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课题 Unit 2 Care for your hair 学科 英语 课时 1 学校 班级 执教 者 教学 目标 Knowledge Objectives: 1. Students will be able to know know the meaning and pronunciation of some new words, such as shampoo,conditioner,salon and so on. 2. Students will be able to give some suggestions about hair care according to the key words on the blackboard. Ability Objectives: 1. Students should be able to know how to read an advertisement, such as finding out the headings. 2. Students should be able to understand the general structure of the passage according to the headings and key words on black board. 3. Students will be able to make dialogues with his partner about giving suggestion on hair care in front of the class. Emotional Objectives: Students will be able to pay attention to hair care and keep healthy. 教 教学环节 师生活动 能动教学(渗透) 点设计说明 学 过 程 Lead-in Pre-reading 1. Ask the students to find out “the shapes of the faces” of five different faces: oval face, long face, square face, round face and heart-shaped face. 2. Ask students questions:” Are you satisfied with your hairstles?” 1.To arouse the students' interest of the topic and according to some interesting pictures encourage them to answer. Ask students to skim the title, the sentence below the title and the pictures and try to answer: (1)Is the passage a story or an advertisement? (2) What should we pay attention to when we read an advertisement? 1. Line 1-line 8 Read from line1 to line8 and answer: (1) What’s the name of the hairdressing salon? (2) What information can you get To enable students to pay attention to the type of the passage and know the skills of reading an advertisement: headings. 1.Help the students to understand the text. 2.To check the students'understand ing of details While-reading about the salon? 1 . Where? 2 . When? 3 . What? 4 . How? 2. Skim the passage and try to find 5 sub-headings: 3. Line 9-12 (1) Show students some pictures of four different hairstyles and ask: “what are the styles”? (2) Show the picture of very famous actress of Zhao Liying and Rong Zuer and ask them: What kind of hairstyle suits their face shape? 4. Read the rest of the passage and try to find how we can keep our hair healthy. (1) Fill in the table: (2) What should we pay attention to when we use hair care tools? To guide students to read headings in an advertisement. To prepare for the following understanding of the passage, arouse their interest of reading and encourage them to speak. 1.By using a table, to help students to understand the organization and the main points of the passage. 2.To enable students to understand the key procedures by offering some key verb words, such as choose, apply and squeeze out. Post-reading Role-play Ask students to find a partner to make a dialogue about how to keep hair healthy. To encourage students to apply what they have learnt to practice. To encourage them to speak in front of the class according to the worksheet they and the key words on the blackboard.

资料: 3.2万


