Lesson 1 The weather-Lesson 2 Water

Lesson 1 The weather-Lesson 2 Water


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Lesson 1 The weather-Lesson 2 Water 【本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Unit 5 The world around us Lesson 1—2 (一)课标词汇 (二)重点短语 (三)重点句型 (四)学会用first, next, then, finally表示时间顺序 (五)掌握描述天气的词语   二. 知识总结与归纳 (一)课标词汇 1. world 2. weather 3. sunny 4. rainy 5. cloudy 6. windy 7. warm 8. grow 9. bird 10. spring 11. cool 12. dry 13. country 14. fly 15. kite 16. autumn 17. very 18. hot 19. children 20. beach 21. umbrella 22. summer 23. wear 24. scarf 25. winter 26. report 27. Friday 28. fourteen 29. temperature 30. date 31. lying 32. blow 33. land 34. sea 35. city 36. every 37. use 38. river 39. most   (二)重点短语 1. come from 2. a lot of 3. at work   (三)重点句型 1. What’s the weather like today?   __________ the weather today? 2. It is sunny / windy / cold… 3. We use water to clean the flat.   What do we use water to do? 4. The children wear warm clothes.   What do the children wear? 5. Water comes from the sea.   Water is from the sea. 6. Most of the water we use comes from other cities.   most of: 大多数的 Most of them are going to go to Beijing next week.   other: 其余的 other people 7. A special factory makes the water clean.   make的用法:   1) make+宾语+动词原形     I couldn’t make my car start this morning.   2) make+宾语+形容词 We must study hard to make our country more beautiful.   3) make+宾语+名词     They made me the monitor.   (四)学会用first, next, then, finally表示时间顺序     First, it comes through very long, wide pipes. Next, it goes into reservoirs in our city. Then, a special factory makes the water clean. Finally, it goes through smaller pipes to our homes.   (五)掌握描述天气的词语 名词            形容词 sun              sunny wind             windy cloud            cloudy snow            snowy It’s windy. There is a strong wind. It is rainy. There is a heavy rain. It is sunny. The sun is bright.  

资料: 29.3万


