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The best days of your life The first day was always the worst. You didn’t know anyone; you had no friends. You didn’t know who to avoid; you didn’t know where to go to get away. His mother’s latest job had meant yet another family move to a new town and this was Michael’s fourth secondary school in five years. He hated changing schools, but he never complained. His mother had enough worries of her own. He was small for his fifteen years; smaller than other boys his age. He tried to smile at people on his first day, hoping that this time it would be different. And when a few of the boys from a higher class came up to speak to him during the break, he tried to appear confident while showing that he wanted to be friendly. At first they seemed pleasant enough. ‘Where’ve you come from?’ they asked. ‘What do you think of the school?’ But it didn’t last long. The tallest one looked down at him. ‘There are a few things you need to know about this school,’ he said with a smile. ‘Take a good look at my face. And now look a my two friends here.’ Michael looked, as instructed. ‘You’ll be seeing a lot of us, because we look after new boys … Do you understand me?’ Michael looked back up at him. ‘I said, do you understand me?’ The smile was gone now. ‘Er … yes. I think so,’ he said, his voice shaking slightly. The tall boy showed his teeth. ‘Good.’ They turned to walk away. Suddenly the tall one turned back and slapped Michael hard across the cheek, sending his glasses to the floor. Michael gasped with shock. ‘Good,’ said the tall boy again. ‘How was your first day?’ his mother asked, when she got home from work. ‘Fine, thanks,’ Michael answered. ‘Just fine.’ But when he was alone with his sister, he told her what has happened. ‘Look, Mike, you’ve got to tell someone about it,’ she advised with concern. ‘Or you’ve got to stand up for yourself. If they hit you, hit them back. Exercises: I. Do you think these statements about Michael are true (T) or false (F)? 1. His mother supports the family. ( ) 2. His sister is older than him. ( ) 3. He makes friends easily. ( ) 4. He really wanted to be friendly. ( ) 5. He has had similar experiences before. ( ) II. Summarize the first episode of the story in two or three sentences. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Michael didn’t talk to anyone else about what happened on his first day at Greenhill School. He avoided the older boys as much as he could and hoped that the problem would go away. He was enjoying most of his lessons, and he worked hard at his homework to get good grades. He got on with his teachers, and his classmates were pleasant enough. A week later, though, the bullies were ready for more, and they were waiting for him near the school gates. There was no escape now from the tall boy, who held the top of Michael’s shirt tightly in his fist. His eyes drilled into Michael’s, and he had an ugly, threatening expression on his face. ‘I said give it to me now, Jenkins, or there‘ll be trouble!’ Michael’s body shook with terror. He tried to open his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Sweat dripped from his hair on to his glasses until his attacker’s face disappeared from view. ‘Check his pockets, Gary,’ the tall boy ordered, holding Michael’s collar even more tightly. There wasn’t much, but Gary took it all — a couple of pounds for his bus fares, a telephone card, and a bar of chocolate. Then the tall boy threw him to the ground, tearing his shirt before walking off out of the gates with his friends. Michael picked himself up slowly. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a teacher hurrying towards him. ‘What’s happened, Michael? Who did this?’ Michael was silent. ‘Look, we know what goes on here, but we don’t know who’s responsible. If you tell me, I can try to do something about it. If you don’t, it’ll keep happening — to you and other people. Won’t you come inside and talk about it?’ Exercises: I. Who do these statements apply to: the tall boy (TB), Gary (G), Michael (M) or the teacher (T)? 1. He was frightened. ( ) 2. He threatened Michael. ( ) 3. He couldn’t see very well. ( ) 4. He took things from Michael. ( ) 5. He tore Michael’s shirt. ( ) 6. He was sympathetic. ( ) II. What do you think bullies are? Complete the definition. Bullies are people who __________________________________________________________________ III. Write sentences explaining what you think these people should do now 1. Michael ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. The teacher ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. A boy who saw what happened ____________________________________________________________________________________

资料: 3.2万


