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1 Oxford English S1B Unit 5 More Reading A letter from the school counsellor 教材分析: 高中牛津教材的每一个单元有两篇文章:Reading 和 More Reading。两篇文章往往有某种程度的关联; Reading 篇幅较长而 More Reading 篇幅则短小精悍。本单元的两篇文章就是这样的模式:Reading—— What should I do,以刊登在校报上的三封信件摘录为载体,以故事的形式讲述了 3 个学生遇到的不同困难和困 惑。More Reading——A letter from the school counsellor, 以顾问老师的口吻对三位学生的疑惑在一封回信中 分别进行解答,在给出建议的同时也帮助学生正确的分析问题。 学情分析 授课对象为授课老师所教的曹杨中学高一(7)班学生,老师对学生较为熟悉。经过一个多学期的高中英 语学习,学生们的词汇、语言和阅读技巧有了一定的积累,能够独立看懂文章。但要运用所学来进行表述, 还需要老师正确引导。 Teaching objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will 1. have a good understanding of the letter from the school counsellor. 2. be able to analyze and solve a problem. 3. be able to offer opinions and give advice to help others out of trouble. Teaching Aids: Text book, multimedia, whiteboard Teaching procedures: Stages Teacher’s activities Students’Activities Purposes Pre-reading Ask the students to recall the contents of the three letters in the Reading passage. Have the students discuss and give their advice on each problem. Recall the letters Discuss and give the advice. To review something learnt in the reading passage. T o elicit the topic. While-reading Have students scan A letter from the school counsellor with questions Scan the letter and answer the questions To help students understand the writer’s opinion and attitude. 2 in mind. Have the students focus on the middle part of the letter and ask them about the writer’s advice and reasons. Have the students find out the way the writer gives advice Read P3-P5 case by case and answer the questions Collect information from the text. To help the students find out the writer’s advice for each problem. To help the students find out how the writer gives the advice. Have the students read a new letter asking for advice and find out the problem. Have the students discuss to offer opinions , advice and reasons Read a letter and find out the writer’s problem. Talk about their opinions , advice and reasons. Elicit facts and ideas. Develop language. Post-reading Have the students tell their opinions and advice in complete sentences. Tell their opinions and advice in complete sentences. Involve the students in speaking. Assignments Write a complete letter as required. Revise the letter according to the given checklist.

资料: 3.2万


