7.4 Public transportation(自主练习)-2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料(解析)

7.4 Public transportation(自主练习)-2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料(解析)


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2021 届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料●模块七 Unit 4 自主练习 一、单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词的完全形式) 1.She had to __________(刹车)hard to avoid running into the car in front. 【答案】brake 【句意】她不得不猛踩刹车,以免撞上前面的车。 2.I think we must have taken a wrong __________(拐弯)somewhere. 【答案】turning 【句意】我觉得我们一定是在什么地方拐错了路。 3.Those who v__________ the law will certainly be punished. 【答案】violate 【句意】触犯法律的人必将受到惩罚。 4.—Why did you come so late for work? —I was held up for 20 minutes on the way here in the t__________ jam. 【答案】traffic 【句意】“你为什么这么晚才来上班?”“我在来的路上因为交通堵塞被耽搁了 20 分钟。” 5.The computer c__________ five times in the last few minutes and I will get it repaired tomorrow. 【答案】crashed 【句意】这台电脑在过去几分钟里死机了五次,我明天就把它修好。 6.It is dangerous for people to walk along the street with huge trucks __________(装载)with concrete running to and from. 【答案】loaded 【句意】路上有一辆载有混凝土的大型卡车来回行驶对于走路的人们来说非常危险。 7.It was a wise decision to p__________ holding the Olympic Games although many athletes thought it might cause a lot of uncertainty to their sports career. 【答案】postpone 【句意】推迟举办奥运会是一个明智的决定,尽管许多运动员认为这可能会给他们的运动生涯带来很多不 确定性。 8.In order to save money, we three share a house and s__________ all the bills. 【答案】split 【句意】为了省钱,我们三人合租了一套房子且共同分担所有费用。 9.The accident a__________ from his carelessness was serious and he __________(承担)to answer for it. 【答案】arising, undertook 【句意】由他的粗心引起的事故很严重,他答应承担责任。 10.Michael Jackson just celebrated the 25th __________(周年)of “Thriller”, the best-selling album of all time. 【答案】anniversary 【句意】迈克尔·杰克逊刚刚庆祝了史上最畅销专辑《颤栗》发行 25 周年。 11.The art festival is an __________(一年一度)event where the students can show off their talents. 【答案】annual 【句意】艺术节是一个一年一度的节日,同学们都在艺术节上施展才艺。 12.The prison governor has refused to let him go, saying he must first be given __________(授权)from his own superiors. 【答案】authority 【句意】监狱长拒绝释放他,说他必须先得到上级的授权。 13.Between the two parts of the concert there was an i__________, when audience can go and buy some snacks. 【答案】interval 【句意】音乐会的两部分中间有一段幕间休息时间,观众可以去买些小吃。 14.The possibility that there is life on other planets has always encouraged scientists to explore the __________ (外层的)space. 【答案】outer 【句意】其他行星上存在生命的可能性一直鼓励着科学家探索外层空间。 15.The activities organized by our school really gave us a __________(平台)where we learned team spirit. 【答案】platform 【句意】这些由学校组织的活动真的给我们提供了一个学习团队精神的平台。 16.—Would it be all right if I left a bit early? I don’t feel quite myself today. —By all means. The second s__________ of the meeting is just free discussion. 【答案】section 【句意】“今天我早点走可以吗?我今天感觉不太舒服。”“当然可以。会议的第二部分是自由讨论。” 17.Nowadays, rather than going out to meet people in person, more and more young people feel like socializing with others v__________ electronic devices. 【答案】via 【句意】如今,越来越多的年轻人喜欢通过电子设备与他人交往,而不是亲自出去见人。 18.Charles often attempts to escape being __________(罚款)whenever he breaks traffic regulations. 【答案】fined 【句意】每当 Charles 违反交通规则时,他总是试图逃避罚款。 19.Our facial expressions __________(传递)our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment. 【答案】convey 【句意】我们的面部表情传递我们的情绪,如愤怒、喜悦或失望。 20.Seeing their favorite star come in, the devoted fans a__________ from their seats immediately. 【答案】arose 【句意】看到他们最喜欢的明星走进来,那些忠实的影迷们立刻从座位上站了起来。 二、词性转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空) 1. I find it __________(believable)that people can accept this sort of behaviour 【答案】unbelievable 【句意】人们竟能接受这样的行为,我绝对难以置信。 2.It was an aggressive war, so the whole nation rose to resist the foreign _________(aggressive). 【答案】aggression 【句意】这是一场侵略战争,所以举国上下起来抵抗外国的侵略。 3.“Why did Ben do that?” she asked, in a __________(choke)voice. 【答案】choked 【句意】“Ben 为什么要这么做?”她用哽咽的声音问道。 4.The pupils crossed the street in security at a pedestrian _________(cross). 【答案】crossing 【句意】学生们在人行横道上安全地过了马路。 5.She cycled too fast round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. What’s more, she ran into another _________(cycle). 【答案】cyclist 【句意】她在拐角处骑得太快,失去了平衡,摔了下来。更重要的是,她撞到了另一个骑自行车的人。 6.Anyone must never drink before driving. Therefore the _________(drink)driver is responsible for the accident that happened on a foggy morning. 【答案】drunk 【句意】任何人开车前都不能喝酒。因此,醉酒司机要为发生在雾天早晨的事故负责。 7.We’re going to have this picture _________(large). 【答案】enlarged 【句意】我们准备将这张照片放大。 8.You must not sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic _________(grow). 【答案】growth 【句意】你们一定不要为了促进经济增长而牺牲环境保护。 9.I called to reserve a table for two, but the waiter told me all the tables had been reserved and I was supposed to make _________(reserve)in advance. 【答案】reservations 【句意】我打电话预订了一张两个人的桌子,但服务员告诉我所有的桌子都预订出去了,我应该提前预订。 10.He went to prison because he violated the law so he promised that he was not in _________(violate)of the law any longer. 【答案】violation 【句意】他进监狱是因为他触犯了法律,所以他保证不再触犯法律 11.These comments are not directly relevant to this __________( enquire). 【答案】enquiry 【句意】这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。 12.The __________( architect)as well as all the art works of The Forbidden City is well preserved by professional staff. 【答案】architecture 【句意】与紫禁城的艺术品一样,紫禁城的建筑也被专业人员很好地保存。 13.On the eve of her __________(depart)he gave her a little parcel. 【答案】departure 【句意】在她临行前的晚上,他给了她一个小包裹。 14.Charles Yerkes, a wealthy American businessman, undertook the job improving the system by obtaining __________(owner)of the many different lines. 【答案】ownership 【解析】一名叫查尔斯·耶基斯的美国富商通过获得许多不同线路的所有权承担起了改善整个系统的工程。 15.Is it he or you who are in charge of the job and supposed to complete it __________(punctual)? 【答案】punctually 【句意】是你还是他负责这个工作都应该准时完成这个工作? 16.__________(fortunate), due to unforeseen circumstances, this year’s show has been canceled. 【答案】Unfortunately 【句意】不幸的是,由于意外情况,今年的演出取消了。 17.Attached to the gift was a note on which he expressed his appreciation for our __________( receptionist)during his stay here. 【答案】reception 【句意】礼物上有一张纸条,上面表达了他对我们帮助他的感谢。 18.In the novel, language must be adapted to the characters who are speaking, which creates a vivid and __________(believe)character . 【答案】believable 【句意】在小说中,语言必须与说话的人物相适应,从而创造出生动可信的人物形象。 19.Seeing the __________(fortunate)girl, he couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. 【答案】unfortunate 【句意】看到那个不幸的女孩,他不禁为她感到难过。 20.In modern society, __________(punctual)is a necessary virtue. 【答案】punctuality 【句意】在现代社会中,准时是一种必备的美德。 21.More than ten thousand bird watchers visit __________(annual). 【答案】annually 【句意】每年有万余名观鸟者到访。 22.They applied for a three-day __________(postpone)of the meeting. 【答案】postponement 【句意】他们要求把会议推迟三天。 23.They were determined to drive the __________(aggressive)out of their country. 【答案】aggressors 【句意】他们决心把侵略者赶出他们的国家。 24.Everyone helped to __________(load)the luggage from the car. 【答案】unload 【句意】大家都帮着从汽车上卸行李。 25.The person in charge of the construction __________(receptionist)us. 【答案】received 【句意】工地的负责人接待了我们。 26.You can take ___________(reserve)seat in first class. 【答案】reserved 【句意】您可以坐头等舱的预定座位。 三、短语填空(用恰当的短语并用其正确的形式填空) 1.A monument was made ____________ the little hero. 【答案】in honour of 【句意】为了纪念小英雄他们立了一块纪念碑。 2.I want to know if you have ____________ where you’ll spend your holidays. 【答案】decided on/upon 【句意】我想知道你是否决定了在哪里度假。 3.Scientists can ____________ distant countries by radio or telephone. 【答案】link up 【句意】科学家可以通过无线电或电话把遥远的国家联系起来。 4.Once these difficulties were got over, the work would ____________. 【答案】speed up 【句意】一旦克服了这些困难,工作就会加快。 5.This is an illness that can ____________ total blindness if left untreated. 【答案】result in 【句意】这种疾病如果不治疗,可能导致完全失明。 6.The middle-aged man is ready to ____________ to save his son. 【答案】risk his own life 【句意】这个中年男子准备冒生命危险去救他的儿子。 7.The teacher has to ____________ the two students as they are always talking in class. 【答案】split up 【句意】老师不得不把这两个学生分开,因为他们总是上课说话。 8.It has been suggested that the school sports meet should be ____________ till next weekend because of the recent storm. 【答案】put off 【句意】由于最近有暴风雨,有人建议学校运动会推迟到下个周末举行。 9.It is reported that the only survivor in the car crash was badly injured. However, somehow the doctors managed to help him ____________. 【答案】pull through 【句意】据说车祸中唯一的生还者受了重伤。然而,医生们还是设法帮他康复了。 10.His sister asked him to ____________ the TV but she was turned down. 【答案】turn up/turn down 【解析】他的姐姐让他调高/调低电视的音量,但是她(的要求)被拒绝了。 11.It may be necessary to stop ____________ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons. 【答案】at intervals 【句意】也许有必要在学习过程中不时停下来,回顾一下课程中的难点。 12. —What do you think of the concert? —Perfect! I enjoy the last song ____________. 【答案】in particular 【句意】“你如何看待这场音乐会?”“完美! 我特别喜欢最后一首歌。” 13.The police are interviewing two men ____________ the robbery. 【答案】in connection with 【句意】警方正在审问两名与抢劫案有关的人。 14.They were surprised to find the painting buried under the ground for many years ____________. 【答案】in good condition 【句意】他们惊讶地发现这幅画埋在地下多年,完好无损。 15.These old houses dating back to the 1500s are ____________. 【答案】under repair now/in need of repair 【句意】这些可追溯到 16 世纪的老房子现在正在维修中/需要修理。 16.He realised that most of his mistakes ____________ his nervousness in the exam. 【答案】arose from 【句意】他意识到,考试中他大多数犯错误都因为他的紧张。 17.This education is aimed at _____________ combining brain work with manual labour. 【答案】is aimed at 【句意】这种教育旨在把脑力劳动和体力劳动结合起来。 18.He made the suggestion that we should ____________ the suspect’s movements. 【答案】watch out for 【句意】他建议我们要密切注意嫌疑犯的行动。 19.He sat down and waited while the operator ____________ his call. 【答案】put through 【句意】他坐下来等待接线员接通他的电话。 四、典句仿写(根据汉语句子完成英语句子,每空一词) 1.天气多好啊!为什么不出去散散步呢? What pleasant weather! ______ ______ ______ _______ ______ a walk? 【答案】Why not go out for 2.他觉得在一小时内完成这项任务非常困难。 He found _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ the task in an hour. 【答案】it very difficult to finish 3.你觉得音乐会怎么样? What _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______do you think of the concert? How do you _______ _______ ______? 【答案】do you think of the concert like/find the concert 五、语法填空(填上恰当的词) 1.My mother told me to take _______ easy and not to stay _______ late at night. 【答案】it, up 【解析】take it easy 别紧张;stay up 不睡觉,熬夜。句意:我的母亲告诉我放轻松,晚上不要熬夜。 2.Working with the medical team in Africa has brought _______ the best in her as a doctor. 【答案】out 【解析】bring out 使显现,阐明,出版。句意:在非洲同医疗队一起工作已经使她表现出了作为医生最好 的一面。 3.Mr. and Mrs. Brown would like to see their daughter settled _______, get married, and have kids. 【答案】down 【解析】settle down 安顿下来。句意:布朗先生和太太想看到他们的女儿能够安定下来,然后结婚生子。 4.The painting didn’t make much sense to me. What impressed me was that the central part of it stuck _______ for its bright color. 【答案】out 【解析】stick out 伸出来,竖起,坚持,断言。句意:这幅画对我没多大意义。令我印象深刻的是,中央 的部分,明亮的颜色尤为突出。 5.The value o f life lies not in the length of days but in the use we make _______ them. 【答案】of 【解祈】make use of 利用。句意:生命的价值不在于时间的长短而在于我们如何利用它们。 6.And he offered to give the girl a _______ home. 【答案】ride/lift 【解析】give sb. a ride/lift 让某人搭便车。句意:她主动让那个女孩搭便车回家。 7.I hate it when she calls me at work—I’m always too busy to carry _______ a conversation with her. 【答案】on 【解析】carry on 进行。句意:我讨厌她在上班的时候给我打电话。我总是太忙了不可能和她进行通话。; 8.Many businesses started up by college students have taken _______ thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation. 【答案】off 【解析】take off 起飞,成功,(事业上)腾飞。由于良好的创业环境,很多大学生创办的生意都很成功。根 据句意可知 B 正确。 9.Parents should actively urge their children to take _______ of the opportunity to join sports teams. 【答案】advantage 【解析】take advantage of 利用。句意:父母亲应该积极鼓励孩子抓住机会参加体育活动。 10.Don’t worry. I’m sure your missing glasses will turn _______ sooner or later. 【答案】up 【解析】turn up 出现,露面。句意:别担心。我相信你丢失的眼镜迟早会出现的。 11.The little things in life can make ________ difference. 【答案】a 【解析】make a difference 有影响,有关系。句意:生活中一些微乎其微的小事,让一切都变得不同。 12.The whole team count _______ Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down. 【答案】on 【解析】count on 指望。句意:全队都指望克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多,他很少让他们失望过。 13.Body language can give _______ a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive. 【答案】away 【解析】give away 泄露。句意:肢体语言在很大程度上可以暴露你的情绪。所以手折起来站着,表示你 是有防范的。 14.He took ________ deep breath as he opened the exam paperhanded to him. 【答案】a 【解析】take a deep breath 深吸一口气。句意:他打开递给他的考卷的时候,深深吸了一口气。 15.Kevin believes that traveling by bike gives people more freedom because you never have to worry ________ bus or train schedules. 【答案】about/over 【解析】worry about/over 担心……,故填 about/over。句意:凯文认为骑自行车旅行会给人更多的自由, 因为不用担心乘车的时间。 六、单项选择(从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项) 1.—_______ —Patient , careful and kind-hearted. A. What does your teacher look like? B. What’s your teacher like? C. What does your teacher like? D. How is your teacher like? 【答案】B 【解析】A 项对外貌提问;B 项对性格和外貌提问;C 项爱好提问;D 项对身体状态进行提问。句意:“你 们老师性格怎么样?”“耐心、细心还很善良。”根据回答句可知是对对方的性格进行提问,故 B 项正确。 2.—Let’s go to the New Year’s Eve party, shall we? —_______ I guess it will be fun. A. Forget it! B. No way! C. Why not? D. What for? 【答案】C 【解析】Forget it!得了,忘了吧!No way!没门!Why not!好啊,为什么不啊!What for? 为了什么?。句 意:“让我们去参加除夕晚会,好吗?”“好啊! 我想那一定很有趣。” 3.The two girls are so alike that strangers find it difficult _______ one from the other. A. telling B. to tell C. tell D. told 【答案】B 【解析】it 是形式宾语,to tell one from the other 是真正的宾语。句意: 这两个女孩是如此的相似,以 至于陌生人很难把她们区分开来。 4.Words couldn’t _______ how delighted she was when she received the letter of invitation. A. drop B. command C. convey D. deliver 【答案】C 【解析】drop 落下;command 命令;convey 表达,传递;deliver 释放,给予。句意:她收到邀请信时, 言语无法表达她是多么高兴。 5.White-collar workers in China are willing to _______ their retirement age while blue-collar workers prefer to retire early. A. cancel B. advocate C. postpone D. dismiss 【答案】C 【解析】cancel 取消;advocate 提倡;postpone 推迟;dismiss 解散。句意:在中国,白领愿意推迟他们的 退休年纪,但是蓝领希望早点退休。 6.As George Washington said,“Don’t _______ what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise.” A. analyze B. preserve C. explore D. undertake 【答案】D 【解析】句意:正如乔治·华盛顿所说,“不要承诺你完成不了的事,但一定要信守诺言。”undertake“承 担,承诺”,符合句意。analyze 分析;preserve 保留;explore 探讨。 7.While his approach was a complete _______ from established practices, the result was satisfactory. A. separation B. division C. departure D. disappearance 【答案】C 【解析】separation 分开;division 分开,分隔;departure 违背;disappearance 消失。句意:虽然他的做法 完全背离了既定的做法,但结果令人满意。 8.According to research, children whose parents _______ are more likely to have difficulty _______ their studies. A. split up, concentrating on B. broke into, to focus on C. gave up, concentration on D. put into, focusing on 【答案】A 【解析】have difficulty (in)doing sth.为固定搭配。句意:根据研究,父母离异的孩子更有可能在集中注意 力学习方面有困难。split up 离异,分开;break into 强行闯入;giv up 放弃;put into 投入;concentrate on 集中注意力于;focus on(把……)集中(于)。 9.—Was the proposal passed at yesterday’s meeting? —Yes, but some members of the committee expressed _______. A. association B. reservation C. authority D. corporation 【答案】B 【解析】association 联合,社团;reservation 保留;authority 权威;corporation 公司。句意:“这个提议在 昨天的会上通过了吗?”“是的,但是一些委员会成员表示对此保留意见。” 10.North Korea threatens to withdraw from six-party talks _______ ending North Korea’s nuclear program unless its proper rights are to be satisfied. A. adjusted to B. addicted to C. aimed at D. amazed at 【答案】C 【解析】(be)aimed at“旨在……”,符合语境。句意:除非朝鲜适当的权利得到满足,否则朝鲜就威胁要 退出旨在终止朝鲜核项目的六方会谈。 11. Emotional or mental problems can arise _______ from a physical cause. A. advocate B. promote C. arouse D. arise 【答案】D 【解析】advocate 提倡,拥护 promote 促进,促销;arouse 引起,唤醒;arise 产生,出现。arise from 因…… 产生,由……引起。句意:身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。 12.They decided to _______ the sports meet till next week because of the bad weather. A. put up B. put off C. put away D. put down 【答案】B 【解析】put off 推迟。句意:由于糟糕的天气,他们决定把运动会推迟到下周。 13.Words failed to _______ my feelings the moment I saw my long-lost sister. A. control B. convey C. exchange D. affect 【答案】B 【解析】convey one’s feelings 意为“表达某人的感情”,符合语境。句意:当我看到失散多年的妹妹时, 语言无法表达我的感情。 14.In history, the Romany _______ different groups and developed their own language, of which there are now approximately sixty varieties. A. turned B. split C. broke D. cut 【答案】B 【解析】split(up)into 分成,使分裂成。句意:在历史上,吉普赛人会分成不同的小组来发展他们的语言, 所以现在有大约六十种语言。 15.We do not need to wait in line for hours for a ticket this year because we can use the website or hotline to _______ tickets and then pick them up at railway stations or ticket agencies. A. release B. relieve C. reserve D. review 【答案】C 【解析】reserve 预定,预约;reserve tickets 订票。符合语境。句意:今年我们不需要排几个小时的对去买 票,因为我们可以通过网站或者热线电话订票,然后去火车站取票。 16.Those who want to say anything more _______ your hand and then _______ to speak. A. arise, raise B. raise, rise C. raise, arouse D. rise, raise 【答案】B 【解析】raise(及物动词)举起,筹集;rise(不及物动词)站起来,起立。句意:那些还有什么话要说的的人, 请举手,然后站起来讲。 17.As the water comes from steam released during the cooking process it is already clean, but Mr. Seal said it will be _______ an additional purification process before being reused. A. put through B. pulled up C. got over D. given out 【答案】A 【解析】put through 实行,完成,使经历,接通(电话)。句意:因为这些水分来自烹制过程中散发的水蒸 气,所以已经是清洁的。但是希尔先生表示在重新利用前,这些水分还将经过额外的净化处理。 18. It is not known yet how these huge stones were _______ over a distance of 380 kilometers. A. removed B. transformed C. transmitted D. conveyed 【答案】D 【解析】removed 移开,拿开;transformed 使改变形态;transmitted 传送,输送;conveyed 传送,运送。 结合句意可知,这里要用一个动词描述巨石“移动”380 千米的过程,C 选项和 D 选项可以考虑, 而 transmit 多指传递、传播(信息、话语)等感观方面的意思,convey 多指转换、传输、搬运(物品) 等实质方面的意思。故选 D 项。句意:至今都没人知道,这些巨石是怎么被运送了 380 千米那么 远的。 19.Being a strong-willed girl, she worked as a waitress and managed to _______ school. A. throw herself into B. commit herself to C. put herself through D. adjust herself to 【答案】C 【解析】throw herself into 把自己扔进;commit herself to 致力于;put herself through 设法完成;adjust herself to 调整自己。根据 Being a strong-willed girl 可知这里意思是“她设法完成了学业”,故选 C。句意: 作为一个意志坚强的女孩,她当过女招待,并设法完成了学业。 20.We’re trying to _______ a few hundred dollars every month for our vacation. A. put off B. put aside C. put out D. put down 【答案】B 【解析】put off 拖延;put aside 把……放在一边,储蓄;put out 扑灭,出版;put down 记下。句意:我们 每个月都要留出几百美元来度假。

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