陕旅版四年级英语下册课件Unit 6

陕旅版四年级英语下册课件Unit 6


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Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday 陕旅版(三年级起点 )四年级下册 Part A Circle your birthday Part C Look and write Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Circle your birthday ● Look and write >>Review Magic fingers Warm-up/Revision When is your birthday? >> Practise Circle your birthday birthday 【单词巧记】 birth(出生)+day(天;日子)=birthday(生日) 【短语】 birthday party生日聚会 【例句】 Today is my birthday. 今天是我的生日。 (名词)生日 Presentation gift 【复数形式】 gifts 【例句】 Mom gives me a gift. 妈妈给了我一个礼物。 【同义词】 present (名词)礼物;礼品 Try There are so many gifts. 这儿有这么多的礼物。 flower 【复数形式】 flowers 【短语】 plant flowers 种花   water the flower 浇花 【例句】 I like flowers. 我喜欢花。 (名词)花 Try The flowers are beautiful! 这些花真漂亮! card 【复数形式】 cards 【短语】 birthday card 生日贺卡  Christmas card 圣诞贺卡  make cards 制作卡片 【例句】 Here ' s your gift. It ' s a card. 这是给你的礼物。它是一张卡片。 (名词)卡片;贺卡 Try My friend gives me a birthday card. 我朋友送我一张生日卡片 。 birthday party 【例句】 We will have a birthday party at my home. 我们将要在我家举办一场生日宴会。 (名词)生日聚会 balloon 【复数形式】 balloons 【单词巧记】 ball(球)+o+on(在……上)=balloon(气球) (名词)气球 Try There are many colorful balloons in the sky. 天空中有很多五彩缤纷的气球。 candle 【复数形式】 candles 【例句】 Alice puts the candles on the table. 艾丽斯把蜡烛放在了桌子上。 (名词)蜡烛 Try Happy birthday! Please blow out the candles and make a vow. 生日快乐!请吹蜡烛许个愿吧。 candles flowers Quick response card gifts birthday party ballons 游戏时间 >>Practice What does Miss White have for her birthday? She has a big _______ cake, six _______, twenty-seven _______, three ______, and some ______. birthday balloons candles gifts flowers 答案 Look and write Test 给下列图片选择正确的单词。 A. flowers  B.b irthday party  C .card  D. gifts ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) D B A C Sum-up 本课所学的重点单词: birthday gifts flowers card balloons birthday party candles Homework 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄三遍,并背写。 Homework Thank you! 陕旅版(三年级起点 )四年级下册 Part A Think and tick Let ' s talk Part B Look and talk Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Think and tick ● Look and talk Let's talk 视频 ● Let's talk card flowers birthday balloons candles gifts 请快速说出闪现的词汇 birthday party Warm-up/Revision >>Lead-in What are you going to do for your mother on her birthday? Think and tick Let's talk 点击“ Let's talk ”,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 >>Presentation Let's talk Listen, then ask and answer Q1: What is Wu Chen going to do? Q2: Is Wu Chen going to buy some flowers ? Q3: What are Wu Chen’s father and mother going to do? She’s going to buy a gift for her grandma . Yes, she is. They are going to buy a birthday card. Presentation >>Presentation Let's talk Where are you going, Wu Chen? I’m going to buy a gift for my grandma. Today is her birthday. How about flowers? Good idea! And I’m going to make a card for her. >>Presentation Let's talk Are you going to have a birthday party? Happy birthday to you! Yes, I am. They’re going to buy a birthday cake. How about your parents? grandma 【例句】 My grandma is sixty years old. 我奶奶六十岁了。 【拓展】 grandpa (外)祖父 (名词)(外)祖母 idea 【复数形式】 ideas 【短语】 come up with an idea 想出一个主意 【例句】 I have a good idea ! 我有一个好主意! (名词)想法;主意 Try What a good idea ! 多么好的一个主意! make 【第三人称单数形式】 makes 【短语】 make a card 做卡片 make a kite做风筝  make a cake做蛋糕 【例句】 The factory makes toys. 这家工厂制造玩具。 (动词)制作 Try I will make a card for my teacher. 我将为我的老师制作一张卡片 . parent 【用法】 parent 是单数名词,指父母亲中的一位。 【复数形式】 parents 【拓展】 grandparent (外)祖父;(外)祖母 (名词)父亲(或母亲) Try I like to play in the park with my parents. 我喜欢和我的父母在公园玩 . Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐! 【 详解 】 重点句型一 这是表达生日祝福的句子。句中的to you可以省略,直接用“Happy birthday.”其后还可以加上人名,表达祝福的对象。 Happy birthday to you ! 祝你生日快乐! 例句 Act or Actress 分角色朗读对话 >>Practice A: What is … going to do for his/her … on the birthday? B : He/She is going to ... What are you going to do for your mother on her birthday? Look and write —Nice to see you again! —____________ A. Nice to meet you! B. Nice to see you, too. 英译汉。 1.happy birthday           2.birthday cake         3.birthday party           4.good idea            5.buy a gift       生日快乐 生日聚会 好主意 买礼物 生日蛋糕 Sum-up 重点词汇 idea 主意 make 制作 make a card 做卡片 parent 父亲(或母亲) 重点句型 1 3 4 Is she going home ? Where are you going? She is going to the shop. 1 3 4 I’m going to … for … How about … ? Happy birthday to you! Homework 背诵 Let's talk 内容。 Homework Thank you! 陕旅版(三年级起点 )四年级下册 Part C Listen and write Read,ask and answer Part B Let's learn more Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday Let's learn more 视频 Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Part C ● Listen and write ● Part B ● Let's learn more ● Read,ask and answer >>Review Warm-up/Revision >>Review How old are you ? Let's learn more 点击“ Let's learn more ”,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 Let's learn more thirty 【用法】 thirty是基数词,后接可数名词的复数形式。 【例句】 I ' ll be thirty next year. 我明年就三十了。 Presentation (数词)三十 forty 【例句】 My father is forty years old. 我爸爸四十岁了。 (数词)四十 fifty 【例句】 There are fifty states in the United States. 美国有五十个州。 (数词)五十 sixty 【例句】 There are sixty minutes in an hour. 一小时有六十分钟。 (数词)六十 seventy 【例句】 My grandpa is seventy years old. 我爷爷七十岁了。 (数词)七十 eighty 【例句】 Fifty and thirty is eighty. 五十加三十等于八十。 (数词)八十 ninety 【例句】 The coat costs ninety yuan. 那件外套值九十元。 (数词)九十 hundred 【例句】 The child can count from one to a hundred . 这个小孩能从一数到一百 。 (数词)一百 表示几十的数字结尾都有 ty, 且 sixty 是由 six+ty 组成的, seven ty 是由 seven+ty 组成的, eighty 是由 eight+y 组成的, ninety 是由 nine+ty 组成的,并提醒学生特别注意几个有特殊变化的词: two—twenty three—thirty four—forty five—fifty eight—eighty 小贴士 >>Practice Magic fingers >>Presentation Let's talk Listen, then ask and answer Q1: How old is Wu Chen’s grandma? Q2: How old is Wu Chen’s mother? Q3: How old is Wu Chen’s father? She is sixty. She is thirty-seven. He is forty-one. Q4:How old is Wu Chen? He is ten years old. >>Presentation Let's talk Toby: How old is your grandma? Do you know? Wu Chen: She is sixty. Toby: And your mother? Wu Chen: My mother is thirty-seven. Toby: Is your father thirty-seven, too? Wu Chen: No. He is forty-one. Toby: How old are you, then? Wu Chen: I’m ten years old. Toby: A nice girl! how old 【例句】 How old is he? 他多大了? 多大;几岁 know 【短语】 know about知道;了解 【例句】 I know you ’ re right. 我知道你是对的。 (动词)知道 then 【例句】 I ’ m eleven. Then what about you? 我十一岁了。那么你呢 ? (副词)那么;然后 — Is your father thirty-seven, too? 你爸爸也三十七岁吗? — No. 不。 【 详解 】 重点句型一 这是确认他人年龄及回答的句型。 【 句型结构 】 Be动词+主语+数词(+years old)?  肯定回答: Yes, 主语+be动词.  否定回答: No, 主语+be动词+not. Are you ten years old? 你十岁了吗? 例句 Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 — How old are you, then? 那么你多大了? — I ‘ m ten years old. 我十岁了。 【 详解 】 重点句型二 这是询问他人年龄及回答的常用语。how old意为“多大;几岁”,其中be动词随主语的变化而变化。 【 句型结构 】 How old+be动词+主语? 回答:主语+be动词+数词+(year/years old)./数词. How old are you ? 你 多大了 ? 例句 I ’ m nine.我九岁。 >>Practice How old are they? 84 80 51 49 27 20 Listen and write >>Practice A: How old are you? A: How old is …? B: I’m … B: He /She is … I Science Miss Wang Math Mr. Zhang Art Mr. Zhao 45 59 24 Music Miss Gao Chinese Miss Yang English Miss White PE Mr. Lin 32 36 27 28 Read,ask and answer ' Test —Nice to see you again! —____________ A. Nice to meet you! B. Nice to see you, too. 根据汉语意思 , 补全单词 。 1 . 三十   th    ty           2. 九十   n    nety 3. 八十      ghty         4. 五十   f    fty 5. 一百   one h    dred ir i ei i un Sum-up 重点词汇: thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred 1 、 Is your father thirty-seven, too? 2 、 How old are you, then? I ‘ m ten years old. 重点句型: Homework 背诵 Let's learn more 部分内容 。 Homework Thank you! 陕旅版(三年级起点 )四年级下册 Part C Let's do quickly Part B Read a story Let's chant Unit 6 Today Is Her Birthday Read a story 视频 Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Part B ● Read a story ● a ● Let's do quickly ● Let's chant >>Presentation Warm-up/Revision How old are you? I'm seven. Let's chant It’s your party. You can make a wish. Wish for a card. Wish for a bike. Wish for a ball. Wish for a kite. Wish for more friends. Wish for good luck. It’s your party. Make a wish! Read a story 点击“ Read a story ”,跟我一起读吧! 视 频 Read a story Look and answer 1 、 Are there any birds in the tree? Yes, there are. 2、 What are the birds doing? Th ey are singing happily. 3 、 Do you like birds? Yes, I do. Read a story Look! There are so many birds in the tree. They are singing happily. Read a story Look and answer How many birds are there in this picture? There are fourteen birds in this picture. Read a story Yes. How many birds can you see? Let me have a look … thirty-two, thirty-three… forty … So many! Read a story Oh, they’re flying away! How many can you see now? None! happily (副词)高兴地,快乐地 Presentation 【例句】 He smiles happily. 他高兴地笑了 。 none ( 代词)没有一个;毫无 【例句】 None of us went there. 我们谁也没有去那儿。 How many birds can you see? 你能看见多少只鸟? 【 详解 】 重点句型一 此句是对可数名词的数量进行提问的句型。how many 意思是“多少”,后面接可数名词的复数形式。 【句型结构】 How many+ 可数名词复数形式 + 其他 ? How many books do you have? 你有多少 本书 ? I have five. 我有 5 本。 例句 Read a story 表演我最棒! 小组合作: 1. 两人一小组 2. 根据课文分角色练习 3. 适当加上一些动作辅助表演 >>Practice What is twenty and thirty ? Twenty and thirty is fifty. 20+40=? 50+30=? 45+55=? 32+47=? 60+40=? 70+31=? 25+65=? 53+36=? Let's do quickly ' Test 单项选择。 (  )1.— How old      you?  — I ‘ m eleven. A.is B.are C.am (  )2.I ’ m twenty-seven      A.years old . B.year old . C.year olds . (  ) 3 .— How many fish can you see? —      A.None. B.They are swimming away. C.They are beautiful. B A A How many … can you see? There are … How many birds can you see? There are forty . Sum-up Homework 1. 复习第一单元学习的词组。 2. 背诵 “ Read a story ” 部分。 Homework Thank you!

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