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第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 8A 期末书面表达范文 一、书面表达(20 分) 溱湖风景区(Qin Lake National Wetland Park)位于泰州市西北部,面积 26 平方公里, 是中国最重要的湿地之一。 1、许多不同种类的鸟儿全年生活在那儿,湿地的鱼很多,鸟儿很容易找到食物。 2、它是观鸟的极好的地方。每年,许多游客去溱湖观鸟。 3、但是,许多人不知道湿地的重要性。他们……(列举至少一个人们破坏湿地的行为) 4、政府采取的措施及作为学生我们该怎么做。 Qin Lake National Wetland Park is in the northwest of Taizhou. It covers an area of 26 square kilometers. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands in China. Many kinds of birds live in Qin Lake all year round. There are many fish in the wetland, so the birds can easily find food. It’s a perfect place to go birdwatching. Every year, a lot of tourists go to Qin Lake to watch the birds. However, many people don’t know the importance of the wetlands. ….. 评分标准: 1.(17~20 分)内容完整、表达充分(至少 12 句,学生自己发挥的部分表达得有理有据)、 层次结构清晰、语言流畅、地道,有少量错误。 2.(13~16 分)内容完整,表达较充分(至少 10 句,学生自己发挥的部分尚能表达得 有理有据)、层次结构较清晰、语言较流畅、地道,有少量错误。 3.(9~12 分))内容较完整,但表达不够充分(只要适当的发挥即可),层次结构较不 太合理、语言不够流畅、地道,有较多语言错误。 4.(5~8 分)内容不完整,语言表达错误较多,不能完整表达意思。 5.(0~4 分)内容不完整,语言表达错误很多,仅有几个单词可读,不能表达出与提示 内容相关的意思。 二、书面表达(满分 10 分) 某英语报社举行“国宝---熊猫”征文比赛,请你以“Giant pandas”为题,根据提示要点用英 语写一篇 80 词左右的短文参赛。 提示要点: 1、人们都喜欢大熊猫,它们黑白相间,貌似熊,平静而温和; 2、它们只生活在中国,现仅存一千只左右,数目越来越少; 3、大熊猫生活的地方在变成农田,人们为获取毛皮而捕杀它们; 4、如果再不采取措施,世界上将再无大熊猫了。 参考词汇: quiet and peaceful farmland kill…for fur take actions All people like giant pandas. They only live in China. Giant pandas are beautiful. They are black and white. They look like bears. They are quiet and peaceful. They eat bamboo shoots and leaves. Now there are only about a thousand pandas in the world. Their number is getting smaller and smaller, because their living areas are becoming farmlands. Also, people hunt them for their fur. Since they are in great danger, we must take actions to protect them, or there will be no giant pandas in the world. 书面表达评分标准: 第五档:(9---10 分)能写明全部要点,语言基本无误或有少量拼写错误,行文流畅,表达 第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 清楚。 第四档:(7---8 分)能写明大部分要点,语言有一些错误(句子结构或动词时态错误 1---2 处),但行文基本流畅,表达基本清楚。 第三档:(5---6 分)能写明一些要点,语言错误较多(句子结构或动词时态错误 3---4 处)。 但意思基本连贯,表达基本清楚。 第二档:(3---4 分)能写出少数要点,语言错误较多,意思不连贯,影响意思表达。 第一档:(0---2 分)只能写出若干单词,无可读的句子。 三、书面表达(满分 15 分) 请根据以下提示写一篇短文。要求:要点齐全,书写工整,不少于 60 个单词。 假如你是李峰, 是上海阳光中学一名八年级学生, 你的学校最近建立了一个保护野生 动物俱乐部――Friend of Nature。请你写一封申请信,要求加入俱乐部。要点如下: 1、你的身份和你想成为俱乐部成员的愿望。 2、说明你的兴趣和爱好。 3、你对野生动物的热爱以及对保护它们的重要性的认识。(认识不少于两点。) 4、每个星期天上午 9 点到 10 点可以参加俱乐部活动。 5、联系方式:0523-83880945 E-mail: Li Feng@sina.com.cn. 四、书面表达(20 分) 帮助 Sandy 写一篇请求加入观鸟协会的申请(80 字左右) 1. 我想成为观鸟俱乐部的一员。 2.我是八年级的学生,我对足球很古感兴趣,我最喜欢的科目是音乐和历史。 3.我热爱鸟类,了解更多鸟类知识。热爱大自然。 4.我想做点事保护鸟类,每个星期六下午 3-5 点可以参加活动 5.联系方式:Tel: 0519-7088888. Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to join the Birdwatching Society. First, let me introduce myself. I am sandy. And I’m a grade 8 student. My favourite sport is football. I also become interested in music and history. I would like to be a member of the Birdwatching Society. I enjoy the natural world so much that I love birds. At the same time I want to learn much about birds. I think it is important for me to protect them. So I want to take part in all kinds of activities from 3 p.m to 5 p.m on Saturdays. I will be very happy if I can be a member of the Birdwatching Society. You can call me on 0519-7088888. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Sandy 第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 五、书面表达(满分 10 分) 2014 年 8 月 3 日,云南省昭通市鲁甸县境内发生 6.5 级地震,造成重大人员伤亡。我们 应该为云南的人们做些什么呢? 当地震发生时,我们应该怎么办呢? 请根据提示用英语写一 篇短文。内容如下: ●可以做的事情:1.捐钱物给他们; 2.…… ●地震来临时: 1.保持冷静; 2.远离建筑物,最好……;不要跳下楼,…….会更安全一些。 3. …… 注意:1.要点齐全、语意连贯、语法正确、书写规范; 2.词数 70 左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数。 A big earthquake happened in Yunnan Province on August, 3rd this year. It’s reported that many people died or became homeless. As a middle school student, I think we can raise some money to help them. We can also collect some books and stationery for the children in Yunnan. We can make some posters to let more people know and help them. We can’t stop an earthquake, but we should keep calm when it happens. We should stay far away from buildings. We’d better run to an open area as fast as we can. Never try to jump down from the windows. Staying in a corner of your room or under a desk is safer. Call for help if possible. I think everyone should learn the ways of protecting themselves when they are facing danger. At the same time, we should help each other when having difficulty. 六、书面表达 (本大题共 10 分) 假设你是李华,在网上看到了 Wildlife Protection Club (野生动物保护俱乐部) 招募志愿 者的广告。请你用英语写一封信给俱乐部主席 Mr. Brown,申请加入该俱乐部,并表示,如 果能加入,将会很开心。请根据表格信息和提示完成申请信。 注意:1.词数 70 左右,信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.信须包括所有要点,申请理由用 2-3 句适当发挥; 3.不得透露班级、姓名等任何个人信息,否则不予评分。 Dear Mr. Brown, I read your advertisement on the Internet and I would like to join the Wildlife Protection Club. I am a student in Grade 8 at Sunshine Secondary School. I am very hard-working and helpful. I love playing basketball and travelling. I loved animals when I was very young. I would like to learn more about animals. And I hope to do something for animals. I will be very happy if I can be a member of your club. Please call me on 0515-87654321 or e-mail me at lihua@sunshinetown.com. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 学校 Sunshine Secondary School 年级 八年级 品德 勤奋, 乐于助人 爱好 篮球和旅游,从小喜爱动物 申请理由 …… 联系方式 0510—87654321,lihua@sunshinetown.com 第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 Yours sincerely, Li Hua 七、书面表达(本题共 20 分) 良好的习惯成就美好的未来。作为青少年,如何培养良好的习惯呢?请根据以下内容提 示以 “How to Develop Good Habits”为题写一篇英语短文。词数 90 左右(开头已给出,不计 入总词数)。 How to Develop Good Habits 学习 上课认真听讲,做笔记;每天按时完成作业;闲暇时多读课外书籍; 生活 每周锻炼 3 至 4 次;多吃蔬菜、水果,少吃垃圾食品; 补充 补充一至两点良好的习惯,并谈谈它们对身心健康的影响。 要求:1. 要点齐全,条理清楚,语句通顺,不要逐字翻译。 2. 文中不得出现真实校名及姓名,否则不予评分。 I think it’s very important for us to develop good habits. As teenagers, what should we do? In my opinion, we should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes when necessary. It is a good habit to finish the schoolwork on time every day. In spare time, we had better read some books to get more knowledge. Also, we should eat more fresh fruit and vegetables and less junk food. It’s necessary for us to take exercise for three or four times a week. What’s more, to get enough sleep, go to bed early and don’t stay up late. Always remember to wash our hands before meals to keep clean. Exercise is fun and relaxing. It’s healthy for the mind and body. Healthy lifestyle helps us get good grades and live happily. 九、书面表达 (共 10 分) 美国女孩 Amy 是你班上新来的学生,她想了解学校的课外活动,请你根据以下要点写一篇 第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 70 词左右的短文,告诉她有关情况。 (开头与给出,请接着写。) 1、课外活动时间:每天下午下午 3:30 至 4:50; 2、可以在操场上打球(篮球、足球、排球、乒乓球); 3、有很多兴趣小组:绘画、象棋、唱歌、舞蹈、中国功夫 (Chinese Kongfu) 等; 4、最受欢迎的是中国工夫,因为可以强身健体。 Welcome to my class, Amy. I am very happy to introduce to you the after-school activities in my school. Our after-school activities are from 3.30 pm to 4.50 pm every day. You may play football, basket ball, volleyball or table tennis in the school field. Besides that, the indoor activities are drawings, chess, singing, dancing and Chinese Kongfu. Chinese Kongku is the most popular activity because it helps to make us strong and keep fit. I hope you will enjoy as much as you could during your stay in China. 十.写作(10 分) 根据下列要点提示写一篇题为 Protecting Our Nature 的作文, 字数 60左右。 要点: 1.过去我们有蓝天白云,地上有大量的各类动、植物。 2.现在我们看到森林面积大量地减少,人们猎杀许多动物,有的动物人们见不到了。 3.我们应该做一些事情来保护自然,关爱自己,让人们与自然和睦相处。 In the past, we had white clouds and blue sky. There are a lot of different kinds of animals and plants. But now we can see the area of forests is becoming smaller and smaller. People hunt and kill many animals. Some animals are dying out or have died out. We should take actions to protect our nature. Loving nature is loving ourselves. Let people and nature be friendly to each other. 书面表达评分标准: 说明:先根据文章整体内容和语言表达确定档次,然后在该档次内评出分数。 第一档(10-9 分) 完全符合题目要求,表达清楚,内容丰富。使用多种语法结构和丰富的词汇,语言通顺, 语意连贯,具有逻辑性。允许有个别语言错误。 第二档(8-7 分) 符合题目要求,表达基本清楚,内容完整。语法结构和词汇基本满足文章需要,语言基 本通顺,语意基本连贯,有少量语言错误,但不影响整体理解。 第三档(6-5 分) 部分内容符合题目要求,表达不清楚,内容不完整。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不 通顺,影响整体理解。 第四档(4-3 分) 与题目有关的内容不多,不能表达自己的思想。只是简单拼凑提示词语,所写内容难以 理解。 第五档(2-0 分) 只写出个别词语。 十一、书面表达(本大题共 5 分) 近年来雾霾天气(haze)越来越严重。请就此话题写一篇 80 词左右的短文。 内容提示: 1. 因为雾霾天气,学生的户外活动比以前少了; 2. 人们不得不戴面罩(mask)出行, 道路上也发生了更多交通事故; 3. 空气污染问题严重,不利于健康; 第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 4. 每个人都应该采取措施来保护环境。例如…… 注意: 1. 短文须包括所有要点,不必逐句翻译,要求语句通顺、意思连贯; 2. 第 4 个要点的内容须适当发挥; 3. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 These years the haze weather appears more and more often. Because of the haze weather, students have fewer outdoor activities than before. People have to wear masks when they go out. Also, there are more traffic accidents on the road. Air pollution has become a serious problem. It is bad for our health. Everyone should take action to protect the environment. For example, we can change our life style. We can ride bikes or take buses when we go out. I plan to plant more trees in the future…. 十二.书面表达(20 分) 假如你是王林。你所在学校的“爱心俱乐部(Helping Hands Club)”将招收新会员。 你想加入该俱乐部,请根据下面表格和图片的内容,用英语写一封自荐信。 要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯; 2.要点须包括表格和四幅图片中的信息; 3.表格中“加入目的”一栏内容由考生自定; 4.词数:80 左右,信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Chairman, I am a boy student from Class 1, Grade 3. I'd like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. I am strong. I work hard at my lessons. I tike helping others. I get on well with my classmates and often help them with their lessons. On my way home, I often help old people cross the street. On the bus, I always give my seat to women with babies. Sometimes, I pick up rubbish in the park. If I join the club, I will be able to make more friends. Besides, I can do more for others. I'll be glad if I'm accepted. I am waiting for your answer. Yours; Wang Lin 十三、书面表达 (10 分) 旅游不仅可以放松我们的心情,还可以开阔我们的视野,丰富我们的知识。去年暑假你 和你的父母乘飞机去北京游玩了两天。请根据提示写一篇短文,要求要点齐全,可适当发挥, 第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 语句通顺,表达流畅,字数在 80 左右。 要点: 1.第一天我们去爬长城,并且拍了许多照片,很累但是很快乐。 2.第二天我们参观了颐和园(The Summer Palace)人很多。 看到很多花,景色非常漂亮。 我们了解到了很多关于我们国家的东西。 3.第三天,去购物,逛街,吃美味的食物。 Last summer, we took a plane trip to Beijing. On the first day, we went to climb the Great Wall and took many photos. We were tired but very happy. On the second day, we visited the Summer Palace. There were too many people. We saw a lot of flowers and it had a very beautiful view. We learned a lot about our country there. On the third day, we went shopping in Wangfujin Street. We had delicious food there. We had a great time there. 十四.书面表达(20 分) 地球上所有动物都是地球的主人,人与动物共享同一家园。请你根据下表提示,以 “Protect earth and love animals”为题写一篇英文演讲稿,在学校举办的“第一届英语节”活动中 作专题演讲。演讲稿应包含表中所有要点,并作适当发挥。词数 80 左右。 你的观点 人类和动物拥有共同的家 问 题 1. 乱砍乱伐、湿地减少; 2. 动物生存空间越来越少; 3. …… 解决办法 1. 政府制订法律保护动物; 2. 我们学生…… 重 要 性 如果我们不采取行动, …… Protect earth and love animals Good morning, everyone! Today I am very happy to be here to give a speech. Humans share the same home with other animals. However, people cut down too many trees so that the area of the wetlands becomes smaller and smaller. And people are making more space for farms and buildings. As a result, animals don’t have enough places to live. Moreover, people kill animals in order to make money. So the government should make laws to protect them. We students can tell people the importance of protecting animals. If we do nothing, soon animals will be in great danger. Let’s do something for them right now! Thank you very much. 十五、书面表达(共 15 分) 美国学生 Jane 将到你校学习一学期。她想了解几个情况(见下表)。请你写一 封 80 词左右的邮件,解答她的疑问。已给出的部分不计入总词数。可适当发挥。 1.家乡春、夏两季天气 2.学校基本情况 3.喜欢 DIY,学校能否给予支持 Dear Jane, We are so excited that you will come to stay in our school for a tenn. Now let me answer some of your questions. It’s pleasant weather in spring in our city, though sometimes it’s windy. It’s very hot in summer and it usually rains a lot. You will love our school, I’m sure. It’s not big but nice. Teachers and students here are friendly and helpful. Classes begin at eight in the morning and finishes at five in the afternoon. You can learn a lot here. Don’t worry about DIY. We have a DIY Club, I’m sure you will have fun there. 第一试卷网 Shijuan1.Com 提供下载 I really hope this will be useful to you. Looking forward to seeing you soon! Li Ping

资料: 4.5万


