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四年级期末听力稿 一、Listen, write and link.(听音,补充单词并连线) Egg(蛋) apple(苹果) duck(鸭子) ball(球) ice-cream(冰激凌) hamburger(汉堡包) goose(鹅) noodles(面条) key(钥匙) cat(猫) 二、Listen and match.(听音,连线) 1. Zoom can set the table and paint. 2. Li Ming can play computer games and open the fridge. 3. Zip can listen to music and make the bed. 4. Xiao Hua can watch TV and answer the phone. 三、Listen and choose.(把你听到的句子序号填到前面的括号里) 1. Let me clean the board. 2. Is that your English book? 3. I have twenty-one English books. 4. My uncle has black hair. 5. Can you clean the car? Keys: A A B B A 四、Listen and choose.(听音,选择) 1. What’s your father? He’s a doctor. 2. What’s your mother? She’s a nurse. 3. What’s your aunt? She’s a teacher. 4. What’s your uncle? He’s a baseball player. Keys: A B B A 五、Listen and write.(听音,写出你所听到的英文数字) Sarah: Excuse me, Zhang Peng. How many English books do you have? Zhang: I have 5, and I have 4 Chinese books, 9 math books, 3 notebooks and 21 story-books. Sarah: Wow! Zhang: How many books do you have, Sarah? Sarah: I have 9 English books, 8 Chinese books, 7 math books, 4 notebooks and 13 story-books. Keys: 5 4 9 3 21 / 9 8 7 4 13 六、Listen and write the big letters.(用大写形式写出听到的每组字母) 1.M W 2.P R C 3.C D 4.G J 5.A I 6.V Y 七、Listen and tick.(听录音,选答句) 1. What’s your father? 2. Mom, can I help you? 3. What would you like? 4. Are they farmers? 5. Who’s that girl? Keys: B A A A B

资料: 4.5万


