人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 8 Section A (GF-3c)精品课件

人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 8 Section A (GF-3c)精品课件


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Section A (GF-3c) Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? 学习目标  Key words & phrases: sugar,cheese,corn,machine,dig,hole, make popcorn,plant a tree,dig a hole,make beef noodles,wash clothes,take out a book from the library  Key sentences: 1. How do you make a banana milk shake?  2. Do you know how to plant a tree?  Describe a process.  Countable Nouns & Uncountable Nouns. Do you like fruit salad? Lead in How to make fruit salad? You need these things: watermelons apples yogurt oranges honey bananas First … Next … Then … Finally … Circle the correct word in each question. 1. How (much/many) bananas do we need? 2. How (much/many) sugar do we need? 3. How (much/many) bread do we need? 4. How (much/many) tomatoes do we need? 5. How (much/many) cheese do we need? 3a Presentation Now let’s make popcorn. •popcorn •salt •popcorn machine •bowl •corn We need ___________. Complete the questions and answers. Then match them. 3b ____ 1. __________ do you make popcorn? ____ 2. __________ corn do we need? ____ 3. __________ do we do next? ____ 4. __________ salt do we need? ____ 5. Now can we eat it? How How much What How much a. Half a cup. b. _________, put the corn into the popcorn machine. c. Yes, we can! d. Next, _________ on the machine. _________, add the salt. e. Just one spoon. First turn Finally ____ 1. __________ do you make popcorn? ____ 2. __________ corn do we need? ____ 3. __________ do we do next? ____ 4. __________ salt do we need? ____ 5. Now can we eat it? a. Half a cup. b. _________, put the corn into the popcorn machine. c. Yes, we can! d. Next, _________ on the machine. _________, add the salt. e. Just one spoon. b a d e c How How much What How much First turn Finally How to make popcorn? Finally, you can try it. First, put the popcorn into the popcorn popper. Next, turn on the popper. Next, pour the popcorn into a bowl. Then, put some salt on the popcorn. Have you ever tried cooking? What do you cook? Share your experience with others. First, cut up the meat and vegetables to make stuffing. Next, mix up the flour and the water. Then, put the stuffing into the flour cover. Finally, put them into the pot to boil them. How to make dumplings? 3c Write how to do one of the following things. Then tell your partner how to do it. plant a tree make beef noodles wash clothes take out a book from the library First, dig a hole. Then … Do you know how to plant a tree? Can you make noodles with beef and tomatoes? First, Next, Then, Finally, cut up the tomatoes and beef. boil the noodles. add the ingredients to the noodles. add salt to the noodles. 描述过程顺序的词汇 课堂小结 First,··· Next, ··· Then, ··· After that,··· Finally,··· 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,如:bananas, tomatoes。不可数名词没有单、复数形式。 可数名词单数前面可用不定冠词a (an); 不可数名词前不能有a (an)。 可数名词复数可用 a few, many 等修饰;不可数名 词则用 a little, much 等修饰。 询问可数名词的“多少” 用how many; 询问不可数名词的“多少” 用 how much。 Revision Countable nouns & Uncountable nouns 英语中个体名词是可数名词,它们所表示的人或物 可以用数来计数。 如:banana, apple, blender, watermelon … 物质名词一般是不可数名词,它们所表示的事物不 能用数来计数。 如: milk , yogurt … 不可数名词要加表示容器或体积大小的名词, 与of构成短语才能表示量。如:  a piece of paper two spoons of honey a cup of yogurt a bar of chocolate 1.How many + 可数名词复数形式 + …? e.g. How many students are there in our class? There are sixty one./ Sixty one. 2.How much + 不可数名词 + …? e.g. How much water do you drink every day? I drink five glasses./Five glasses. How many & How much 注:回答不可数名词量多少时,数词后一定 要有容器量词。 e.g. a cup of tea two glasses of water three pieces of paper four spoons of honey A: How many bananas are there in the picture? B: There are three. / Three. A: How much milk are there in the picture? B: There are two cups. / Two cups. Practice Practice A: How many watermelons do you eat every day? B: I eat four. / Four. A: How much honey do you drink every day? B: I drink four spoons. / Four spoons. Please use many or much to fill in the blanks. 1、A: How _____ watermelon do we need? B: We need four pieces of watermelon. 2、A: How _____ watermelons do we need? B: We need four. 3、A: How _____ oranges do you need? B: Two. 4、A: How _____ orange do you need? B: Two cups. much much many many a bottle ofa bottle of a can/tin ofa can/tin of a spoon of a spoon of a cup/glass ofa cup/glass of a bar of a loaf of a bag of a drop of 量词拓展: Summary 1. Countable nouns & Uncountable nouns 2. How many & How much 3. How to make popcorn. • Revise the sentences in Grammar Focus. • Practice how to describe a procedure.

资料: 29.3万


