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The development of Chinese character 导学案 Teaching aims: 1.To make the Ss know about the development of Chinese characters and improve their reading ability; 2.To improve their speaking and writing skills; 3.Let them know Chinese character is the valuable wealth of humans. Teaching difficult and important points: 1.Reading ability; 2.How to write a good article. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.预习检测。 英汉互译 A. 1..differ from___________ 2.in that ______________ 3. instead of ____________ 4.stand for _____________ 5.be formed by/with__________ 6.make up _____________ 7.be made up of ____________ 8.according to ___________ 9.as a whole ________________ 10.develop …into…________ 11.over time _____________ 12.turn into _______________ B. 1.字母表____________ 2.行动,行为 ______________ 3.文字作品___________ 4.打猎,搜索_______________ 5.外貌_______________ 6 代表,展示_______________ 7.简化_______________ 8.组合 ___________________ 9.区分_______________ 10.显示,暗示_______________ 11.缺点______________ Step 2. 目标导入. Step 3.自主探究 Task 1. Fast reading. Read the passage quickly and answer the following questions. 1. When did the Chinese writing begin?___________________________ 2. Who first invented Chinese writing?____________________________ 3. How was Chinese writing invented?____________________________ 4. When did the Chinese government introduce simplified characters? ___________________________________________________________ Task 2 .Careful reading . Read the passage carefully and divide the whole passage into several parts and summarize the main idea of each part. Paragraph Main idea 1.Paragraph 1 2. 3. 4. Task 3. Detailed reading Read the passage again and fill in the chart. The development of Chinese characters Brief introduction ※In Chinese language ,we use characters instead of an __________. ※Many words are formed by ________ different characters. ※Sometimes a single character can also make up a word. Origin ※Cang Jie ,who was inspired by the _____of animals in the snow,invented the first Chinese characters. ※He used different shapes to _______different objects. Different ______ of forming characters ※Some characters were made up of two or more characters. For example, ___________ and___________ ※Some were made for ____________ and __________. Such as ____________ and ______________. ※Some characters consisted of two parts,one indicating the ___________ and the other the _____________. Simplified Chinese characters ※Introduced in the 1950s and coming into widespread use now in China’s ______________. Step 4.合作探究。 Task 1. Draw the mind map(思维导图) of this passage。 Task 2. Make a report on the development of Chinese characters。 Step 5.Homework. Task 1.根据思维导图及报告,写一篇汉字发展史的短文(100 词). Task 2. 高考衔接(预习新知) 在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式. The Chinese language differs from Western language ______ that it uses characters. Chinese words are formed by putting together different characters. __________ (thousand ) of years ago, a man ________(name) Cang Jie invented Chinese writing. The first Chinese characters were drawings of physical objects._______ , not all characters _________ (develop) from drawing of objects. Sometimes to express ideas, some characters were made by combining 2 or more characters together .__________ characters were developed for directions and numbers. Though these kinds of characters indicate meanings, one of their _________(shortcoming) is that they don’t show ________ they should be pronounced. Therefore, another method was developed to have one part of a character indicate the meaning and the other suggest the pronunciation. In the 1950s, the Chinese government introduced _________ (simplify) Chinese characters and they are _________(wide ) used in China’s mainland. ※课后反思: 通过本节课的学习,我最大的收获是__________________________ 有待加强的是______________________________________________

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