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Warming up and Reading Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target Language 目标语言 a. 词汇和短语 major, local, represent, curious, Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, cheek, stranger, spoken, express, action, Jordan, nod, general, avoid, comedy b. 重点句子 Yesterday, another student and I , representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year’ international students. …I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 a. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language. What is the purpose of language? What is the purpose of body language? How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak? How can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language? b. Enable the students to understand the text. Where are the visitors from? How do Mr. Garcia from Columbia and Julia Smith from Britain response when they are introduced to each other? What do Mr. Cook and the Japanese visitor do as they are introduced? How can people express themselves besides their spoken language? Do all cultures greet each other the same way? Do English people and other Europeans act the same when they first meet? Is a handshake very common in Japan? Is a kiss often used in France when people meet? Why are there different kinds of body language? c. Enable the students to retell the text in their own words. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to explain the common idea—“different cultures, different body languages” with the target language in this unit. Teaching important points 教学重点 How does body language differ among people from different cultures? Teaching difficult points 教学难点 The understanding of the poorly-written reading text, especially the relationship awkwardly built up between “you” and the other people in the text, who are met by the awkward arrangement of the compilers of the textbook. Teaching methods 教学方法 Skimming method, task-based method, role-play method. Teaching aids 教具准备 A recorder, a projector ,some pictures and a computer. Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-in 1. The teacher shows ways of communicating: Spoken language speaking ringing Written language writing typing Body language facial expression gesture action 2. What is body language? Body language is one form of nonverbal communication (非言辞交际) without using words. Eye contact or gaze, facial expression, gesture, and posture (姿势), or the way you stand, are different kinds of body language. Some psychologists believe that we communicate 65% of our ideas and feelings without words! The shape of our bodies and faces, the movements and gestures we make, the clothes we wear, how near we stand to each other and whether we touch each other … all these communicate. 3. Facial expressions Look at the following facial expressions, and try to tell us what his feeling is. Step II Introduction Gestures Do you know what these gestures mean? Look at the pictures and discuss with your partner what the man is trying to say. Good! Bad! Come here! Me? I don’t know! ok stop silent well done What else gestures do you know? victory applause Step Ⅲ Warming up T: Look at Page 25. What are these people communicating? Read the following statements. Choose a phrase and act it out without speaking. Can your partner guess what you are trying to communicate? “Hello” “Goodbye” “Come here” “Go away!” “Expensive!” “I’m surprised!” “I’m tired.” “I’m confused.” “OK!” “Good luck!” “I’m delighted!” “I’m upset!” “I’m sad!” “I forgot!” “You’re great!” Step Ⅳ Pre-reading 1. What is the purpose of language? 2. How can you communicate with someone if you cannot speak? Give an example. 3. There are many different ways to greet someone using words. How many ways can you think of to greet someone if you cannot speak? Keys: The purpose of language is to communicate with other people. I can use body language to communicate with someone if I can’t speak. For example, if I’m angry, I might turn away and not talk to others. If I’m happy to see someone, I might smile and hold out my hand or open my arms. Ways to greet someone without words: smile, wave, shake hands, hug, kiss, etc. Step V Predicting T: Look at the picture and the title of the passage on page 26. What do you think the topic will be? Step VI Reading 1. First-reading I. Read the passage and divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea. Part 1. (Para. 1) Meet the visitors at the airport. Part 2 (Para. 2 and 3) People from different countries express greetings in different ways. Part 3. (Para. 4) Different peoples have different body languages. Part 4. (Para. 5) Summary of body language. Try to write down the main idea of the text. The text is mainly about different _____________ in different countries. In order to avoid difficulties in today’s world of cultural crossroads, we should ___________________________. Keys: body language study international customs 2. Second-reading Read the passage again and choose the best answers. 1. In which of the following countries do people greet each other in the same way? A. Jordan and Italy. B. China and Japan. C. Canada and Colombia. 2. From the text, we can know that _____. A. people are likely to keep the same distance in different countries B. men from Britain often stand close to others to shake hands C. people are facing multicultural communication problems Keys: A C 3. Careful reading How do different international students behave when they greet people? Complete the chart with information from the passage. Name Description Body Language To Whom Tony Garcia everyone no touching man from Japan George Cook to men to women shake hands and kiss twice on each cheek 4. Post-reading I. Answer the following questions. 1. Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know? 2. What were the two mistakes that the author noticed? 3. Who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others? Who seemed to prefer closer physical distance? 4. Did any students have similar greeting customs? If so, which ones? 5. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” What do you think this famous saying means? Keys: The author is male. Ahmed Aziz will not shake hands with women, but he shakes hands with the author. He noticed that the Colombian man kissed the British woman, but in her culture, a kiss from a stranger is not acceptable. He also noticed that the Japanese man bowed just as the Canadian man started to shake hands, so one man’s nose touched the other man’s hand. The British woman, Julia, and probably the Canadian man, George, seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others. The Colombian man, Tony, and the Jordanian man, Ahmed, seemed to prefer closer physical distance. Yes. Tony from Colombia and Darlene from France had a similar greeting custom—a kiss. George from Canada and Ahmed from Jordan also had a similar greeting custom—a handshake, but Ahmed shakes hands only with men. This saying means that when we are in a certain place, we should follow the customs of the people who live in that place, not our own customs. II. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. 2. Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing. 3. Japanese will bow to others as greeting. 4. People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them. 5. Some body languages in some countries are good while some countries’ body language are bad. 6. People from different countries may have a major misunderstanding while greeting each other. 7. The physical distance from each other that people are comfortable with generally depends on the culture. 8. All members of a culture behave in the same way. Keys: FFTF FTTF Step VII Discussion 1. If you meet a foreigner who comes up close to you to talk, what countries might he be from? How can you show him that you are uncomfortable with that? 2. What are some situations where body language is the only form of communication? Why? 3. Discuss ‘Do you agree with the author’s statement that body language is not good or bad? Why or why not?’ Step VIII Homework Talk about body languages you usually use.

资料: 3.2万


