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Teaching Plan Teacher: Problems and advice—What should I do? Learning objectives: At the end of the class, students will be able to 1. find out facts and causes of the problems 2. get the meanings of some key words and phrases in the context (smash, narrowly missing, tease, bully, bark) 3. tell a problem completely 4. develop a positive attitude towards problems during their growth Learning procedures: Steps Students’Activities Purposes Pre-reading Have a small talk with the teacher. To lead in the topic Read the introduction and answer questions. To help students get the basic information of the text To help students figure out facts and causes of the problems To help students understand the meanings of some key words and phrases in the 1. Read letter 1 and complete the table with the help of the teacher. 2. Figure out the writer’s inner conflict and complete the letter through discussion. 1. Read letter 2 and complete the table individually. 2. Retell the story individually. 3. Figure out the writers’ inner conflict and complete the letter in pair. While-reading context To enable students to tell a problem completely 1. Read letter 3 and answer questions. 2. Figure out the writers’ inner conflict and complete the letter individually. Post-reading Make a dialogue between the student of letter 1 and the counselor. To encourage students to ask for advice clearly To help students develop a positive attitude towards problems during their growth Assignments 1. Read the vocabulary and the text aloud and finish Exercise D on Page 66. 2. Prepare a dialogue between the writer of letter 2 or letter 3, and the counselor. To consolidate what students have learned Worksheet 1. Read Letter 2 and complete the table. When/Where/Who What happened How the writer felt —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— — NOTES

资料: 3.2万


