Unit2 How much cheese did you buy教学设计

Unit2 How much cheese did you buy教学设计


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一、教学目标 Teaching  Aims 1、知识目标 Undestand and say the words: over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half Undestand and say the sentence : How much cheese did you buy ? 2、能力目标 Listen and read the sentence: How muchcheese did you buy ?句型,并在实际情景中进行应用。 3、情感目标 通过看听说演唱等活动,使学生产生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心. 二、教学重难点 Mover there ,a lot of ,use,any,half How much cheese did you buy ? 三、教学过程 1.Revision: Look and act(请同学看着书上的插图表演对话。) 2.Warming up: (1)Answer the questions: A:What season is it? B:What do you like in the season?: C:What sport do you like in the season? D:Where do you like to play? (2)Work in groups: (3)Talk about this picnic in English. 3.Learning the text: Look at thepictures,please look at them carefully,then answer the questions: (1)  Howmany children are there in the picture? (2)  What’sin their hands? (3)  What’she doing? (4)What’s on the paper of his hand? Please open yourbooks.Look at the text.What’s meaning of “be going to” here. Please read thesentences by themselves.    (5)Listen to the recorder: Aisten andpoint.(Find out the food) Bearn the newwords. C:Say thedifference between “how many” and “how much”。 D:Listen and readafter the tape. 4.Games: (1)Listen and match.(将物品和卡片连线) (2).Have amatch.(分组到黑板比赛,指认物品或单词) 5.Practise: 1.Game:《I’ll go home.》 Draw two houses on the blackboard.Write “how many”on one house;write“how much”on another house.Stick food cards on the houses.(在黑板上画两栋房子,并交代分别代表how many和how much 的家,请学生帮助食物卡片分别找到自己的家,贴在黑板上。) 2.ShoppingAct out in a shop) (1)Go over the words and sentences about shopping. (2)How much…?(How many …?) (3)Make a list and act. 五、Summary:      Words: over there ,a lot of ,use,any,half  Sentence :How much do you want?。 六、Homework: 1.    Go shopping on the computer. 2.    Go over the words and sentences of the text.

资料: 29.3万


