四年级英语下册Unit 1 My school Part B Les learn课件(PEP版)

四年级英语下册Unit 1 My school Part B Les learn课件(PEP版)


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Unit 1 My school B Let's learn Let's guess! Where is it? first floor I can see many teachers here. Where is it? first floor second floor I can read books here. Where is it? I can water the flowers here. next to Where is it? I can play football here. playground Do you have a computer room? Yes, we do. have computer class Where is the computer room? It's on the second floor. first floor second floor Do you have a music room? Yes, we do. sing a song Where is the music room? It's on the first floor. second floor first floor Do you have an art room? Yes, we do. draw some pictures Where is the art room? It's on the first floor. second floor first floor gym We don't have a gym. Where is the gym? second floor first floor Do you have a gym? Yes, we do. / No, we don't. play basketball Do you have a lunch room? Yes, we do. eat some food Where is the lunch room? It's on the first floor. first floor second floor Where is the classroom ...? It's on the second floor. 11 22 first floor second floor Let's play (躲猫猫) Hide and seek Can you find me?Can you find me? Let's do Go to the computer room ,have computer class. Go to the art room , draw some pictures. Go to the music room ,sing a song. Go to the lunch room , eat some food. Go to the gym , play basketball. Do you have a/an ...? Yes/No, ... It's on the... Where is the ...? Welcome to Wen'an School ! My schoolMy school 例:We have a , it's on the . We can eat lunch here, it's very clean ! 1F1F 介绍一下你的学校吧!(小组讨论2分钟,选择一个场所进行介绍。) 用赢得的素材一起设计一个心目中的学校, 然后一起将新学校展示出来吧! Make a new school We have a new school. This is ... ... , it's on the ... ... floor. ... ... Love your school and enjoy the school life! (热爱你的学校并且尽情享受校园生活吧!) Homework 1. Write the new words for 3 times. 2. Introduce the new school to your parents or friends.

资料: 29.3万


