2020届高考英语二轮复习课件:专题三十高三备考复习之语法填空 (共59张PPT)

2020届高考英语二轮复习课件:专题三十高三备考复习之语法填空 (共59张PPT)


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030-2020年高三备考复习之语法填空占15分,10*1.5 最直接考察语法 词汇 语法基础 解题方式 语法填空在高考中地位 语法填空考查要求“Nothing entertains us better than reading a book.” Bing Xin expressed this 41 (believe) in 1987. “Entertainment news has increased,which is fine,but I 42 (firm) believe the most pleasant thing about life is to read books,” she told Cao Zhengwen,editor of the Xinming Evening News.Cao's interview with Bing Xin 43 (take) place about two years after the book Amusing Ourselves to Death was published. It criticized televisions for 44 (weaken) rational thinking that was typical of books.To encourage more people to read,Cao launched 45 “Joy of Reading” section in the Xirmin Evening News in 1986. During the 22 years 46 it survived and thrived (繁荣),he interviewed quite a few cultural figures and invited them 47 (write) for the newspaper. Cao later selected and edited the stories of their life into the book A Record of Interviews with Cultural Icons.Thanks to Cao's effort,today's readers can have a rare glimpse into the 48 (spirit) world of typical Chinese intellectuals,a world of simplicity,sacrifice and selflessness.The book tells us not only how joyful they were in reading,but also how just they were 49 difficult conditions. In other words, the book teaches us how to bring out the better part of 50 (we) as well as how and what to read. 2020届四川省成都市高三第二次诊断性检测“Nothing entertains us better than reading a book.” Bing Xin expressed this 41 (believe) in 1987. “Entertainment news has increased,which is fine,but I 42 (firm) believe the most pleasant thing about life is to read books,” she told Cao Zhengwen,editor of the Xinming Evening News.Cao's interview with Bing Xin 43 (take) place about two years after the book Amusing Ourselves to Death was published. It criticized televisions for 44 (weaken) rational thinking that was typical of books.To encourage more people to read,Cao launched 45 “Joy of Reading” section in the Xirmin Evening News in 1986. During the 22 years 46 it survived and thrived (繁荣),he interviewed quite a few cultural figures and invited them 47 (write) for the newspaper. Cao later selected and edited the stories of their life into the book A Record of Interviews with Cultural Icons.Thanks to Cao's effort, today's readers can have a rare glimpse into the 48 (spirit) world of typical Chinese intellectuals,a world of simplicity,sacrifice and selflessness.The book tells us not only how joyful they were in reading,but also how just they were 49 difficult conditions. In other words,the book teaches us how to bring out the better part of 50 (we) as well as how and what to read. 41.Belief 42.Firmly 43.Took 44.Weakening 45.the46.When 47.to write 48.Spiritual 49.in/under 50.ourselves考查对单词形式变化的掌握水平。 单词形式变化主要有两种,一是词的形、数、式的变化,一是词的派生变 化。在判断出词的变化之后还应该进一步审题,看是否需要应用复合的变化 形式,这一点是很重要的。技巧一:名词形式变化名词的形式变化主要有 单数、复数、所有格的变化There are many students living at school, the (child) houses are all far from schoo1.由students一词可以判 断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答 案为child的复合变化形式—— 复数的所有格children's。 有提示题型的解题技巧技巧二:动词形式变化 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓 语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、从前分词)。A talk (give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.句中的is written是整句 的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出, 报告是“未来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可 以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。技巧三:代词形式变化代词形式变化通常是与人称变化 有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词 (形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形 式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。The king decided to see the painter by (he).由介词by可 以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。技巧四:形容词、副词比较级变化英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副 词都有原级、比较级和最高等的变化。构成比较级和最高级的方式,或通过 加后缀一er和.est,或在词前Imore/less和most/least,且形容词的最 高级还要冠以the。I am (tall)than Liu Wen.He is the tallest students in my class.此题后句交代了LiuWen是班上最高的学生,那“我 ”确定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。技巧五:数词形式变化数词的形式变化包含基数词、序数词, 或加后缀一teen、ty的变化,甚至还有作分母用的序数词的单复数形式, 以及one/two的特殊变化形式 once/twiceTo my three sons I leave my seventeen horses.My eldest son shall take a half, my second son shall take a (three).从上下文持续起来懂得, 这是一个分马的方案,大儿子分得a half,也就是“一半”或“二分之 一”,那么二儿子应该得“三分之一”,所以要填入作分母的序数词 “third”才干命中目标。技巧六:词的派生词的派生现象在英语单词中是很常见的,派 生现象主要产生在名词、动词、形容词、副词四种词中。这种题型还有 可能检测学生对词根、前后缀、派生词的掌握。Lious lost his wallet yesterday,SO he was very____(happiness).在这道题中,学生很 轻易断定出该用形容词;钱包丢了,人应该是不开心的,所以要再加个 前缀un,就成了unhappy。小试牛刀Yueyang Tower is 41 ancient Chinese tower on the shore of Lake Dongting. It is one of the Three Great Towers of Jiangnan. Yueyang Tower became famous for Memorial to Yueyang Tower (《岳阳楼记》) 42(write) by Fan Zhongyan,who was an excellent minister of the northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)in China.43 (lie) on the city wall of the west gate of the ancient city in Yueyang City, Hunan province,China,Yueyang Tower faces Junshan Island and overlooks Dongting Lake,being extremely beautiful and 44 (impress). Since ancient times,it 45 (enjoy) the good reputation that Dongting Lake is the 46 (good)among lakes,and Yueyang Tower is incomparable among towers. Yueyang Tower’s roof covered with yellow glazed tiles (黄色琉璃瓦)looks like a general’s helmet in ancient China. It is the only ancient 47 (build) with a helmet roof structure (构造) in China.Before the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Yueyang Tower was mainly used 48 the military purpose. After the Tang Dynasty,it 49 (gradual) became a famous scenic spot in 50 men of letters chanted poetry and wrote fu. 1. 2020届安徽省统一考试调研卷Yueyang Tower is 41 ancient Chinese tower on the shore of Lake Dongting. It is one of the Three Great Towers of Jiangnan. Yueyang Tower became famous for Memorial to Yueyang Tower (《岳阳楼记》) 42(write) by Fan Zhongyan,who was an excellent minister of the northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)in China. 43 (lie) on the city wall of the west gate of the ancient city in Yueyang City,Hunan province,China,Yueyang Tower faces Junshan Island and overlooks Dongting Lake, being extremely beautiful and 44 (impress). Since ancient times,it 45 (enjoy) the good reputation that Dongting Lake is the 46 (good)among lakes,and Yueyang Tower is incomparable among towers. Yueyang Tower’s roof covered with yellow glazed tiles (黄色琉璃瓦)looks like a general’s helmet in ancient China. It is the only ancient 47 (build) with a helmet roof structure (构造) in China.Before the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Yueyang Tower was mainly used 48 the military purpose. After the Tang Dynasty,it 49 (gradual) became a famous scenic spot in 50 men of letters chanted poetry and wrote fu. 41.an 42.written 43.Lying 44.impressive 45.has enjoyed/has been enjoying 46.best 47.building 48.for 49.gradually 50.which本文是一篇说明文。位于湖南省岳阳市的岳阳楼,自古有“洞庭天下水,岳阳天下楼”之美誉。 41.考查冠词。句意:岳阳楼是一座古老的中国式塔楼。tower为单数可数名词,表示泛称, 用不定冠词,又因为前面的ancient为元音音素开头的单词,故用冠词an。故填an。 42.考查非谓语动词。句意:岳阳楼因范仲淹写的《岳阳楼记》而出名。所填词在此处作后置 定语,修饰Memorial to Yueyang Tower,且与之为动宾关系,故用过去分词written。故 填written。 43.考查非谓语动词。句意:岳阳楼坐落于古城岳阳西城门的城墙上。分析该句成分可知,所 填词与该句的逻辑主语Yueyang Tower构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用所给词的现在分词形式 Lying。故填Lying。 44.考查词形转换。句意:岳阳楼面向君山岛,俯瞰洞庭湖,及其漂亮,给人留下深刻印象。 分析该句结构可知,所填词与beautiful并列,作动词being的表语,故用所给词的形容词形式 impressive。故填impressive。45.考查动词时态。句意:自从古代,它就一直享负盛名—洞庭湖是最多湖泊中最好的。分析该句成分可知, 所填词作谓语,又根据Since ancient times可知,该处用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。故填has enjoyed/has been enjoying。 46.考查形容词最高级。句意:自从古代,它就一直享负盛名—洞庭湖是最多湖泊中最好的。根据空前的 the及后面的among lakes可知,该处需用所给词的最高级形式 best。故填best。 47.考查词形转换。句意:它是中国唯一一个盔式构造的古建筑。根据前面的修饰语the only ancient可知, 此处需用所给词的名词形式building。故填building。 48.考查介词。句意:岳阳楼主要用于军事目的。be used for意为“被用来”,为固定短语。故填for。 49.考查词形转换。句意:唐朝之后,它逐渐成为一个著名景点,在这里文人雅士们吟诗写赋。分析该句成 分可知,所填词在此处修饰动词became,作状语,故用所给词的副词形式gradually。故填gradually。 50.考查定语从句。句意:唐朝之后,它逐渐成为一个著名景点,在这里文人雅士们吟诗写赋。分析该句成 分可知,该句是由“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,先行词为scenic spot,故用关系代词which。故填 which。The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Moon cake Festival. It has a long history 41 (date) back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It 42 (traditional) falls on the 15th day of the 43(eight) month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times, customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 44 (include) appreciating the moon,eating moon cakes 45 drinking wine. The full moon on Mid-Autumn night symbolizes family reunion 46 Chinese culture because the moon is round and the 47 (bright) of the year on this day. With the full moon hanging above in 48 sky,people 49 are far away from their 50(hometown) might miss families while looking at the beautiful moonlight. 2. 2020届安徽省统一考试调研卷The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Moon cake Festival. It has a long history 41 (date) back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It 42 (traditional) falls on the 15th day of the 43(eight) month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times, customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 44 (include) appreciating the moon,eating moon cakes 45 drinking wine. The full moon on Mid-Autumn night symbolizes family reunion 46 Chinese culture because the moon is round and the 47 (bright) of the year on this day. With the full moon hanging above in 48 sky,people 49 are far away from their 50(hometown) might miss families while looking at the beautiful moonlight. 41.dating 42.traditionally 43.eighth 44.have included 45.and 46.in 47.brightest 48.the 49.who/that 50.hometowns本文为记叙文。文章叙述了中国传统节日中秋节的历史以及中秋节的传统习俗。 41.考查非谓语做定语。句意:它有着悠久的历史,可以追溯到唐朝。分析句 子可知,本空在句中作定语,与被修饰的词history二者是主动关系,要用动 词的ing形式,故填dating。42.考查副词做状语。句意:农历8月15日是传 统节日中秋节。分析句子可知,空格处在句中作状语,修饰动词fall。修饰动 词要用副词,故填traditionally。43.考查序数词。句意:农历8月15日是传 统节日中秋节。本空格是指日期,英语中表示某月中的某日,要用the+序数 词+of ,空格处要填序数词,故填eighth。44.考查现在完成时。句意:自 古以来,中秋节的习俗包括赏月、吃月饼和喝酒。本句中有since ancient times,可知句子要用现在完成时。主语是customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival是复数,故填 have included。45.考查连词。句意:自古以来,中秋节的习俗包括赏月、吃月饼和喝酒。分析句子可知, 空格处与句中的“赏月、吃月饼”是并列关系,故填and。46.考查语境。句意:在中国 文化中,中秋之夜的满月象征着家庭团聚。分析句子可知,此处是指在中国的传统文化中, 中秋之夜的满月象征着家庭团聚。“在......中”要用介词in,故填in。47.考查最高级。 句意:因为这一天的月亮是圆的,是一年中最亮的。分析句子可知,本句是指一年中最亮 的,要用最高级的,故填brightest。48.考查冠词。句意:月圆之夜,远在他乡的人们 望着美丽的月光,也许会想家。空格处特指中秋节的满月,特指,要用the,故填the。 49.考查定语从句。句意:月圆之夜,远在他乡的人们望着美丽的月光,也许会想家。分 析句子可知,本句是定语从句,其中的people是先行词,在定语从句中做主语。在限制 性定语从句,指人,既可用who,也可用that,故填who/that。50.考查名词的数。句 意:月圆之夜,远在他乡的人们望着美丽的月光,也许会想家。此句的主语是people, 是复数,因此他们的家乡也要用复数形式,故填复数名词hometowns。The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Moon cake Festival. It has a long history 41 (date) back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It 42 (traditional) falls on the 15th day of the 43(eight) month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times, customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 44 (include) appreciating the moon,eating moon cakes 45 drinking wine. The full moon on Mid- Autumn night symbolizes family reunion 46 Chinese culture because the moon is round and the 47 (bright) of the year on this day. With the full moon hanging above in 48 sky,people 49 are far away from their 50(hometown) might miss families while looking at the beautiful moonlight. 3. 2020届东北三省四市教研联合体高考模拟The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Moon cake Festival. It has a long history 41 (date) back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It 42 (traditional) falls on the 15th day of the 43(eight) month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times, customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 44 (include) appreciating the moon,eating moon cakes 45 drinking wine. The full moon on Mid- Autumn night symbolizes family reunion 46 Chinese culture because the moon is round and the 47 (bright) of the year on this day. With the full moon hanging above in 48 sky,people 49 are far away from their 50(hometown) might miss families while looking at the beautiful moonlight. 41.dating 42.traditionally 43.eighth 44.have included 45.and 46.in 47.brightest 48.the 49.who/that 50.hometowns本文为记叙文。文章叙述了中国传统节日中秋节的历史以及中秋节的传统习俗。41.考查 非谓语做定语。句意:它有着悠久的历史,可以追溯到唐朝。分析句子可知,本空在句中 作定语,与被修饰的词history二者是主动关系,要用动词的ing形式,故填dating。42 .考查副词做状语。句意:农历8月15日是传统节日中秋节。分析句子可知,空格处在句 中作状语,修饰动词fall。修饰动词要用副词,故填traditionally。43.考查序数词。句 意:农历8月15日是传统节日中秋节。本空格是指日期,英语中表示某月中的某日,要用 the+序数词+of ,空格处要填序数词,故填eighth。44.考查现在完成时。句意:自古 以来,中秋节的习俗包括赏月、吃月饼和喝酒。本句中有since ancient times,可知句 子要用现在完成时。主语是customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival是复数,故填 have included。45.考查连词。句意:自古以来,中秋节的习俗包括赏月、吃月饼和喝酒。分析句子可知, 空格处与句中的“赏月、吃月饼”是并列关系,故填and。46.考查语境。句意:在中国文 化中,中秋之夜的满月象征着家庭团聚。分析句子可知,此处是指在中国的传统文化中,中 秋之夜的满月象征着家庭团聚。“在...中”要用介词in,故填in。47.考查最高级。句意: 因为这一天的月亮是圆的,是一年中最亮的。分析句子可知,本句是指一年中最亮的,要用 最高级的,故填brightest。48.考查冠词。句意:月圆之夜,远在他乡的人们望着美丽的 月光,也许会想家。空格处特指中秋节的满月,特指,要用the,故填the。49.考查定语从 句。句意:月圆之夜,远在他乡的人们望着美丽的月光,也许会想家。分析句子可知,本句 是定语从句,其中的people是先行词,在定语从句中做主语。在限制性定语从句,指人,既 可用who,也可用that,故填who/that。50.考查名词的数。句意:月圆之夜,远在他乡 的人们望着美丽的月光,也许会想家。此句的主语是people,是复数,因此他们的家乡也要 用复数形式,故填复数名词hometowns。Why is setting goals important? Goals can help you do,be,and experience everything you want in life and goals allow you 41 (make) your life happen.Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It's like 42( have) a map to show you where you want to go.Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a destination in mind which can 43 (find) on a map. She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong 44(turn). The other driver has no goal or destination 45 map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as 46 first driver,but she drives 47( aim) around,never getting anywhere,just using up gas. Which driver do you want to be?Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. 48(success) people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set,and they aren't difficult to reach. It's up 49you to find out what your goals really are. You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in 50 direction to aim your life. 4. 2020届四川省成都实验中学一诊Why is setting goals important? Goals can help you do,be,and experience everything you want in life and goals allow you 41 (make) your life happen.Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It's like 42( have) a map to show you where you want to go.Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a destination in mind which can 43 (find) on a map. She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong 44(turn). The other driver has no goal or destination 45 map. She starts off at the same time from the same place as 46 first driver,but she drives 47( aim) around,never getting anywhere,just using up gas. Which driver do you want to be?Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. 48(success) people just let life happen by accident. Goals aren't difficult to set,and they aren't difficult to reach. It's up 49you to find out what your goals really are. You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in 50 direction to aim your life. 41.to make 42.having 43.be found 44.turns/turnings 45.or46.the 47. aimlessly 48.Unsuccessful 49.to 50.what/which这是一篇说明文。本文主要说了确定目标的重要性。通过设定目标,你可以 控制自己的生活。这就像有一张地图告诉你想去的地方。成功者设定目标, 他们决定自己想要什么样的生活,然后通过制定计划实现目标。41.考查固 定短语。句意:目标能帮助你做你想做的事,成为你想成为的人,体验你想 要的生活,目标能让你的生活发生。短语allow sb to do sth.“允许某人做 某事”后跟不定式,故填to make。42.考查固定短语。句意:这就像有地 图告诉你要去哪里一样。固定句式it is like doing sth.“就像做某事一样” ,故填having。43.考查动词时态语态。句意:一个人心中有一个可以在地 图上找到的目的地。定语从句主语destination与谓语动词find构成被动关系, 且情态动词can后跟动词原形,故填be found。44.考查名词。句意:她可 以直接开车到那里,不会浪费时间,也不会拐错弯。wrong为形容词修饰可 数名词turn/turning“转弯”,且turn前面没有冠词故应用复数形式,故填 turns/turnings。45.考查连词。句意:另一个驱动程序没有目标、目的地或地图。根据上文no goal or destination可知应填or“或者”。46.考查冠词。句意:她和第一个司机在同一时间从同一 地点出发,但是她漫无目的地开着车,哪儿也去不了,只是用完了汽油。first为序数词前面需 要添加定冠词。故填the。47.考查副词。句意:她和第一个司机在同一时间从同一地点出发, 但是她漫无目的地开着车,哪儿也去不了,只是用完了汽油。drive为动词需要副词修饰,且表 示“漫无目的地”故填aimlessly。48.考查形容词。句意:不成功的人只是让生活意外发生。 people为名词需要形容词修饰,且根据下文just let life happen by accident可知是指“不 成功的人”的做法。故填Unsuccessful。49.考查固定短语。句意:这取决于你去发现你真 正的目标是什么。短语up to sb.“取决于某人”,故填to。50.考查连接词。句意:你必须 决定要达到什么目标,朝什么/哪个方向生活。本句为宾语从句,从句中做介词in的宾语,指物, 表示“什么”或“哪一个”故填what/which。The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Moon cake Festival. It has a long history 41 (date) back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It 42 (traditional) falls on the 15th day of the 43(eight) month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times,customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 44 (include) appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes 45 drinking wine. The full moon on Mid-Autumn night symbolizes family reunion 46 Chinese culture because the moon is round and the 47 (bright) of the year on this day. With the full moon hanging above in 48 sky,people 49 are far away from their 50(hometown) might miss families while looking at the beautiful moonlight. 5. 2020届黑龙江省哈尔滨市高三高考模拟The Mid-Autumn Festival is also called the Moon Festival or the Moon cake Festival. It has a long history 41 (date) back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It 42 (traditional) falls on the 15th day of the 43(eight) month of the lunar calendar. Since ancient times,customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival 44 (include) appreciating the moon, eating moon cakes 45 drinking wine. The full moon on Mid-Autumn night symbolizes family reunion 46 Chinese culture because the moon is round and the 47 (bright) of the year on this day. With the full moon hanging above in 48 sky,people 49 are far away from their 50(hometown) might miss families while looking at the beautiful moonlight. 41.dating 42.traditionally 43.eighth 44.have included 45.and 46.in 47.brightest 48.the 49.who/that 50.hometowns本文为记叙文。文章叙述了中国传统节日中秋节的历史以及中秋节的传统习俗。41.考查 非谓语做定语。句意:它有着悠久的历史,可以追溯到唐朝。分析句子可知,本空在句中 作定语,与被修饰的词history二者是主动关系,要用动词的ing形式,故填dating。42. 考查副词做状语。句意:农历8月15日是传统节日中秋节。分析句子可知,空格处在句中作 状语,修饰动词fall。修饰动词要用副词,故填traditionally。43.考查序数词。句意:农 历8月15日是传统节日中秋节。本空格是指日期,英语中表示某月中的某日,要用the+序 数词+of ,空格处要填序数词,故填eighth。44.考查现在完成时。句意:自古以来,中 秋节的习俗包括赏月、吃月饼和喝酒。本句中有since ancient times,可知句子要用现在 完成时。主语是customs of the Mid-Autumn Festival是复数,故填 have included。45.考查连词。句意:自古以来,中秋节的习俗包括赏月、吃月饼和喝酒。分析句子可知, 空格处与句中的“赏月、吃月饼”是并列关系,故填and。46.考查语境。句意:在中国 文化中,中秋之夜的满月象征着家庭团聚。分析句子可知,此处是指在中国的传统文化中, 中秋之夜的满月象征着家庭团聚。“在......中”要用介词in,故填in。47.考查最高级。句 意:因为这一天的月亮是圆的,是一年中最亮的。分析句子可知,本句是指一年中最亮的, 要用最高级的,故填brightest。48.考查冠词。句意:月圆之夜,远在他乡的人们望着美 丽的月光,也许会想家。空格处特指中秋节的满月,特指,要用the,故填the。49.考查 定语从句。句意:月圆之夜,远在他乡的人们望着美丽的月光,也许会想家。分析句子可 知,本句是定语从句,其中的people是先行词,在定语从句中做主语。在限制性定语从句, 指人,既可用who,也可用that,故填who/that。50.考查名词的数。句意:月圆之夜, 远在他乡的人们望着美丽的月光,也许会想家。此句的主语是people,是复数,因此他们 的家乡也要用复数形式,故填复数名词hometowns。难度较大,但有办法应付技巧七:固定短语构造根据句中横线前后及 整句来判断横线前后是否构成一个固定短语,但有时要对横线前或后的几 个单词“熟视无睹”才能命中答案。The children were playing on the ground,enjoying ,dirty but happy.从句中的happy可以 猜出孩子们是开心的,所以应用enjoy oneself短语,故其答案为 themselves。His boss was ____ angry as to fire him.如果“跳过” 横线后面的angry,就可以发现这里用到一个关联短语so...as to...,所以, so是正解。 无提示题型的解题技巧技巧八:从句引导词从句是此题型最为常见的一个方向,主要检测 大家对引导词的掌握程度。He did not done _____ his father had asked him to do.审题可知,横线所在为宾语从句的引导词,此引导词 在从句中充当宾语,且指物,所以是what。例2: 经过察看可以判断横线 所在为定语从句的引导词,进一步视察可知先行词为those,且指人,所 以只能填入who,在定语从句中做主语。技巧九:短语动词结构短语动词是以动词为中心的两个或多个词构成 的短语,此类短语中往往是动词与介词或副词连用的多些。The us consists____fifty states.根据常识可知,美国由50个州组成,故横线处与 前一词组合,表现“由...组成”,所以答案是of。Mrs. Baker was ill,so her daughter had to ask for leave to take _____ of her.生病需要人照 顾,所以答案是care,与前后词构成take care of。技巧十:短语介词结构短语介词即多个词的组合。起介词作 用的短语,如:except for,due to等。Mr Smith took a plane to London ____ of taking a train.此题中说到两种交 通工具,所以可以理解此句有“坐…而不是坐…”的意思,故 答案为instead,以构成介词短语instead of。Just then,he saw a blackboard in _____ of him.细心观察,可以看出填人 fr0nt即可构成in front of,此题得解。技巧十一:连词、关系短语结构常用的连词有and,or, but,so,for,while等,常用的关联短语有both…and..., either…or...,neither…nor...,not only…but also...等。 Little Wang Jun could not go to school,_____his family was too poor.此处表示原因,引导的分句实在是一种说明解 释,不是必定的因果关系,且前面有逗号隔开,所以填for。 ____ Marrie and Jannie like going to the theatre.横线处 的词与后面可以形成both?and,故答案为Both。技巧十二:冠词、介词和常用的副词冠词只能是在a,an,the之间判定;常用 的介词有in,at,on,before,during等,通常考核固定搭配;副词的量仍是比较多,如: however,never,yet,much等。Jackie likes to drive at____ high speed.这里考查的 是不定冠词的习习用法,答案为a,构成at a high speed,“以高速”开车。Old Tom's granddaughter used to visit him _____ Saturday afternoon.Saturday afternoon是 指定的某天下午,所以不必介词in,而用on才是正解。Though Liu Qiang did the same work ____ Zhang Wen did,he got a lower pay ______ Zhang Wen.第一条横线可由前面 的the same断出用as,第二条横线则可由lower断出比较意义,故答案为than。It was only one day left,_____,his father had no idea to answer him.观察上下句,可以看出是 转折关系,且横线与前后用逗号隔开,消除but,所以是however。技巧十三:上下文中呈现的相关词这一招是最为灵巧的,但也是最 难的。学生能够依据上下文关联和本人积聚的知识,填入某个已涌现的词,或 其反义词,或其同类的某个词。答案的线索可能在本句,可能出现在上下相连 的一句,还可能出现在比较远的处所——上下段中与此段位置大体相当的句子。 如果该横线出现在某段的首句,则线索可能在上下段的首句;假如横线出现在 某段的末句,则线索可能在上下段的末句,以此类推。Tony ___ travelling abroad,but dislikes staying home watching TV.由第二句话中的 dislikes可以判断,此横线处应该是填其反义词likes。小试牛刀Dachi was the name of my pet cockatiel. His name comes from the second half of the Japanese word tomodachi,41 means friend.I taught Dachi to whistle two songs,“For He's a Jolly Good Fellow” and “Happy Birthday to You”. Though his whole range of skills was small,his 42 (confident) never lagged (滞后),and he would frequently wish me a happy birthday when it wasn’t — which could be 43 (embarrass).When Dachi had been with us for three or four years,I think I may have become a bit too confident with him. One day,I walked out of the house and didn’t realize that he was still sitting on my shoulder 44 the door behind me shut loudly. He 45 (fly) away.After I placed 46 advertisement in the local paper,I received a phone call from a woman. I was so relieved to hear this news that I 47 (immediate) drove to her house. When I arrived,she asked me to see whether the bird was 48 (I).I had a better idea 49 (identify) Dachi and began to whistle the “Happy Birthday” song. The lady stopped me,50 (say),“He is yours alright — he’s been whistling that all week.”So Dachi came home in the car sitting on my shoulder,whistling. 6. 2020届陕西省高三第一次模拟Dachi was the name of my pet cockatiel. His name comes from the second half of the Japanese word tomodachi,41 means friend.I taught Dachi to whistle two songs,“For He's a Jolly Good Fellow” and “Happy Birthday to You”. Though his whole range of skills was small,his 42 (confident) never lagged (滞后),and he would frequently wish me a happy birthday when it wasn’t — which could be 43 (embarrass).When Dachi had been with us for three or four years,I think I may have become a bit too confident with him. One day,I walked out of the house and didn’t realize that he was still sitting on my shoulder 44 the door behind me shut loudly. He 45 (fly) away.After I placed 46 advertisement in the local paper,I received a phone call from a woman. I was so relieved to hear this news that I 47 (immediate) drove to her house. When I arrived,she asked me to see whether the bird was 48 (I).I had a better idea 49 (identify) Dachi and began to whistle the “Happy Birthday” song. The lady stopped me,50 (say),“He is yours alright — he’s been whistling that all week.”So Dachi came home in the car sitting on my shoulder,whistling. 41.which 42.confidence 43.embarrassing 44.until/till 45.flew46.an 47. immediately 48.mine 49.to identify 50.saying本文是记叙文。讲述了作者有一只宠物鸡尾鹦鹉名叫达奇。他的名字来自日语“朋友”朋友词汇 的后半部分。因为了解自己的鹦鹉会吹生日快乐歌而找回了丢失的宠物鹦鹉。41.考查非限制性 定语从句。先行词是Japanese word tomodachi,日语单词,位于逗号后,非限制性定语从句 做主语,指物,只能用which,故填which。42.考查名词。形容词性物主代词后用名词,故填 confidence。43.考查形容词。这件事令人尴尬,物做主语,用ing结尾的形容词,故填 embarrassing 。44.考查连词。直到门在我身后大声关闭我才意识到鹦鹉在我肩上,表示直 到…才,故填until/till。45.考查动词时态。根据上一句的walked得知这是讲述过去的动作, 用一般过去时,故填flew。46.考查冠词。一则广告,名词前用冠词,advertisement以元音 开头的单词用an,表示一个,故填an。47.考查副词。副词修饰动词,这里是“马上”修饰“ 开车”,故填immediately 。48.考查代词。这只鸟是我的,用名词性物主代词,故填mine 。49.考查非谓语动词。have an idea to do,不定式作定语,故填to identify 。50.考查 非谓语动词。她让我停止,同时说,前后主语相同,表示主动说出,用现在分词,故填saying。Modern mammals,including humans,owe their sharp sense of hearing 41 three tiny bones in the middle ear that were absent in their reptile ancestors,but the point at which this transformation 42( occur) has remained unclear.Scientists have now identified the transitional stages in the remains of a 43 ( new) discovered species that lived 125 million years ago in 44 is now northeastern China: effectively a missing link in the evolutionary chain. Their 45( find) were published in the journal Science on Thursday and 46( welcome) as a landmark moment in the field of paleontology by peers.Senior author Jin Meng of the American Museum of Natural History in New York explained that the study was based on the remains of six individual animals, 47( name) " Origolestes lii". The hearing system in mammals is 48 (delicate) and complex than that in reptiles,who use their jaws to both chew and to transmit external sound. It was assumed that the so — called separation of the hearing and chewing system removed the physical limits the two processes placed on each other,49 (allow) mammals to both diversify their diet and improve their hearing."Now we have provided the fossil evidence in the evolutionary time 50 confirms the assumption," said Meng. 7. 2020届山西省临汾市高考模拟Modern mammals,including humans,owe their sharp sense of hearing 41 three tiny bones in the middle ear that were absent in their reptile ancestors,but the point at which this transformation 42( occur) has remained unclear.Scientists have now identified the transitional stages in the remains of a 43 ( new) discovered species that lived 125 million years ago in 44 is now northeastern China: effectively a missing link in the evolutionary chain. Their 45( find) were published in the journal Science on Thursday and 46( welcome) as a landmark moment in the field of paleontology by peers.Senior author Jin Meng of the American Museum of Natural History in New York explained that the study was based on the remains of six individual animals, 47( name) " Origolestes lii". The hearing system in mammals is 48 (delicate) and complex than that in reptiles,who use their jaws to both chew and to transmit external sound. It was assumed that the so — called separation of the hearing and chewing system removed the physical limits the two processes placed on each other,49 (allow) mammals to both diversify their diet and improve their hearing."Now we have provided the fossil evidence in the evolutionary time 50 confirms the assumption," said Meng. 41.to42.occurred43.newly44.what45.findings46.welcomed47.named48.more delicate49. allowing50.that / which这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一项新的研究发现。中耳的三根小骨头在它们的爬行类祖先 中是不存在的,但这种转变发生在什么时候仍不清楚。科学家们现在已经确定了一个新发现的 物种遗骸的过渡阶段,并在此发现中证实了关于三根小骨头发生转变的假设性问题。41.考查 介词和固定结构。句意:包括人类在内的现代哺乳动物,其敏锐的听觉要归功于中耳的三根小 骨头,而这三根骨头在它们的爬行类祖先中是不存在的,但这种转变发生在什么时候仍不清楚。 owe sth to sth,固定结构,意为“把……归功于”。故填to。42.考查动词时态。句意: 包括人类在内的现代哺乳动物,其敏锐的听觉要归功于中耳的三根小骨头,而这三根骨头在它 们的爬行类祖先中是不存在的,但这种转变发生在什么时候仍不清楚。分析可知,“at which this transformation ___2___( occur)”应是之前名词the point的定语从句,所填动词在从 句中作谓语,结合句意可知应是应是一般过去时。故填occurred。43.考查副词。句意:科 学家们现在已经确定了一个新发现的物种遗骸的过渡阶段,这个新发现的物种生活在1.25亿年 前的中国东北地区,实际上是进化链条上缺失的一环。副词修饰动词discovered。故填 newly。44.考查表语从句。句意:科学家们现在已经确定了一个新发现的物种遗骸的过渡阶 段,这个新发现的物种生活在1.25亿年前的中国东北地区,实际上是进化链条上缺失的一环。 分析可知,“___4___ is now northeastern China”应是表语从句,从句中缺少主语,结合 句意可知应是指代“物”,用连接代词what引导。故填what。45.考查名词。句意:他们的发现发表在周四的《科学》(Science)杂志上,被同行们视为古生物学领域 的里程碑时刻。分析可知,their为形容词性物主代词,之后接名词,结合后文谓语“were”可知,应是 名词复数。故填findings。46.考查语态。句意:他们的发现发表在周四的《科学》(Science)杂志上, 被同行们视为古生物学领域的里程碑时刻。分析可知,所填动词的主语为之前名词“their findings”, 与所填动词之间为被动关系,应用be done结构,结合前文已有were,因此只需填写过去分词即可。be welcomed as,固定结构,意为“被视为……”。故填welcomed。47.考查非谓语动词。句意:纽约 美国自然历史博物馆的资深作者金·巴布解释说,这项研究是基于六只名为“Origolestes lii”的动物个体 的遗骸。分析可知,___7___( name) " Origolestes lii"应是之前名词animals的后置定语,与其之间为 被动关系,应用过去分词形式。故填named。48.考查形容词比较级。句意:哺乳动物的听觉系统要比 爬行动物复杂得多,爬行动物的颚部既能咀嚼又能传递外部声音。根据空前为系动词“is”以及空后的 “than”为比较连词可知,应用形容词比较级形式。故填more delicate。49.考查非谓语。句意:人们 认为,所谓的听觉和咀嚼系统的分离消除了这两个过程相互施加在对方身上的物理限制,使哺乳动物既能 使它们的饮食多样化,又能改善它们的听觉。分析可知,“__9___ (allow) mammals to both diversify their diet and improve their hearing”在句中作结果状语,所填动词allow与主语之间为主动关系, 应用现在分词形式。故填allowing。50.考查定语从句。句意:“现在我们已经提供了在进化时期的化 石证据来证实这个假设,”孟说。分析可知,“___10___ confirms the assumption”应是之前名词 “the fossil evidence”的定语从句,先行词在从句中作主语,应用关系代词which/that引导。故填 which/that。China started making animated films (动画片) almost at the same time as Japan. The first full-length Japanese anime color film,The White Snake Enchantress,an 41 (adapt) of the famous Chinese legend of the white snake,42 (release) in 1958. Before that,The Magical Pen,loosely 43 (base) on Chinese children’s book Ma Liang With the Magical Pen,44 (win) multiple international prizes. However,in the following years China’s animation industry fell behind,especially in the 1990s 45 Japanese and U. S. animations entered the Chinese market.But in recent years,China’s animation industry has seen fast growth. For instance,recently Ne Zha had achieved 46 box office of 5.6 billion yuan ($787.5 million) by September 10,47 (become) the highest- grossing (票房最高的) animated film made by China. 48,in spite of the huge amount of capital poured into the industry,the bubble may burst 49 animated works' quality doesn’t improve. The industry shouldn’t be pushed forward by capital 50 by creativity,Lu Wei,producer of Monkey King: Hero Is Back,said. 8. 2020届云南省高三模拟China started making animated films (动画片) almost at the same time as Japan. The first full-length Japanese anime color film,The White Snake Enchantress,an 41 (adapt) of the famous Chinese legend of the white snake,42 (release) in 1958. Before that,The Magical Pen,loosely 43 (base) on Chinese children’s book Ma Liang With the Magical Pen,44 (win) multiple international prizes. However,in the following years China’s animation industry fell behind,especially in the 1990s 45 Japanese and U. S. animations entered the Chinese market.But in recent years,China’s animation industry has seen fast growth. For instance,recently Ne Zha had achieved 46 box office of 5.6 billion yuan ($787.5 million) by September 10,47 (become) the highest- grossing (票房最高的) animated film made by China. 48,in spite of the huge amount of capital poured into the industry,the bubble may burst 49 animated works' quality doesn’t improve. The industry shouldn’t be pushed forward by capital 50 by creativity,Lu Wei,producer of Monkey King: Hero Is Back,said. 41.adaptation42.was released43.based44.had won45.when46.a47. becoming48.However49.if/when50.but本文是一篇说明文,讲述了我国国产动漫电影业在经历了之前的发展、低迷之后,于近几年 又再次崛起。41.考查名词。句意:中国几乎与日本同时开始制作动画片。1958年上映了 第一部根据中国著名白蛇传说改编的日本彩色动漫长片电影《白蛇魔咒》。分析句子可知, 不定冠词an后应用名词,且此处为固定短语“an adaptation of...”意为“…的改编版本 ”。故填adaption。42.考查谓语动词的时态和语态。句意:中国几乎与日本同时开始制 作动画片。1958年上映了第一部根据中国著名白蛇传说改编的日本彩色动漫长片电影《白 蛇魔咒》。分析句型结构可知,此处release用作谓语动词,与主语The first full-length Japanese anime color film为动宾关系,且根据in 1958可知谓语动词应为一般过去时。 故填was released。43.考查过去分词作后置定语。句意:在此之前,电影《神笔马良》 已经获得很多国际大奖。分析句型结构可知,此处base应作The Magic Pen的后置定语, 两者为动宾关系,需用过去分词。故填based。44.考查谓语动词时态。句意:在此之前, 电影《神笔马良》已经获得很多国际大奖。分析句型结构可知,此处win用作谓语动词,结 合上文“Before that”,此处应用用过去完成时。故填had won。45.考查定语从句关系词。句意:然而,在接下来的几年里,中国的动漫产业逐渐落后了,特别是在 20世纪90年代,日本和美国的动画进入中国市场后。分析句型结构可知,此处应为定语从句关系词, 因从句中缺少状语成分且先行词为1990s,需用表时间的关系副词。故填when。46.考查不定冠词。 句意:例如,电影哪吒在9月10日前实现了56亿的票房。分析句子可知,前文中并没有提到电影票房, 因此需使用不定冠词修饰第一次出现的名词。“a box office of...”意为“一个…的票房”。故填a。 47.考查现在分词做状语。句意:例如,电影哪吒在9月10日前实现了56亿的票房,成为了中国票房 最高的动画片。分析句子结构,此处用非谓语动词,become在句中作结果状语,因此需使用现在分 词。故填becoming。48.考查副词。句意:然而,尽管大量资金涌入该行业,但如果动画作品的质 量不提高,这个泡沫就有可能会破灭。结合前后语境,此处应为转折的逻辑关系,故填However。 49.考查状语从句引导词。句意:然而,尽管大量资金涌入该行业,但如果动画作品的质量不提高, 这个泡沫就有可能会破灭。分析句子结构,此处应为状语从句连词,结合句意可知,“如果(或 ‘当 ’)动画片质量不提升的话,这个泡沫可能会破灭。”。故填if/when。50.考查并列连词。句意: 《猴王:大圣归来》的制品人陆伟说,这个行业不应该靠资本推动,而是应该靠创造力来推动。分析 句子结构可知,此处为but的固定搭配,“not...but...”意为“不是…而是…”。故填but。Chinese dragons(龙)are fictional creatures,a root of Chinese people who considered themselves as the descendants(后代)of dragons. Since their creation, Chinese dragons 41(win)the deep love from Chinese people,because of 42(they)strong power and symbolic meanings. They played 43important role in the history of Chinese nation,politics,religion,culture and Chinese language and became a symbol of China and Chinese people.Dragon is a belief of Chinese nation and a 44(gold)Chinese element(元素). When a person hears the name of dragon ,China 45(come)to his or her mind. As the strongest animal 46(select)by Chinese people,dragon has the strongest power 47 helps it go to the Heaven and the Hell,and make cloud and rains. In ancient times,as a belief,dragon gave strong supports to the ruling of a big nation,and to people's fragile spirits and hard life because people suffered from extreme natural disasters and lack 48 the supports from science. The 49(important)of dragon to Chinese people is like water to creatures,and it 50(reflect)in people's spirit,beliefs,and ideology. 9. 2020届四川省成都市石室天府中学高三模拟Chinese dragons(龙)are fictional creatures,a root of Chinese people who considered themselves as the descendants(后代)of dragons. Since their creation, Chinese dragons 41(win)the deep love from Chinese people,because of 42(they)strong power and symbolic meanings. They played 43important role in the history of Chinese nation,politics,religion,culture and Chinese language and became a symbol of China and Chinese people.Dragon is a belief of Chinese nation and a 44(gold)Chinese element(元素). When a person hears the name of dragon ,China 45(come)to his or her mind. As the strongest animal 46(select)by Chinese people,dragon has the strongest power 47 helps it go to the Heaven and the Hell,and make cloud and rains. In ancient times,as a belief,dragon gave strong supports to the ruling of a big nation,and to people's fragile spirits and hard life because people suffered from extreme natural disasters and lack 48 the supports from science. The 49(important)of dragon to Chinese people is like water to creatures,and it 50(reflect)in people's spirit,beliefs,and ideology. 41.have won 42.their 43.an 44.golden 45.comes/will come46.selected 47 .that 48.of 49.importance 50.is reflected这是一篇说明文。主要说明了中国龙是虚构的生物,是中国人的根,他们认为自己是龙 的后代。中国龙自诞生以来,以其强大的力量和象征意义赢得了中国人民的喜爱。他们 在中华民族的历史、政治、宗教、文化和汉语中发挥了重要作用,成为中国和中国人民 的象征。41.考查动词时态。句意:中国龙自诞生以来,以其强大的力量和象征意义赢 得了中国人民的喜爱。根据上文Since their creation可知应用现在完成时,主语为复数 名词,故填have won。42.考查物主代词。根据下文strong power and symbolic meanings可知应填形容词性物主代词修饰名词,故填their。43.考查冠词。句意:他 们在中华民族的历史、政治、宗教、文化和汉语中发挥了重要作用,成为中国和中国人 民的象征。短语play an important role in“在……发挥重要作用”,故填an。44.考 查形容词。句意:龙是中华民族的信仰,是中华民族的黄金元素。element为名词需要 形容词修饰,故填golden“黄金的”。45.考查动词时态。句意:当一个人听到龙的名字,他或她的脑海中就会浮现出中国。 根据上文When a person hears the name of dragon可知应用一般现在时,故填 comes或用一般将来时填will come。46.考查非谓语动词。句意:龙是中国人选择的 最强壮的动物,它有最强大的力量帮助它进入天堂和地狱,制造云和雨。本句中select做 非谓语动词与逻辑主语构成被动关系,故填过去分词selected。47.考查定语从句连接 词。句意同上。本句为定语从句修饰先行词power且先行词在从句中做主语,指物,故 填that。48.考查固定短语。句意:在古代,龙作为一种信仰,为一个大国的统治提供 了强有力的支持,也为人们遭受极端自然灾害和缺乏科学支持而脆弱的精神和艰难的生 活提供了强有力的支持。短语lack of“缺乏”,故填of。49.考查名词。句意:龙对于 中国人的重要性就像水对于生物一样,体现在人们的精神、信仰和意识形态上。根据上 文the可知应填名词,短语the importance of“重要性”。故填importance。50.考 查动词时态语态。句意同上。本句主语it与谓语动词构成被动关系,且描述客观事实用一 般现在时,主语为单数,故填is reflected。The Silk Road linked ancient Rome and 41(distance) China. It was once the greatest network of trade routes (路线) on earth,along42 traveled precious goods,such as silk and gold,as well as revolutionary new ideas.In time it 43 (begin) to decline. The traffic slowed,the merchants left and 44(final) its towns disappeared beneath the desert sands to be forgotten for a thousand years; however,tales grew up of 45 (lose) cities filled with treasures and evil spirits guarding them. In the early years of the last century foreign explorers started to look46 these stories,and very soon an international race started for the art treasures of the Silk Road. Huge wall paintings, sculptures and priceless antiques were carried away by47 ton,and today 48(exhibit) in the museums of a dozen countries.Contrary to the destroyers,China is trying to bring back the ancient concept of the Silk Road. Aiming 49 (carry) forward the spirit of peace,cooperation,openness and inclusiveness(包容) for shared benefits through concrete projects,the New Silk Road has already received a warm response from more than 60 countries and a number of international 50 (organization). 10. 2020届湖北省武汉重点高中高三模拟The Silk Road linked ancient Rome and 41(distance) China. It was once the greatest network of trade routes (路线) on earth,along42 traveled precious goods,such as silk and gold,as well as revolutionary new ideas.In time it 43 (begin) to decline. The traffic slowed,the merchants left and 44(final) its towns disappeared beneath the desert sands to be forgotten for a thousand years; however,tales grew up of 45 (lose) cities filled with treasures and evil spirits guarding them. In the early years of the last century foreign explorers started to look46 these stories,and very soon an international race started for the art treasures of the Silk Road. Huge wall paintings, sculptures and priceless antiques were carried away by47 ton,and today 48(exhibit) in the museums of a dozen countries.Contrary to the destroyers,China is trying to bring back the ancient concept of the Silk Road. Aiming 49 (carry) forward the spirit of peace,cooperation,openness and inclusiveness(包容) for shared benefits through concrete projects,the New Silk Road has already received a warm response from more than 60 countries and a number of international 50 (organization). 41.distant42.which43.began44.finally45.lost46.into47.the48.are exhibited49 .to carry50.organizations本文是说明文,介绍了丝绸之路的历史和新丝绸之路的有关情况。41.考查形容词。句意: 丝绸之路连接着古罗马与远方的中国。此处作定语修饰China,应用形容词。故填distant。 42.考查定语从句。句意:丝绸之路曾经是地球上最大的贸易路线网,沿途运输珍贵商品, 如丝绸和金子,同时创新的想法也沿途传播。分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限制性定语 从句,先行词是the greatest network of trade routes,先行词在从句中作介词along 的宾语,且介词along提前,用“介词+which”引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。43 .考查时态。根据后一句的“The traffic slowed,the merchants left...”可知,此处 是叙述在过去发生的事情,故用一般过去时;begin是不规则变化动词,过去式为 began。 故填began。44.考查副词。句意:交通变得缓慢,商人离开了,最后城镇消失在茫茫沙 漠中,被遗忘了上千年。设空处在句中作状语,修饰整个句子its towns disappeared… ,应用副词。故填finally。45.考查形容词。句意:然而,关于失落的城市45.考查形容词。句意:然而,关于失落的城市中充满了宝藏和守护它们的邪恶精灵的故事却不断出 现。 根据上文的 “its towns disappeared”可知,此处表示“消失的”城市,应用形容词修饰 cities。故填lost。46.考查固定短语。句意:上世纪初,国外探险家开始调查这些故事,因此很快 有关丝绸之路的艺术瑰宝的国际竞赛开始了。look into意为“调查”,为固定短语。符合句意。故 填into。47.考查冠词。句意:巨大的壁画、雕塑和极其贵重的古董被成吨地搬走,如今被陈列在十 几个国家的博物馆里。by the ton意为“按吨计算”,是固定搭配。故填the。48.考查时态和语态。 句意:巨大的壁画、雕塑和极其贵重的古董被成吨地搬走,如今被陈列在十几个国家的博物馆里。根 据时间状语today可知,此处用一般现在时;主语“Huge wall paintings,sculptures and priceless antiques”是复数,并且与exhibit之间是逻辑上的被动关系,因此用一般现在时的被动 语态。故填are exhibited。49.考查非谓语动词。句意:新丝绸之路旨在将和平、合作、开放和包 容的精神发扬光大,并通过具体的项目实现互惠互利,新丝绸之路已经受到了60多个国家和许多国际 组织的热烈回应。短语aim to do sth.意为“旨在做…”,后接不定式作宾语。故填to carry。50. 考查名词单复数。句意:新丝绸之路旨在将和平、合作、开放和包容的精神发扬光大,并通过具体的 项目实现互惠互利,新丝绸之路已经受到了60多个国家和许多国际组织的热烈回应。organization 为可数名词,其前有a number of修饰,应用复数形式。故填organizations。

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