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第二部分  英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节  单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例: We          last night, but we went to the concert instead. A. must have studied                                      B. might study C. should have studied                                    D. would study 答案是C 21. -It looks heavy. Can I give you a hand? -        . A. No, thanks                                                 B. Yes, my pleasure C. No, never mind                                         D. Yes, I do 22. Let’s go to       cinema-that’ll take your mind off the problem for          while A. the; the                                                    B. the; a C. a; the                                                        D. a ; a 23. How much          she looked without her glasses! A. well                                                         B. good C. best                                                          D. better 24. Could I speak to          is in charge of International Sales please? A. who                                                          B. what C. whoever                                                    D. whatever 25. What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There           be twelve A. should                                                      B. would C. will                                                           D. shall 26. His sister left home in 1998, and        since. A. had not been heard of                                 B. has not been heard of C. had not heard of                                        D. has not heard of 27. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t A. get along                                                  B. get on C. get to                                                        D. get through 28. She brought with her three friends, none of            I had ever met before. A. them                                                        B. who C. whom                                                       D. these 29. Edward, you play so well. But I        you played the piano. A. didn’t know                                              B. hadn’t known C. don’t know                                                D. haven’t known 30. The children all turned         the famous actress as she entered the classroom. A. looked at                                                  B. to look at C. to looking at                                              D. look at 31. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only     , but students became more interested in the lessons. A. saved was teachers’ energy                          B. was teachers’ energy saved C. teachers’ energy was saved                           D. was saved teachers’ energy 32. Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to        them too hard. A. draw                                                        B. strike C. rush                                                          D. push 33. One of the most important questions they had to consider was      of public health A. what                                                         B. this C. that                                                          D. which 34. Everybody was touched        words after they heard her moving story. A. beyond                                                     B. without C. of                                                             D. in 35. Now that we’ve discussed out problem, are people happy with the decisions        ? A. taking                    B. take                        C. taken                      D. to take   第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The True Story of Treasure Island It was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Stevenson’s imagination ___36___,recent research has found the true story of this exciting work. Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived    37    for many years In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a    38    With him were his American wife Fanny and his son    39 Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long    40    over the hills They had been   41    this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse, Kept indoors by the heavy rain Lloyd felt the days    42    To keep the boy happy Robert asked the boy to do some   43 One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island Robert   44   that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of   45   “What’s that ?” he asked “That’s the    46   treasure “ said the boy Robert suddenly   47   something of an adventure story in the boy’s   48   While the rain was pouring Robert sat down by the fire to write a story He would make the   49    a twelve-year-old boy just like Lloyd But who would he the pirate(海盗)? Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the   50   of a wooden leg Robert had always wanted to   51   such a man in a story  52   Long John Silver the pirate with a wooden leg, was   53 So thanks to a    54   September in Scotland a friend with a wooden leg and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy we have one of the greatest   55   stories in the English language. 36.A.However         B.Therefore                C.Besides                   D.Finally 37.A.alone               B.next door                C.at home                  D.abroad 38.A.meeting           B.story                      C.holiday                   D.jib 39.A.Lloyd              B.Robert                    C.Henley                   D.John 40.A.talk                 B.rest                        C.walk                       D.game 41.A.attempting       B.missing                   C.planning                 D.enjoying 42.A.quiet               B.dull                        C.busy                       D.cold 43.A.cleaning          B.writing                   C.drawing                  D.exercising 44.A.doubted           B.noticed                   C.decided                   D.recognized 45.A.the sea             B.the house                C.Scotland                 D.the island 46.A.forgotten         B.buried                    C.discovered              D.unexpected 47.A.saw                 B.drew                      C.made                      D.learned 48.A.book               B.reply                      C.picture                    D.mind 49.A.star                 B.hero                       C.writer                     D.child 50.A.help                B.problem                  C.use                         D.bottom 51.A.praise              B.produce                  C.include                   D.accept 52.A.Yet                 B.Also                       C.But                        D.Thus 53.A.read                B.born                       C.hired                      D.written 54.A.rainy               B.sunny                     C.cool                       D.windy 55.A.news               B.love                       C.real-life                  D.adventure

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