人教版八年级英语上册Unit 3 Section B 1a-1e课件

Unit 3 Section B 1a-1e.pptx

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Section B 1a-1e To learn to talk about important personal traits in a friend. To learn to listen for the details. To learn new words : talented, truly, care about… Objectives A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。 Lead-in Do you have a friend? Who’s your friend? Why do you choose him/her as your friend? Discuss Is he a good friend? When you fight with others, he helps you fight. When you are tired, he does homework for you. When you are thirsty, he gives you a cup of tea. When you meet a thief, he runs away quickly. Free talk A good friend … __ a. has cool clothes. __ b. is talented in music. __ c. likes to do the same things as me. __ d. is good at sports. __ e. truly cares about me. __ f. makes me laugh. __ g. is a good listener. What kinds of things are important in a friend? Rank the things below [1-7] (1 is the most important). 1a 在 ... 方面有天赋 关心,在意 __ has cool clothes. __ is talented in music. __ likes to do the same things as me. __ is good at sports. __ truly cares about me. __ makes me laugh. __ is a good listener. a b c d e f g Match pictures with their meanings. A : I think a good friend makes me laugh. B : For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C : Yes, and a good friend is talented in music , too. D : That’s not very important for me ... Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. 1b Like about their best friends The same as their best friends Different from their best friends Molly Molly studies harder. Mary They’re both tall . Lisa is quieter . Peter likes to do the same things. popular, good at sports a good listener Listen. What do Molly and Mary like about their best friends? Fill in the first column of the chart. 1c The same as best friends Different from best friends Molly Mary Molly studies harder. Peter plays baseball better than Molly. Peter speaks more loudly. Molly is a little quieter. They’re both tall. They both have long, curly hair. Lisa is quieter. Lisa is smarter. Mary is more outgoing. is popular; is good at sports; They’re both pretty outgoing. Listen again. How are Molly and Mary the same and different from their best friends? Complete the rest of the chart in 1c. 1d Challenge Complete the passage using the information in 1c,1d. Molly's best friend is Peter. They are both _______and good at_______.But Molly studies ________than Peter.Peter plays basketball______than Molly. Though they are both outgoing,Peter speaks ____________than Molly and Molly is a little ________. Mary's best friend is Lisa because Lisa is a good ________.They are both _______and have__________hair. But Lisa is _______ and _________.Mary is_________________. popular sports harder better more loudly quieter listener tall long,curly quieter smarter more outgoing Talk about Molly and Mary and their best friends. A: Molly studies harder than her best friend. B: Well, Mary and her best friend are both tall. 1e Think about four sentences to describe the same or different things between you and your best friend. One sentence should give the false information and the other three should give the correct information. The class will guess who she/he is and which sentence gives the false information. Let’s play a game! 1. ...truly cares about me . 真正地在乎我。 care about v. 担心 。相当于: be worried, be interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念 ► Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗? ► I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。 Language points 2. I think a good friend makes me laugh. make sb. do sth. 让 ( 使 ) 某人做某事 (make 后跟不带 to 的不定式 ) ► His words made us feel so exciting. ► The boss made the workers work all day and all night. 3. A good friend is a good listener . listener 本意是“ 听者;听众”,根据语境 a good listener 应译为“ 作为一个好朋友应当乐于倾听朋友的倾诉”。 类似词语还有 : 说话者 speaker 4. Peter likes to do the same things, like to do sth  喜欢偶尔做某事 like doing sth  喜欢经常做某事,或个人爱好  如“ Do you like reading? ”你爱好读书吗?    like + to do 表示想做什么事情,类似于 want , 如“ Do you like to go with me? ” 表示现在愿不愿意去做某事。 I. 句型转换。 1. Peter is thinner than Sam. ( 同义句转换 ) 2. My sister is better at study than I. She is clever. ( 同义句转换 ) Sam is fatter than Peter. My sister is much smarter than me at study. Exercises 3. I study science very well. ( 同义句转换 ) 4. Miss Li is popular in our class. Mr. Wang is more popular.( 同义句转换 ) I am very good at science. Mr. Wang is more popular than Miss Li in our class. II. 用比较级形式填空。 1.Tom’s bike is new, but John’s bike is ______. 2.Tom’s schoolbag is big, but John’s schoolbag is _______. 3.Tom’s house is small, but John’s house is even _______. 4.Tom’s coat is long, but John’s coat is even _________. 5.Tom’s desk is good, but John’s desk is ________. newer bigger smaller longer better 6. He is ________ (young) than I am. 7. Mr. Smith is much _____ (old) than his wife. 8. Chicago is ______ (big) than Paris. 9. This book is ______ (good) than that one. 10. The weather this winter is _______ (bad) than that of last winter. younger older bigger better worse III. 翻译句子。 1. 对我来说,好朋友喜欢做我喜欢的事。 2. 我认为一个好朋友能让我笑口常开。  3. 你的好朋友跟你有什么不同吗?      I think a good friend makes me laugh.            For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. Is your best friend different from you in any way?     3. 我最好的朋友莉莉在音乐方面很有天分。 My best friend Lily is talented in music. 4. 我们的父母是真的关心我们。 Our parents truly care about us. 5. 我喜欢丽萨,因为她是一位很好的聆听者。 I like Lisa because she is a good listener. —Mike plays the drums so wonderfully! —Of course. He is_____than any other students in his class. A. talented B. more talented C. less talented D. the most talented 中考链接 由句意“比班里任意一个其他的学生都有才能”可知,要用比较级。 B Homework Write about you and your best friend … What do you like about him/her? The same things between you. The differences between you.

资料: 29.3万


