pep6 unit4测试题

pep6 unit4测试题


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Test for Unit 4 (6.19) 姓名———— 班级———— I.Listening comprehension: 1.. Listen again and write. Zoom : Hi, Mr Monkey. Can you go shopping with me ? Monkey: Sorry. I am _____________________________. Zoom :That’s OK. Bye. Hello, Mr Pig. Can you go shopping with me? Pig: Sorry. I’m _______________________________. Zoom: Oh, goodbye, then. Hi, Mr Cat. Can you go shopping with me? Cat : Oh, sorry. I am__________________________________. Zoom: Bye, then. Hello. Miss Rabbit. Can you go shopping with me? Rabbit: Sorry. I am _____________________________. Zoom: Goodbye, then. Hi. Mr Dog. Can you go shopping with me? Dog: Sorry. I am _____________________________. Goat: Hi, Zoom. Zoom: Hi. You’re watching TV. Can you go shopping with me? Goat: Sure. Let’s go ! 2. Listen and match. drawing pictures goat dog doing the dishes cooking dinner rabbit cat answering the phone reading a book monkey pig watching TV 3. Listen and tick: ① a. Amy is listening to music. b. Amy is doing her homework. ② a. Mum is cooking dinner. b. Mum is writing an e-mail. ③ a. Father is reading the newspaper. b. Father is writing a letter. 4 a. Sarah is cleaning the room. b. Sarah is writing a letter. 4. Listen and match. I Sister Brother Mom Little brother Listening to music washing clothes writing an e-mail writing a letter cleaning the room I. Written test: 1. Arrange the sentences: 1) doing? are you What ____________________________________________ 2) reading I a am book. ____________________________________________ 3) cooking Mom dinner is kitchen. the in ______________________________________. 2. Read and write: Mike: Hello. Bill: Hello. This is Uncle Bill. How’s everybody doing? Mike: Just fine. Grandpa is writing a letter. Brother is doing homework. Mom is cooking dinner in the kitchen. I am cleaning the room. Bill: What about your dad? Can I speak to him, please ? Mike: Sure. Hold on please. He’s writing an e-mail in the study. Dad, there is a call for you. Dad: I’m coming. Who’s that? Mike: Uncle Bill. Dad: Thank you. Answer the questions: 1) What’s Grandpa doing ? ____________________________________. 2) What’s Mom doing ? __________________________________________. 3) What’s Brother doing ? __________________________________.__ 4) What’s Mike doing ? _______________________________________. What’s Dad doing ? ______________________

资料: 4.5万


