7.3 The world on line(知识讲练)-2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料(教案)

7.3 The world on line(知识讲练)-2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料(教案)


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2021 届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料●模块七 Unit 3 知识讲练 一、重点词汇 重点词汇-1. abundant 【原句呈现】With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world at his or her command. 【知识精讲】 ①abundant adj.大量的,充裕的,丰富的→abundantly adv.大量地,丰盛地,充裕地 →abundance n.大量,充裕,丰富 ②相关短语: be abundant in=be rich in……富有 in abundance 大量,丰足、丰富,富裕 an abundance of 大量的 【单句填空】 用 abundant 的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①Sometimes giving from our need instead of our _________(abundant)is just what we need to do! 【答案】abundance 【句意】有时候,我们需要的是给予,而不是富足。 ②All the pages are _________ illustrated with colour photographs. 【答案】abundantly 【句意】每页都配有丰富的彩色照片。 ③However _________ certain natural resources may be, they are bound to run out one day if not taken care of. 【答案】abundant 【句意】不管某种自然资源有多么丰富,如果不加节制,终有一天将会枯竭。 ④Chinese is _________ ________ in idioms and proverbs. 【答案】abundant, in 【句意】汉语中有大量的习语和谚语。 ⑤There will be good food _______ abundance/an abundance ______ good food at the party. 【答案】in, of 【句意】宴会上将会有大量的食物。 【完成句子】 ①中国作为世界大国之一,过去资源丰富,现在却面临资源缺乏的问题。 China, one of the largest countries in the world, ______________________, is facing the problem of resource shortage. 【答案】which used to be abundant in resources ②这片森林里盛产药材。 Medicinal herbs _______________ in the forest. 【答案】grow in abundance 重点词汇-2. command 【原句呈现】With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse, a student will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world at his or her command. 【知识精讲】 ①command n.命令,控制,掌握 v.命令,指挥,控制→commander n.指挥官,司令员 ②相关短语: have a good command of 精通,掌握 at sb.’s command 受某人支配,听候某人的差遣 in command of 控制,指挥,统帅 under one’s command=under the command of sb.在某人的指挥下,由某人指挥/控制 command sb. to do sth.命令某人做某事 注意:command 作名词,后接表语从句或同位语从句时,从句谓语动词也用“(should+)动词原 形”。 【单句填空】 用所给词的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①_________ the command of the ___________(command), a group of soldiers were combing through the forest for the suspect. 【答案】Under, commander 【句意】在指挥员的指挥下,一群士兵正在森林中搜寻嫌疑犯。 ②He commanded me to _________(start)at once. 【答案】start 【句意】他命令我马上出发。 ③He commanded that all the gates __________(shut)immediately in case the murderer escaped. 【答案】(should)be shut 【句意】他命令立刻关上所有的门以免杀人犯逃走。 ④In a society full of challenges and opportunities, in my opinion, it is a must to have a good __________ of a foreign language. 【答案】command 【句意】在这个充满挑战和机遇的社会,精通一门外国语是非常必要的。 ⑤—I’m afraid the project may be several days behind schedule due to bad weather. —Don’t worry. Three more assistants will be ________ your command in no time at all. 【答案】at 【句意】“由于糟糕的天气,我恐怕这项工程会在规定日期的后几天完成。”“别担心,还有三个助 理会马上过来听你差遣。” ⑥He looked relaxed and totally ________ command of himself. 【答案】in 【句意】他看起来很轻松,有绝对的自信完全能控制住自己。 【完成句子】 ①那男的命令我进到自己的房间,并把房门关上。 The man _____________________________ my room and close my door. 【答案】commanded me to enter/ commanded that I should enter ②请告诉我你的英语口语和书面语是否都精通。 Please tell me if you ___________________________________. 【答案】have a good command of both written and spoken English 重点词汇-3. claim 【原句呈现】They claim that surfing the Internet is a waste of time. 【知识精讲】 ①claim v.声称(后接动词不定式、名词从句),宣称(后接名词从句)索赔,索取(后接名词或代词),(指 灾难﹑ 事故等)使(某人)失踪或死亡,夺去生命. ②相关短语: claim ...back/claim back...要求退回 claim knowledge of sth.自称知道某事 lay claim to sth.对某物提出所有权要求 make a claim…on… for(damages)对……提出损害赔偿要求/(对损害提出损害赔偿要求) 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词: ①He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father’s __________, who was the main source of support for the family. 【答案】life 【句意】在一次事故中,作为家中顶梁柱的父亲永远地离去了,他也因此失去了双手。 ②You can claim your money __________ if the goods are damaged. 【答案】back 【句意】货物有损坏, 可以要求退钱. ③Nobody believed his __________ that he was innocent/to be innocent. 【答案】claim 【句意】没有人相信他声称他是无辜的。 ④Syrian rebels claim __________ of chemical where chemical weapons are hidden. 【答案】knowledge 【句意】叙利亚叛军声称知道化学武器的藏匿地点。 ⑤A wallet has been found and can be __________ at the manager’s office. 【答案】claimed 【句意】有人拾到一个钱包,失主可以到经理办公室认领。 ⑥You can claim __________ the tax on your purchases. 【答案】back 【句意】你可以要求退回购物时缴纳的税款。 ⑦You may make a __________ on the firm _________ the damages. 【答案】claim ... for 【句意】你可以向公司提出赔偿损失的要求。 【完成句子】 ①尽管他自称精通英语,但有时感觉要找到一些汉语习语的合适翻译是很难的。 Much as he __________________________, he sometimes feels it hard to find an appropriate version for some Chinese idioms. 【答案】claims(that)he has a good command of English ②地震夺去数以千计的[人]罹难者的生命。 The earthquake _______________________. 【答案】claimed thousands of lives/victims. ③5 个亚洲国家声称对那些岛屿拥有主权。 Five Asian countries ________________. 【答案】lay claim to/claim to own the islands ④研究人员称,他们发现了第一个证据,证明每晚有规律的八小时睡眠对我们的健康有很大的影响。 Researchers ____________________ that getting a regular eight-hour sleep every night makes a real difference to our health. 【答案】claim to have found the first proof/claim that they have found 重点词汇-4. correspond 【原句呈现】What is more, people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who have similar interests. 【知识精讲】 ①correspond v.通信,相一致,符合,相当于 →corresponding adj.符合的,相应的,相关的 →correspondence n.来往信件,往来书信,通信,联系,相关 →correspondent n.记者,通讯员,通信者 ②相关短语: correspond with/to 与……一致/相符/相称 correspond with sb.与某人通信/联系 in correspondence with 与……一致,与……有通信联系 【单句填空】 用 correspond 的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①The New York Times has _____________ in many countries. 【答案】correspondents 【句意】《纽约时报》在许多国家有它的通讯记者。 ②His interest in writing came from a long ____________ with a close college friend. 【答案】correspondence 【句意】与一位大学密友的长期通信培养了他写作的兴趣。 ③Total volume of trade of the company was 50 percent higher than the ____________ period of last year. 【答案】corresponding 【句意】公司的贸易总额比去年同期涨了 50%。 ④When ___________ with your foreign friends, you should give them your detailed address. 【答案】corresponding 【句意】当你和外国朋友通信时,你应该告诉他们你的详细地址。 ⑤The marks on the products don’t correspond __________ the goods I purchased on the Internet. 【答案】with/to 【句意】产品上的标记与我在网上购买的商品不符。 ⑥What she just said isn’t __________ correspondence _________ the views of the majority. 【答案】in ... with 【句意】她刚才所说的与大多数人的意见不一致。 【完成句子】 ①巧合的是,你对事件的描述与她的一致。 It’s a coincidence that your account of events _____________________. 【答案】corresponds with hers/is in correspondence with hers ②我们相互联系已经好多年了,但是事实上我们从未见过面。 We _______________________________ for years but I’ve never actually met him. 【答案】have corresponded with each other/have been in correspondence with each other 重点词汇-5. withdraw 【原句呈现】 【知识精讲】 ①withdraw(withdrew, withdrawn) v.脱离(社会),不与人交往,撤回,取(款) →withdrawal n.撤退,撤回 ②相关短语: withdraw from 脱离,不与人交往,退出 withdraw...from ...将……从……撤回 withdraw sth. from sale 停止某物的销售 withdraw cash/money 提取现金/钱 【单句填空】 用 withdraw 的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①By the time they arrived, the enemy forces had __________, leaving the small village destroyed. 【答案】withdrawn 【句意】在他们到达之前,军队已经撤离,离开了被破坏的小村庄。 ②I __________ some cash at the bank an hour ago. 【答案】withdrew 【句意】我一小时前在银行提取了一些现金。 ③They announced the __________ of 12 000 troops from the area. 【答案】withdrawal 【句意】他们宣布从这个地区撤军 12000 人。 ④ Following his nervous breakdown, he withdrew __________ the public life and refused to give any interviews. 【答案】from 【句意】精神崩溃以后,他脱离了公共生活,并拒绝任何采访。 ⑤North Korea threatens to withdraw __________ six-party talks aimed at ending North Korea’s nuclear program unless its proper rights are to be satisfied. 【答案】from 【句意】朝鲜威胁要退出旨在终止朝鲜核项目的六方会谈,除非其正当的权利得到满足。 【完成句子】 ①美国政府威胁说,如果这个国家不降低海关关税,它将会从这个国家撤回所有投资。 The US government threatened that it would _____________________ the country if the country didn’t reduce the customs duties. 【答案】withdraw all its investment from ②网上游戏行业的激烈竞争迫使一些业绩不好的公司退出市场。 The keen competition in online game industry forced the firms with poor performance to ___________ ____________. 【答案】withdraw from the market 重点词汇-6. alarm 【原句呈现】This is an unfortunate aspect of the Internet that alarms me. 【知识精讲】 ①alarm v.使担心,使害怕,使警觉 n.警报(器),惊慌,闹钟→alarming adj.令人害怕的 →alarmed adj.害怕的 ②相关短语: be alarmed by/at sth.因……而惊恐 be alarmed to do ...做/对某事感到恐慌 give/raise/sound the alarm 发出警报 set alarm bells ringing 敲响警钟 set the alarm 设定闹钟 in alarm 惊恐地 【单句填空】 用 alarm 的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①He was not ________ when he received the telegram. 【答案】alarmed 【句意】他接到这封电报时并不心慌。 ②An ________ film was shown in this theatre. 【答案】alarming 【句意】这家影院上映了一部令人恐慌的电影。 ③In case of emergency, please ________ the alarm. 【答案】give/raise/sound 【句意】万一发生紧急情况,请拉响警报。 ④The report should ________ alarm bells ringing about standards in education. 【答案】set 【句意】这份报告应该为教育水准的问题敲响警钟。 ⑤She ________ the alarm for five o’clock so she’d wake up in time to give medicine to her two sons. 【答案】set 【句意】她把闹钟设在 5 点,以便及时醒来给两个儿子服药。 ⑥________ by the sharp fall of the stock market, thousands and thousands of stockholders sold out their stock at a sacrifice. 【答案】Alarmed 【句意】股市的急剧下跌使得人们恐慌不已,成千上万的持票者亏本卖掉了他们的股票。 ⑦When a bird spots a hunter, instead of just flying away, it calls out ________ alarm and warns other birds. 【答案】in 【详解】当一只鸟发现了一个猎人,不是飞走,而是会发出警报,警告其他的鸟。 【完成句子】 ①敌军指挥官听说自己的部队已被包围时惊恐万状。 The enemy ______________________ that his troops had been surrounded. 【答案】commander was alarmed to hear/learn ②突然的空袭使他们大为惊恐。 They ________________ a sudden air attack. 【答案】were alarmed by/at 重点词汇-7. abandon 【原句呈现】They would not have achieved their success if they had abandoned their dreams. 【知识精讲】 ①abandon v.放弃,抛弃,舍弃→abandoned adj.废弃的,被遗弃的,无约束的,无度的,放荡的 ②相关短语:abandon oneself to 沉湎/溺于……,纵情于…… be abandoned to 沉湎/溺于…… abandon doing sth.=give up doing sth.放弃做某事 with abandon 尽情地,放纵地 【单句填空】 用 abandon 的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①Later, the __________ boy was found wandering in the street, __________ himself to despair. 【答案】abandoned; abandoning 【句意】后来有人发现那个被抛弃的男孩在大街上游荡,他已陷入了绝望。 ②The plan __________ when it was discovered just how much the scheme would cost. 【答案】was abandoned 【句意】当发现这个方案将会耗费巨资时,它被放弃了。 ③ Playing computer games is harmful to your health. Don’t abandon yourself __________ this kind of pleasure. 【答案】to 【句意】玩电脑游戏对你的健康有害。不要沉溺于这种快乐。 ④After careful consideration, they agreed to abandon __________ out the project. 【答案】carrying 【句意】经过仔细考虑,他们同意放弃实施这个项目。 ⑤At the party, people sang and danced __________ abandon, totally forgetting the troubles in their lives. 【答案】with 【句意】聚会上人们尽情地唱歌跳舞,把生活中的烦恼抛到了九霄云外。 【完成句子】 ①今年假日购物者花钱花钱挥霍无度。 This year holiday shoppers ____________________. 【答案】spent money with abandon ②他抛弃了妻子并带走了所有的积蓄。 He __________________ and went away with all their savings. 【答案】abandoned his wife ③他耽溺于赌博(gamble)和酗酒, 因此而他负债累累。 _________________________________, he was heavily in debt. 【答案】As/Because/Since he abandoned himself to gambling and drinking Abandoning himself to gambling and drinking Abandoned to gambling and drinking 重点词汇-8. appointment 【原句呈现】I think I’d better apologize to him tomorrow for not keeping the appointment. 【知识精讲】 ①appointment n.约会,预约,任命,委任→appoint vt.任命,委任,安排 →appointed adj.指定的,约定的 ②相关短语:keep appointments/an appointment 守约,赴约 break an/one’s appointment 违约,失约 make/have/fix an appointment(with sb.) (与某人)预约/约会 make the appointment of sb. as 对某人做出委任 by appointment 依约,经预先约定 appoint sb. /as/to be...任命/指派某人为……(被动语态:be appointed as/to be) appoint sb.to do sth.委派/指派某人做某事(被动语态:be appointed to do sth.) 【单句填空】 用 appoint 的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①Your ___________ will be canceled immediately if you fail to arrive at the scene at the _________ time. 【答案】appointment, appointed 【句意】如果您未能在指定时间到达现场,您的预约将会被立即取消。 ②You should phone his secretary if you want to make an __________. 【答案】appointment 【句意】如果你想约他得先给他秘书打电话。 ③We must realize that keeping ___________ is a contract that is silently agreed. 【答案】appointments 【句意】我们必须认识到,赴约是一种默契。 ④I felt it a great honor to appoint me _________ president of the company. 【答案】as 【句意】任命我担任公司的总裁我感到不胜荣幸。 ⑤He _____________ to look into those complaints. 【答案】was appointed 【句意】他被指派去调查那些投诉。 ⑥But for her mother’s sudden illness, she would never think for __________ this appointment with you. 【答案】breaking 【句意】要不是她妈妈突然得病,她从没想过这次会对你失约。 ⑦I have an appointment __________ Dr. Smith, but I need to change it. 【答案】with 【句意】我跟史密斯博士有个约会,但是我需要改一下。 ⑧We don’t want to make the appointment _________ him as chairman of the meeting. He is not fit for the position. 【答案】of 【句意】我们不想任命他为会议的主席。他还不适合这个职位。 ⑨I’m coming here for an interview __________ appointment. 【答案】by 【句意】我是应约来面试的。 【完成句子】 ①我没有在约定的会面地点见到她。 I didn’t see her _________________. 【答案】at the appointed meeting place ②老师指定我打扫教室。 The teacher ______________________. 【答案】appointed me to sweep/clean the classroom ③直到回到家,她才想起和医生的约会。 It was not until she had arrived home that she remembered ___________________. 【答案】her appointment with the doctor 重点词汇-9. relevant 【原句呈现】Most often, the information in subject directories has been evaluated, and someone has decided that the information is relevant and correct. 【知识精讲】 ①relevant adj.紧密相关的,切题的,有价值的,有意义的(反义词:irrelevant) →relevance n.相关性,关联 ②相关短语:be relevant/related/linked to/have relevance to 与……有关 be irrelevant to/have no relevance to/have nothing to do with 与……无关 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词: ①Her personality issues aren’t _____________ to this case. Her personality issues are ______________ to this case. Her personality issues have no ______________ to this case. Her personality issues have ______________ to do with this case. 【答案】relevant/related/linked irrelevant irrelevance nothing 【句意】她的个人情况与本案没有关系。 ②—Have you finished your research essay? —I haven’t started yet. I was collecting __________ materials the whole of last week. 【答案】relevant 【句意】“你的研究论文写完了吗?”“我还没开始呢。上个星期我一直在收集相关资料。” 【完成句子】 ①两天前,妈妈要我在网上查找相关信息。 Two days ago, Mom asked me to look up __________________. 【答案】relevant information on the Internet ②许多人认为古典音乐与现在的年轻人没有关系。 Many people think that classical music _________________ today Many people don’t think that classical music _________________ today 【答案】is irrelevant to young people/is not related/linked to young people/has no relevance to young people/has nothing to do with young people is relevant/linked/related to young people 重点词汇-10. acknowledge 【原句呈现】When you are finished, you should always acknowledge where you got your data by attaching a list of the websites you got your information from. 【知识精讲】 ①acknowledge v.承认,认可,感谢→acknowledgement n.承认,致谢,感谢 ▲acknowledge 多重意义的识别; ②搭配、惯用句型和相关短语: acknowledge(doing/having done)sth.承认(做了)某事 acknowledge that 从句... 承认…… acknowledge ... to be/as ...认为……是…… It is generally/widely acknowledged that 从句 ...……是大家公认的/人们普遍认为…… in acknowledgement of 对……表示感谢 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词: ①There was no ______________ of the extent of the problem. 【答案】acknowledgement 【句意】没有人承认问题的严重性。 ②He was given a gold watch _______ _____________ of his contribution to the company. 【答案】in, acknowledgement 【句意】为了表彰他为公司所做的贡献,公司赠给他一块金表。 ③______ universally ___________ ________ Wei Yuan is a great thinker in the late Qing Dynasty. 【答案】It’s ... acknowledged that 【句意】人们普遍认为魏源是晚清时期的伟大思想家。 ④Mr. Green is generally acknowledged _______ ( _____ ______ )an expert on this subject. 【答案】as(to be) 【句意】格林先生被普遍公认为这门学科的专家。 ⑤We ___________ with thanks your timely aid when we were in trouble. 【答案】acknowledged 【句意】当我们遇到麻烦时,你都及时相助,对此我们深表感谢。 【完成句子】 ①人们普遍认为留得青山在,不拍没柴烧。 ____________________________ where there is life, there is hope. 【答案】It is widely acknowledged that ②他们拒绝承认在比赛中失败了/他们在比赛中被打败,但是徒劳的。 He refused __________________________ in the match, but in vain. 【答案】to acknowledge defeat/failure/ to acknowledge that he was defeated /to acknowledge(him/his)being defeated ⑥他终于承认犯了个错误。 He finally _______________________________. 【答案】acknowledged having made a mistake/acknowledged that he had made a mistaked 重点词汇-11. drop out 【原句呈现】One university did a study about the students who had dropped out, and found that 43 per cent of them were heavy Internet users. 【知识精讲】 drop out(of)(从……)退学,辍学,退出,脱离 drop back退后,后撤 drop behind 落伍,落在……之后 drop in/by (on sb.) 顺便来(顺便走访某人) drop in at sp.顺便到访某地 drop off(数量、兴趣等)下降,小睡,打盹儿,中途下客或卸货,中途顺便将某物送交某处 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词组: ①We usually ____________ relatives and friends during the winter vacation, chat together and enjoy the delicious food. 【答案】drop in on 【句意】我们经常在寒假期间顺便去走亲访友,一起聊天,享受美食。 ②Could I ____________ your house after the concert? 【答案】drop in at 【句意】音乐会完了后,我顺便去拜访您行吗? ③Don’t ____________ the others on the trail in case you get lost. 【答案】drop behind 【句意】路上不要落在别人后面,以免迷路。 ④Her popularity has ____________ recently. 【答案】dropped off 【句意】她的声望最近下降了。 ⑤The Hope Project is designed to help those children who ____________ of school because of poverty. 【答案】drop out 【句意】希望工程旨在帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的儿童。 ⑥Mr. Richard was disappointed that many students who had signed up for his adventure course. ____________ at the last moment. 【答案】dropped out 【句意】理查德先生感到很失望,因为很多报名参加他的冒险课程的学生在最后时刻退出了。 ⑦Mrs. Jones asked the driver to ____________ her son at the library on his way downtown. 【答案】drop off 【句意】琼斯太太请司机在去市中心的路上让他的儿子在图书馆下车。 ⑧—Could you just ____________ for a cup of coffee? —I’d love to, but I have a nervous schedule today. 【答案】drop in 【句意】“你是不是顺便来喝杯咖啡啊? ”“我到愿意去,但是我今天的日程很紧。” ⑨_________ me _________ at next stop. 【答案】Drop ... off 【句意】请让我在下一个站下车。 二、经典句型 1. either ... or ...所连接的句型 【原句呈现】I feel it is important for us either to limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to handle the problems it has caused.(P35)我认为,重要的是我们要么限制使用因特网,要么学会如何解决它 所引起的问题。 【知识精讲】 ①either...or...意为“或者……或者……(表示两个或两个以上的可能性或选择)”,常用来连接并列句 或并列成分。 ②either...or...连接并列主语时,其谓语动词应与邻近的那个主语在人称和数上保持一致。 ③与“either...or...”相对的是“neither...nor...(既不……也不……)”。 【完成句子】 ①不是你就是你的一个学生要参加明天举行的会议。 _________________________________ to attend the meeting to be held tomorrow. 【答案】Either you or one of your students is ②“我听说苏珊要独自去北京。”“是真的,她的父亲和母亲都不愿和她一起去。” —I hear Susan will go to Beijing by herself. —That’s true. ______________________. 【答案】Neither her father nor her mother will go with her ③全世界都很清楚,美国用肮脏的伎俩,来欺负华为和抖音这样的外国公司,目的不是摧毁它们, 就是接管它们。 It is obvious to the whole world that the US has played dirty tricks to bully foreign companies like Hua Wei and TikTok in order to ________________________. 【答案】either destroy them or take them over ④“他或者是我适合做这项工作吗?”“无论是他还是你都不适合。” —___________________ fit for the job? —Neither he nor you are. 【答案】Is either he or I ⑤医生认为小男孩要么是吃糖太多了,要么是没有天天刷牙。 The doctor thought the boy ________________________________________ every day 【答案】either ate too much candy or didn’t brush teeth. 2.where 引导的定语从句 【原句呈现】In 2003, eBay, a famous website where people buy and sell things, said that 70 per cent of their problems were with people who sold things that did not exist, or who lied about the products they were selling. 【知识精讲】 关系副词 where 引导定语从句时,只能在定语从句中作地点状语,其修饰的名词必须是表示(具体或 抽象的)地点的名词。特别注意下面这些表示地点的抽象名词:case, situation, point, stage, position, state 等(但是要具体分析修饰这些现行词的关系词在定语从句中所作的成分)。 【完成句子】 ①父母应该注意这样的情况,孩子们对适应新的环境有困难。 Parents should pay attention to _____________________ their children have difficulty adapting to new surroundings. 【答案】the cases where ②公司老板正尽力创造一种轻松的气氛,在这种气氛中,其员工享受他们工作的乐趣。 The boss of the company is trying to create ________________ his employees enjoy their work. 【答案】an easy atmosphere where ③我们已经到了几乎没有一点权利的地步了。 We have reached ______________ we have almost no rights at all. 【答案】a stage where ④房产泡沫是一个经济形势,这种形式发生在房价上涨太快的时候。 A housing bubble is __________________ occurs when house prices rise much too fast. 【答案】which an economic situation 3.祈使句+连词+简单句 【原句呈现】Follow these tips, and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile. 【知识精讲】 祈使句+and+简单句。前面的祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句:if you follow these tips. ①如果表示转折关系,则用祈使句+or/otherwise+简单句;如果用条件状语从句,则后面的简单句前 不能用 and/or/otherwise。 ②祈使句的省略形式。 ③祈使句的强调形式(用助动词 do) 【完成句子】 ①(如果)你读了这个故事,你就会认识到不是所有东西都可以用钱买得到的。 ______________________, _______ that not everything can be bought with money. 【答案】Read this story, and you will realize/If you read this story, you will realize ②手里拿着枪的士兵大声叫喊“站住,否则我要开枪了。” “_____________,” the soldiers screamed loudly, who held a gun in his hands, “___________.” 【答案】Stop there, or I will shoot again ③再努力一下,你就会通过将于今年六月举行的入学考试的。 ________________, ___________ and you’ll pass the entrance test to be held this June. A. Making a bit more effort B. A bit more effort C. Given a bit more effort D. If you make a bit more effort 【答案】A bit more effort, and you’ll pass/Make a bit more effort, and you’ll pass/If you make a bit more effort, you’ll pass ④过马路时,务必(千万)要小心啊! _________________ when you cross the street. 【答案】Do be careful

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