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Teaching Plan for S1AChapter 6 Food for Thought (the second period) Teaching Material: S1AUnit 6 Food for Thought Teaching Objectives: I. Knowledge Objectives: 1. To enable the students to use the words and expressions in the text; 2. To lead the students to have a better understanding of the text; II. Learning Strategy Objectives: To prepare the students for effective debate in the future. III.Emotional and Moral Objectives: To arouse the students’ awareness of environmental protection. Teaching Aids: Multimedia & the Blackboard Teaching methods: Communicative approach and task-based approach Teaching Procedures: 1. Warming up-----Vegetarian Rhapsody 2. Review of the new words and expressions in the text. ------Paraphrase the given sentences. 1) hurry with----We must do our homework in a hurry, for there is still much to do. 2) no more------You should not eat any more meat if you want to lose weight. 3) vegetarian----Most monks in the monasteries eat no meat. 4) influence----Many people were greatly affected by Lu Xun. 5) what’s more----When Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the last Olympic Games, he said“ I feel greatly honored personally, and what’s more, I feel we Chinese have truly stood up.” 6) succeed-----China has carried out two manned space flights successfully. 7) occasionally----There are drizzles from time to time during the day this week. 8) argue-----The couple are always fighting with words with each other on how to spend their money. 3. Further understanding of the text. A. Read the text aloud; B. Learn more about the text in the way of questions and answers. 1) Part1-----Paragraph 1 The whole class read the text aloud together with the tape. Questions: 1. Do you like grilled food? 2. Where do you usually find grilled food, in a Chinese restaurant or a western one? 3. Can you make a list of the western food that you know? 4.Have you ever been to a western restaurant? 5.Do you want to learn more about western food?(Look at the screen.) 2) Part 2-----Paragraph 2 Ask one student to read the text aloud. Questions: 1. Do you like vegetables? 2. Which do you prefer, vegetables or meat? 3. Can you name some vegetables in English? 4. Can you name them ?(Look at the screen.) 5.Is there any vegetarian in your class? 3) Part 3-----Paragraph 3-7 Divide the class into halves. One half acts as Debbie and the other acts as Simon. Question: 1. What do you think Debbie is going to say next? 2. Do you like watching TV? 3. Which programme do you like best? 4. Have you ever been influenced by any TV programme? 5.Would you please share your own experience with us? 4) Part 4-----Paragraph 8-10 Girls act as Debbie and boys act as Simon. Questions:1.Why do you think Simon decide to become a vegetarian? Possible answer: ①It is a waste of land; ②It is cruel to animals; ③It is dangerous to people; ④He is religious. 5) Part 5---Paragraph 11-12 One student acts as Simmon and the others act as Debbie. Questions:1.Can you ask any question according to the information provided? Possible Question: Why does Debbie think people should not give up eating meat? Possible Answer: ①Meat contain special vitamins and minerals; ②Some vegetables are also dangerous. 4. Tips on how to make the argument more effective. A. Indicators----the way you introduce your opinion In my opinion, … I think… I believe… From my perspective, … As far as I am concerned, … B. Giving Support for reasons a. Common Knowledge--- things that you believe everybody knows b. Example--- from your own experience or from what you heard or read c. Expert Opinion--- the opinions of experts -- this comes from research d. Statistics---numbers -- this also comes from research C. The Way to Speak a. Speak clearly to an audience. b. Some use of body language and eye contact. c. May use speech cards, but notes must not be read. 5. Argument practice: People should/ should not become vegetarians. 6. More language input to help the students view things objectively. 1) More language input----What to eat Teacher’s Opinion a. It is cruel to kill animals for food, but it’s a basic law of nature. b. It’s wrong to eat any animal that’s in danger of becoming extinct. c. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. d. To keep fit, we should eat a balanced diet. Assignment Write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of eating only vegetarian food.

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