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1 Teaching Plan Subject: Think Before You Eat Teaching Aims: Knowledge objectives: 1. To make the students have a general idea of the passage 2. To enlarge the students’ vocabulary 3. To help the students know more about the nutrients we need for normal health and their benefits 4. To get the students involved in expressing their thought of food Ability objective: 5. To develop the students’ communicative ability, including the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing Moral objectives: 6. To foster the students’ ability by having them do some survival test 7. To help the students form a good eating habit Time: 45 mins Teaching Aids: computer & projector Teaching procedure: Ⅰ. Warming-up 1. True or False questions 2. List the six main groups of food and review the English names of them Ⅱ. Inter-active activities 1. Answer the questions for comprehension by skimming and scanning the text 2. Help the students know more about the benefits we gain from the food. 3. Group work 4. Help the students to summarize their thought of food in one or two sentences Ⅲ. Homework Oral homework: Suppose you were Sally and your deskmate were Sam, have a short debate with him on the topic: “To be a vegetarian is good or not”. 2 Written homework: Write a report on your eating habits on page 71. Ⅰ. Warming-up A. A quiz on food by doing the True or false questions. 1. Eating pig brain will strengthen our brain power. F 2. White rice is better than brown rice. F 3. Hot tea warms your body better than a cold Coke. T 4. Meat, eggs, beans have no protein which is healthy for our strength. F 5. People who eat meat are stronger than people who eat only vegetables. F 6. A cup of milk before you go to bed will keep you awake. F 7. Eating some chocolate before examinations will make you more energetic. T 8. Eating a fried twisted flour and two eggs will help you to get a full mark in the examinations. F 9. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. T 10. Instant rice and noodles are not only delicious but also nutritious. F B. List the six main groups of food : vegetables, fruit, meat, dairy products, soy products and grain products Ⅱ. Inter-active activities 1. Skimming A. Fill in the blanks. Sally and her friend Sam were having lunch in a restaurant. Sally ordered a mixed grill ——steak, pork chops, chicken and sausages, while Sam only ordered a salad. He explained that he decided to be a vegetarian from the time he saw a TV programme on the meat industry. And he listed three reasons why people shouldn’t eat meat. However, Sally didn’t agree with Sam. She said nothing would make her lose her appetite for meat. Then they had a debate on whether to be a vegetarian was good or not. B. Match the words with the meanings on the right: mixed grill (b) a. a person that does not eat meat industry (c) b. a dish containing all kinds of meat that have been cooked over a fire pork chop (e) c. branch of trade or manufacture appetite (d) d. a person’s hunger or desire for food 3 vegetarian (a) e. a piece of pig meat that contains a bone on one side C. What kind of food will a vegetarian choose? cereal, bean curd, beef, mutton, milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggplant, steak, chicken, fish, chicken wings, strawberry, tomato, cabbage, sausage, nuts, hamburger, salad, carrot, pork chops, rice, noodles, watermelon, chicken feet, cherry 2. Scanning A. Sam wants to be a vegetarian because … Reason 1: A lot of animals have to spend their whole lives crowded together in tiny spaces until they’re killed. Reason 2: Animals will catch disease and should be given drugs. If we eat their meat, we will catch disease. Reason 3: There would be no more hungry people in the world if we use land to grow food for people instead of cattle. B. Sally doesn't want to be a vegetarian because … Reason 1: Meat contains vitamins and minerals which can not be found in vegetables. Reason 2: Vegetables can also be dangerous to eat because there’s pesticide. 3. What benefits can we gain from the food we eat? Vegetables and fruit: Vegetables and fruit are full of vitamins, which are needed for normal health. In addition, they are also rich in fibers, which are good for our digestion. Meat: Meat not only contains vitamins and minerals, but supplies us with proteins, which build and repair body tissues. Dairy products and soy products: Dairy products and soy products are high in proteins as well as minerals, especially calcium, which does good to our bones. Grain products: Grain products are the main source of energy. 4. Group work: Suppose you were sent to a lonely island by your employer for a test and you had to stay on this island for one week with only 3 kinds of food. Discuss with your group members: Which 3 kinds of food you will bring with you and why you make this choice. Attention: a) 1 for each food 4 b) You can cook on the island. c) You can NOT bring water with you. 5. Summary: What is a good eating habit? Generally speaking, everything we eat does some good to our body, so a good eating habit is that we should eat all kinds of food, but never too much of any. In other words, we should eat a balanced diet. Think before you eat and you will enjoy good health. Ⅲ. Homework Oral homework: Suppose you were Sally and your deskmate were Sam, have a short debate with him on the topic “To be a vegetarian is good or not”. Written homework: Write a report on your eating habits on page 71.

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