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2021 年六安市省示范高中高三教学质量检测英语试题 参考答案 1~5ABCAB 6~10 ACACA 11~15 BBCBA 16~20 CACBC 21.D 22.B 23.D 本文介绍赴美留学生选择的热门专业中的前四个。 21.D.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句 lead to high earning careers 可知。故选 D。 22.B.细节理解题。拿学工程专业的学生数量 232,710 除以留学生总数 891,330 可以得出。 故选 B。 23.D.细节理解题。由最后一段第一句可知,history 既可能属于人文学院,也可能属于社会 科学学院。故选 D。 24.C 25.C 26.D 27.B 本文主要内容:蟑螂几乎无处不在,它们似乎成了“打不死的小强”,蟑螂能够生存至今 的秘诀是什么呢? 24.C 细节理解题。由第三段 Be small! Run fast! Eat anything! Lay lots of eggs!可知。故选 C。 25.C 词义推断题。由第四段中的 enemies 可知这些都是蟑螂的天敌。故选 C。 26.D 细节理解题。由第六段中说到“Do you like dead things? They are my cup of tea!”my cup of tea 指的是比较喜爱的事物。故选 D。 27.B. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,蟑螂的生存能力很强,恐龙和猛犸象都灭绝了, 它们还在,并且几乎人类所到之处都有它们的足迹,甚至跟随阿波罗 7 号进入太空又活 着回来了,举这个例子是为了说明它们确实生存能力很强。故选 B。 28.A 29.C 30.D 31.B 本文是议论文。本文通过大量的研究数据展示了世界范围内的饥饿现象在近年来呈现出 不断恶化的趋势,仍有很多人面临着饥饿或营养不良的现象。 28.细节理解题。第三段通过列举大量的数据来呈现世界范围内的饥饿现象逐年恶化的事实。 故选 A。 29.细节理解题。由第四段中 an additional 93million to 132million people could go hungry in 2020 as a result of the economic recession caused by COVID-19,得出疫情对世界范围内的 饥饿状况有负面的影响。故选 C。 30.细节理解题。由最后一段得知他们感到失望的是,在当前世界,总的食物产量是充足的, 可以喂养整全世界人口。然而在这种情况下,仍然有很多人面临着饥饿或者营养不良, 而这往往是由于很多人支付不起。故选 D。 31.最佳标题题。这篇文章主要议论了世界范围内仍有很多人面临饥饿的现象,用这一现象 做标题能有效地抓住读者的注意力,吸引读者的阅读兴趣,同时对文章的主题也有很好 的诠释。故选 B。 32.B 33.A 34.B 35.C 本文是说明文。本文主要讲述的是嫦娥五号月球探测器的运行过程以及采集任务。 32.猜测词义题。根据句意,这里指嫦娥五号月球探测器是最庞大的最先进的探测器。 advanced 理解为先进的,高级的。故选 B。 33.细节理解题。根据文章,嫦娥五号首先从发射到分离成两部分,准备着陆,然后进行月 球表面的样品收集,最后返回地球运行轨道。故选 A。 34.推测题。由文章得出返回舱最终将带着月球上的样品回到地球。故选 B。 35.文章体裁题。本文是有关嫦娥五号登月完成收集任务的主题,段首以导语的形式介绍了 嫦娥五号目前的进展状况,且有介绍事件发生的时间地点等背景。故选 C。 36~40 EFGDB 本文是说明文。很多人认为聪明的人是天生的,然而事实并不是如此。本文分享 了聪明的人共有的几点特质。 36.E 段首介绍聪明的人并不是完全天生,需要不断努力,结合下文介绍的聪明人特 征,选项 E 符合语境。故选 E。 37.F 后面几句提到对于大部分人,阅读都是需要不断训练的,包括聪明的人也是坚 持训练。由此得出前面提到的轻松记忆的现象与常见标准相差甚远。故选 F。 38.G 结合这段的标题,聪明的人往往会和聪明的人交往。38 题前面在分析和同类 人交往有利也有弊,因此得出结论如果你想变得更聪明,就需要多和聪明人打交 道。与 38 题后分析和聪明人打交道的益处也衔接密切。故选 G。 39.D 这段在说明聪明人不怕犯错,认为不存在真正意义上的错误。D 项在解释每个 错误都是进步和改善的重要机会。故选 D。 40.B 这题在选择标题,结合段落比较了两种人对待知识的不同态度,得出结论,聪 明人往往更重视知识的价值。故选 B。 41~45 BCCDB 46~50 AADCA 51~55 BDACC 56~60 BDABD 本文介绍的是五个器官接受者为了满足他们的捐赠者的愿望,组成一个乐队动情演唱的 故事。 41.乐队动情地“演唱”歌词。C.claim 声称;D.recited 背诵。故选 B。 42.后面的大屏幕上显示的是他们的捐赠者的“照片”。故选 C。 43.这个大屏幕上的人就是他们之所以出现在这里的“原因”。故选 C。 44.“由于”糖尿病而去世。A.尽管;B.根据;C.至于;D.由于。故选 D。 45.此处考察定语从句的连接词,“他的”父母遵循他的愿望,此处不是并列句,不能用 his。 故用 B。 46.根据文章,他“捐献”了他的器官。C.swapped 交换;D.purchased 购买。故选 A。 47.根据上下文,他们自我介绍的时候提到他们接受了 Hancock 的哪个器官,此处应该填合 适的器官的词。故选 A。 48.51 空前面有提到 truck driver。故选 D。 49.见 47 题解析。故选 C。 50.memorial service 是悼念仪式。B.religious 宗教的;C.spiritual 精神上的;D.initial 最初的。 故选 A。 51.他喜欢音乐并且“梦想着” 组建自己的乐队,A.consisted of 由...组成;C.dream up 凭 空幻想;D.set up 建立。故选 B。 52.“立即,马上”,A.reluctantly 不情愿地;B.deliberately 故意地;C.aggressively 好斗地。 故选 D。 53.in honour of 为了纪念…;B.in celebration of 为了庆祝…;C.in favor of 支持…;D.in defence of...为...辩护。故选 A。 54.由于他们没有音乐基础,一切都要从头开始。 start from zero 固定词组,意为“从头开 始”。故选 C。 55.“甚至”在疫情期间也坚持练习。故选 C。 56.pick up 表示“学会”,A.make up 组成;C.put up 举起;D.pull up 停车。故选 B。 57.下定决心实现目标.B. fascinated 着迷的;C.consistent 持续的。故选 D。 58.此处指“重新开始的,重新获得的”,B.resigned 辞职的;C.enhanced 提高的;D.programmed 设定程序的。故选 A。 59.他最大的心愿是希望这五个人能够更好地享受“人生”。故选 B。 60.器官捐献不光是纪念挚爱的最佳方式,也是拯救他人生命的高尚行为。A.adaptable 适应 能力强的;B.sensible 明智的;C.considerable 相当大的;D.remarkable 非凡的特别的。 故选 D。 61.editors / editor 62.was searched 63.when 64.added 65.virtually 66.referring 67.social 68.what 69.but 70.itself 《剑桥词典》日前发布消息称,其评选出的 2020 年度词汇是“隔离”。 61.该词典的编辑或编辑们说,“隔离”在今年的搜索量中排名第三 。edit 动词改为名词。 故填 editors / editor。 62.“隔离”一词在 3 月 18 日至 24 日之间搜索量最大。考查谓语动词时态与语态。故填 was searched。 63.由于新冠疫情,各国在当时开始实施限制措施。考查定语从句。故填 when。 64.《剑桥词典》还添加了几个新词。words 和 add 之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词。故 填 added。 65.HyFlex,是 hybrid flexible 的缩写,用来描述一些学生远程上课,而另一些学生则在校 上课的教学方式。virtual 改为副词 virtually 修饰 participating in。故填 virtually. 66.介词后面接动名词。故填 referring。 67.社交距离,名词 society 变为形容词 social 。故填 social。 68.考查宾语从句。 故填 what。 69.用户们反而一直在搜索与新冠疫情的经济影响有关的词汇,这不仅体现在‘隔离’这个词 上,还体现在年度词汇榜单的另两个词:‘封锁’和‘大流行’上。not just... but 故填 but。 70.考查反身代词。故填 itself. 71.考查现在分词做形容词。具有挑战性的,故 challenged 改为 challenging。 72.考查就近一致原则。故 is 改为 are。 73.考查形式宾语 it。故 find 后面加 it。 74.考查祈使句。故 using 改为 use。 75.考查词性。动词短语后面应该用名词作宾语,故 confident 改为 confidence。 76.考查人称代词。故 our 改为 your。 77.考查非限制性定语从句。故 that 改为 which。 78.考查副词。故 However 改为 Besides/Furthermore/ Moreover/Additionally。 79.考查介词。at /with normal speed。故 in 改为 at /with。 80.考察冠词。have fun doing sth, 故 a 去掉。 One possible version What's the Most Important in My Life There is no doubt that different people have different goals in their lives, and they may have various answers to this question.My opinion is that health is the most important in my life. First of all, it is well-known that life is short for everyone. Without good health, there won’t be enough time to accomplish what we desire. Besides, we are entering a new century blessed with new opportunities as well as challenges. Only with a healthy body can we keep up with the rapidly changing world. Meanwhile, when we have won wealth and fame without a healthy body, we will definitely suffer from pains caused by certain illnesses. In this case, wealth is meaningless. Therefore, nothing is more important than health in the world. To conclude, I personally believe a healthy life is the source of happiness. So let’s join hands to make our life healthier both in body and mind. 听力原文 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一 遍。 1.M: What do you recommend to me to ease my flu? W: Try making a combination of honey, lemon, and a little cinnamon, and heat it slightly.A few spoons of this will help you feel better. M: Ah, that sounds helpful! I should try it.Thank you for your tip! 2.W: The rainy season is coming soon! M: Yeah! We should be ready with umbrellas and raincoats. W: Actually the rainy season is not really enjoyable for me. M: The wet season is good for us, isn’t it? We can grow many plants easily. 3.W: So, how do you like the lecture? M: It’s okay, I guess. W: That doesn’t sound very enthusiastic. M: Well, to tell the truth, Dr.Green’s lectures usually leave me cold. W: Really? That surprises me.I mean, he’s so organized. 4.M: What a beautiful old chair! How much is it? W: I’m asking for one hundred dollars for it. M: Would you take seventy dollars for it? W: Well, it’s worth at least two hundred dollars.How about eighty-five dollars? M: OK, it’s a deal! W: Great.Let me help you load it onto your truck. 5.M: Welcome to the Bicycle Shop.Is there a bicycle that I can help you find? W: No, actually I’m lost and I’m in such a hurry! I’m looking for the Parkway Deli. Can you tell me how to get there? M: I actually know a short cut there. 第一节到此结束。 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。 W: I need to exercise, but I hate jogging.I don’t mind doing some weightlifting, though. M: That’s great.It gives us plenty to work with.How often can you work out? W: Twice or three times a week. M: Why don’t we start with an aerobics class twice a week followed by a little weightlifting? W: Sounds fine to me. M: You’ll need to start slowly and build up gradually to three or four times a week. W: OK.How do I sign up for the classes? M: We’ll need you to go to the gym and then you can find out which classes fit your schedule best. W: Great! I can’t wait to get started.Thanks for your advice. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。 M: My grandma makes the best desserts.My desserts are not nearly as sweet as hers. W: Really? Which of her desserts do you like best? M: Either her rice pudding or her apple pie.They’re both delicious. W: I love rice pudding most! Do you think she will make some soon? M: Well, that’s the problem.She recently moved to Canada, and I miss her food! W: It’s too bad that she’s so far away. M: And I can’t go visit her until the summer. W: Maybe if you call your grandma, she’ll teach you some of her recipes. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小 题。 M: People in modern times are much luckier than before.Do you think so? W: Absolutely.Especially when we compare the technology before with the modern technology in our life now. M: Does your mother use a washing machine or other machines to do her chores? W: Yes, she does.She uses machines to do almost all of the household chores.She never has a maid. M: Hmm, technology is really helpful, but do you think that robots will replace humans or cause unemployment in the future? W: Well, it is hard to tell.In some cases, robots will take over jobs that are dangerous for human workers. M: What about teaching machines or machine teachers? W: Machine teachers will be truly useful, but I still guess the role of real teachers is very much needed.As a machine is only a piece of equipment, it has no personal approach in teaching and cannot precisely teach students. M: I can’t agree more.It is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is a science. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小 题。 W: Good morning, Brownton Swimming Pool. M: Hello.Would you like to give me some information about the water polo club? W: Yes, of course.We have a club for children under 14, a club for children under 16, a club for children under 18 and an adult club.How old are you? M: I’m 15. W: OK, so you want the club for children under 16? M: Yes. W: Just a moment.We have two places in the club for children under 16. M: When do they train? W: Let’s see.The club for children under 16 trains two evenings a week, on Mondays, no, sorry, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. And matches are on Saturday mornings. M: When does the training start? W: The training starts next week, on September 2nd. M: OK.And how much are the classes? W: Classes are free for children under 18. M: Great! What do I have to do to join? W: You have to come to the swimming pool and complete a form.You need to bring a photograph too. M: OK. W: Can I take your name? M: Yes, it’s Tyrone Williams. W: OK, thanks.Tyrone. M: Thanks.Bye. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小 题。 M: Hello, my name is Officer Brady, and I will be your driver’s education teacher today.The topic we will discuss is the dangers of drunk driving.Each year, hundreds of people are arrested for driving while being under the influence of alcohol.Sometimes police officers are able to pull over a vehicle before the drunk driver can hurt himself or others.However, over 50 percent of all car accidents we see annually are caused by a person who was behind the wheel after drinking.I personally lost a colleague who was on duty and hit by a drunk driver.It also breaks my heart to see that so many of those who die in alcohol-related accidents are under the age of twenty-five.So, please don’t end up as another body in the cemetery, and help us decrease the number of car accident victims by not drinking and driving.

资料: 911


