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五年级第一学期英语第二单元基础练习题 一、用 “before, after,to,in 或 at” 填空: 1.Wednesday is _____ Tuesday. 2.February is ____ January. 3.March is ______ April. 4.When do you go ____ the beach? 5.Class begins _____ eight o’clock. 6.He is looking _____ the flowers. 7.Do you want to go ____ school now? 8.What do you do ____ the morning? 9.Is it rainy ___ spring? 10.Please listen _____ me. 二.选出划线部分发言不同的选项。(5 分) ( ) 1. A . cut B . but C . sugar ( ) 2 . A . make B . tape C . parrot ( ) 3 . A . between B . yellow C . bed ( ) 4 . A . he B . bell C . smell ( ) 5. A now B . window C . how 三、看中文,写出单词。(9 分) w W w . 12 月 25 日 3 月 8 日 9 月 10 日 6 月 1 日 1 月 1 日 10 月 31 日 四、选择最佳答案。(10 分) ( ) 1. There are __________ seasons in a year. A. twelve B. seven C . four ( ) 2. _________ the weather like in summer? A. What B . What’s C . Where ( ) 3. The weather is hot ______ summer. A . to B .at C . in ( ) 4. Look__________ the blackboard , please . A . on B . for C. at ( ) 5. It’s ____________ in spring. A. green B. hot C . cold ( ) 6. The leaves__________ red, yellow and orange. A . am B .are C . is ( ) 7. What’s the weather like __________ today? A. at B ./ C . on ( ) 8. _________ it rainy in fall? No, it ___________. A. Is; is B. Is ; isn’t C . Does; doesn’t ( ) 9. Can you spell snail ? Yes , I _________. A. am B . can’t C . can ( ) 10. It’s _________ in Beijing in winter . A . hot B . cool C . cold 五、选词填空。(5 分) birthday holiday can Let’s leaves 1、When _______ we go ice-skating. 2、Today is my ________ . 3、_________ go to the beach. 4、The ________ are red , yellow and orange. 5、When’s winter __________ ? 六、用括号里的词语的适当形式填空。(10 分)w W w . 1. Look at the heavy (rain). It’s a (rain) day today. 2. (be) September (before / after) October? Oh, no. It is (before / after) October. 3. When’s (you) birthday? My (birthday) October 20th. 4. It’s fall. The (leaf) are yellow. The weather (be) cool now. 5. It’s a birthday party. Let’s go and have some (food). 七、看图填空。(6 分) 1. What’s the weather like today? 1、 It’s ______ and _______. 2. What’s the date today ? It’s ________ ______ . 2、 3. What does she need? She _______ some . 3、 八、写作。 (10 分) 以“My family”为题目,写一篇介绍你家人的生日的英语作文。要求:1、 条理清楚,语意连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范。2、内容不得少 于 40 个单词。3、要介绍家人生日的月日时间等情况。 ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

资料: 4.5万


