PEP三下英语Unit 3 At zhe zoo Part B Start to read课件

PEP三下英语Unit 3 At zhe zoo Part B Start to read课件


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U3 At the zoo B Start to read Welcome to our party! Let's flying the ballons.(放飞气球) arm 胳膊 hand 手 head 头 body 身体 leg 腿 foot 脚 ear 耳朵 Tips:你必须正确的读出单词,并带同学们读一遍, 才能放飞气球。 Game 放飞气球 Game 放飞气球 thin 瘦的 fat 胖的 tall 高的 short 矮的 long 长的 small 小的 big 大的 Let's find the partner.(找搭档) Game 找搭档(快速说出反义词) big small long short tall short fat thin Let's finish the chart.(完成表格) Game-Finish the chart 将正确的身体部位放入表格中 Let's welcome the model show! (模特秀) Model Show(模特秀) Can you describe me? 你能描述我吗? Useful sentence Useful words Useful words It is... It has... thin fat tall short small big ear eye arm hand head body leg foot Let's make a monster (做怪兽) In this part,you should discuss what's the monster like in your heart. And finish your papers. One student from your group introduce the monster. The other one make it. 在这个环节中,你们要先分组讨论你们心目中的 怪兽是什么样的。完成老师给你们的表格。最后一人 用英文介绍怪兽的样子,另一人拿着身体部位往黑板 上贴。 Make a monster(做怪兽) Let's guess riddles. (猜灯谜) Guess riddles(猜灯谜): What animals? It has long ears. It has red eyes. It has a long nose. It has big ears. Guess riddle(猜灯谜): What animals? It has a long body. But it has no arms or legs. It’s fat. It is black and white. It is very tall. It has a long neck(脖子). Guess riddles(猜灯谜) 跟读句子 We made many friends in the party. (认识了很多新朋友) It has ________. Look at the mouse. big ears It _____a long tail. Look at Zip. has It is _____. Look at the lion. big It ___ small. Look at the spider. is Our party is over, wish you have a good day. Goodbye~boys and girls!

资料: 29.3万


