PEP版三年级英语上册recycle 2第二课时课件

PEP版三年级英语上册recycle 2第二课时课件


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Recycle 2Recycle 2 第二课时 Can I have a puppy, please? Maybe. Can I have a puppy, please? Maybe. Can I have a puppy, please? Can I have a turtle, please? Can I have a puppy, please? Maybe. Maybe. Can I have a monkey, please? Maybe. Can I have a monkey, please? Maybe. Can I have a monkey, please? Can I have a tiger, please? Can I have a monkey, please? Maybe. Maybe. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! This is great! I want some bread with some milk. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! This is great. Please give me some fish, too. We want cake, we want juice. May I have some more, please. Review the words cat, dog, bird, duck, chick, hen, rooster, fox, wolf, tiger, lion, frog, rabbit, horse, elephant, zebra, cow, pig, bear, panda, monkey…. Some more words hippo, peacock, snake, lizard, turtle, fish,etc. Ask and answer What do you see? I see a cat. Ask and answer What do you see? I see a dog. Ask and answer What do you see? I see three. Ask and answer What do you see? I see five. Ask and answer What do you see? I see rice. Ask and answer What do you see? I see bread. Ask and answer What do you see? I see an arm. Ask and answer What do you see? I see a leg. Ask and answer What do you see? I see a bag. Ask and answer What do you see? I see a book. Ask and answer What do you see? I see black. Ask and answer What do you see? I see brown. Let’s read dog elephant panda cat tiger bear duck pig monkeybird Let’s read milk water fish cake egg juice bread rice Listen and tick cat dog bear dog bird panda pig duck monkey A. spring B. snake C. lorry D. bird E. strawberry F. pink G. green H. bus I. orange J. summer autumn _____________ _____________ red __________________ __________________ lemon ____________ ____________ lion ___________ ___________ car _____________ _____________ 1.做一张英语手抄报,把单词分类 并画出图片,标注上英语单词。

资料: 29.3万


