ...in... 在......(日期),我们在...... (某地)举行.......(活动) 5.See you there!/ Have a good time! 教学反思 本节课是一节读写课。通过前一节课的学习,我们学习了学校的活 动日程,并在作业中,让学生写出了自己学校的活动日程,这为本节 课的学习打下了基础,学生理解起来较容易。在本课中,该教学设计 先突破 3a,让学生读透 3a 重点内容,了解篇章结构,再下笔去写。 在写作前,通过设置问题,检查学生对核心句型掌握情况,了解学生 学习困难点。在写作中,对学生的细节问题进行指导。写作完成后, 让学生展示自己的写作成果,学生间相互学习,共同进步。 当然,本节课中也存在需要继续探索的问题。 1. 在写作过程中,不同层次的学生用的时间差异较大,需要老 师对各层次学生做好指导。 2.在西方国家节日拓展环节中,学生的口语水平可能达不到熟练 问答的地步,需要让学生提前做好准备。

资料: 3.2万


