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Unit Twenty-six Ⅰ . 重点词汇必背 每个单元 20 个,其中重点单词 15 个,重点短语 5 个。 Ⅱ . 核心词汇运用 从本单元的重点词汇中选出核心单词 7 个和核心短语 3 个进行了精讲。 Ⅲ . 语法突破 对高考的各语法知识点进行精讲,并对该考点进行分析和训练。 或 Ⅲ . 题型突破 对高考中的题型的进行分析,对它的解法进行归纳,并对该题型进行针对性训练。 Ⅳ . 作文模板必背 针对高考各话题列出模板,供考生记忆。 另配有 【 冲刺练 】 单元综合练习 是对命题的一种预测和对高考试题的提前演练。 一、重点单词 1. offer [' ɔfə ] v . 提供;提出;奉献;呈现;出价 n . 提议;提出;出价;奉献 2. operate [' ɔpəreit ] v . 做手术;操作,运转;起作用,经营,管理 3. opinion [ ə'pinjən ] n . 意见,看法,主张,见解 4. opportunity [ ' ɔpə'tjuniti ] n . 机会 5. oppose [ ə'pəuz ] v . 反对,反抗;使相对;使对抗 6. opposite [' ɔpəzit ] adj. 相反的;相对的;对面的;对立的 n . 相反,对立面 7. optimistic [ ' ɔpti'mistik ] adj . 乐观的,乐观主义的 8. organize/se [' ɔ:gənaiz ] v . 组织;安排;编制;创设;使成有机体;使有条理 9. origin [' ɔridʒin ] n . 起源,由来;出生,血统 10. outline [' autlain ] n . 轮廓,外形;概要,大纲;草案 v. 画出 … 的轮廓(或草图) 11. outstanding [' autstændiŋ ] adj. 杰出的;突出的;显著的 12. overcome [ ' əuvə'kʌm ] v . 克服,解决;战胜;压倒 13. overlook [ ' əuvə'luk ] v. 忽略;俯瞰;眺望;看漏;宽容 14. participate [ pa:'tisipeit ] v . 参加,参与 15. particular [ pə'tikjulə ] adj. 特殊的,特别的;个别的;详细的 n . 细节 二、重点短语 16. lead/live a simple life 过着简朴的生活 17. lead to 引导,指引,通向 18. learn from 向 …… 学习 19. learn/know sth . by heart 熟记,能背出 20. look forward to 盼望,期待 构词 offering n. 供品,作品,出售物 用法 offer to do 主动提出,主张 例句 The driver offered to drive us to the station. 那位司机主动提出送我们到车站。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 对顾客,我们提供免费配套服务。 We __________ a free backup service __________ customers. (2) 你能提出证据来印证你讲的话吗? Can you __________ any evidence __________ support what you have said? (3) 他提议付 1000 美元买那辆二手车。 He ___________ pay $1,000 for the second-hand car. Keys: (1) offer , to (2) offer, to (3) offered to 一、重点单词 offer v. 提供;提出;奉献;呈现;出价 n. 提议;提出;出价;奉献 2. operate v. 做手术;操作,运转;起作用,经营,管理 构词 operation n . 手术;操作,运转;经营,管理 用法 operate on 给 …… 动手术,在 …… 操作 例句 The doctors decided to operate on him for the tumor. 医生们决定为他开刀切除肿瘤。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 对他来说,操作这台复杂的机器太难了。 It ’ s too difficult for him __________ this new complicated machine. (2) 这台电梯运转不正常。 The lift doesn’t __________ properly. Keys: (1) to operate (2) operate 3. opinion n. 意见,看法,主张,见解 构词 opinionated adj. 固执己见的 用法 in one ’ s opinion 在某人看来 例句 In my opinion, what he said is not true at all. 依我看来,他说的一点也不真实。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 在这方面,我不赞同你的意见。 I can ’ t agree with __________ this respect. (2) 不管你说什么,我都坚持我的主张。 No matter what you say, I shall stick __________. (3) 我想听听您对 1995 年世界博览会的看法。 I ’ d like to have your __________ the 1995 World Expo. Keys: (1) your opinion in (2) to my opinion (3) opinion on 4. oppose v. 反对,反抗;使相对;使对抗 构词 opposer n. 反对者,异议者 用法 be opposed to 反对 例句 I can see no reason to oppose the plan. 我没有任何理由反对这个计划。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 我不反对再次听你的故事。 I do not __________ listen your story again. (2) 我们反对单纯去碰运气。 We __________ counting on a lucky chance. Keys: (1) oppose to (2) are opposed to 5. organize/se v. 组织;安排;编制;创设;使成有机体;使有条理 构词 organization n . 机构,组织 用法 organize well 组织周密 organize badly 组织不好 例句 The story is quite well organized. 这个故事组织得很好。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 会议组织得很糟。 The meeting was __________. (2) 他要把一切都安排得井井有条。 He was going to __________ everything properly. Keys: (1) badly organized (2) organize 6. overcome v. 克服,解决;战胜;压倒 构词 过去式 : overcame 过去分词 : overcome 用法 be overcome by/with 被 …… 所压倒,被 ( 烟、感情等 ) 熏 〔 压 〕 倒,受不了 例句 We must overcome our shortcomings. 我们必须克服我们的缺点。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 世界上任何困难他们都可以克服。 There will be no difficulty in the world that they __________. (2) 他们悲痛欲绝。 They were __________ sadness. (3) 汽油味使他受不了。 He __________ the gas fumes. Keys: (1) cannot overcome (2) overcome with (3) was overcome by 7. participate v. 参加,参与 构词 participation n. 参加,参与 用法 participate in 参加 …… ,参与 …… 例句 The teacher expected us to participate actively in English class. 老师要求我们积极参与英语课的活动。 操练 根据句子要求,完成句子。 (1) 希望全班同学参加讨论。 Everyone in the class is expected __________ the discussion. (2) 在古希腊奥运会中,只允许男人参加比赛。 In the ancient Greek Olympics, only men were allowed __________ it. (3) 每个成员都能分享这个协会的利益。 Every member can __________ the benefits of the association. Keys: (1) to participate in (2) to participate in (3) participate 二、重点短语 比较 lead/live a rich/happy life=lead/live a life of affluence/happiness 过着富裕或幸福的生活 例句 People here are leading a rich life. 这里的人民过着富裕的生活。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 没有人想过痛苦的生活 Nobody wants to lead a life of misery=Nobody wants to lead _________. (2) 他们在乡下过着简朴的生活。 They lead _________ in the countryside. Keys: (1) a miserable life (2) a simple life 8. lead/live a simple life 过着简朴的生活 9. lead to 引导,指引,通向,导致 比较 result in 导致 guide sb. to 指引 例句 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大道通罗马。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 过量的工作和过少的休息会引起疾病。 Too much work and too little rest often _________ illness. (2) 抽烟可能导致肺癌。 Smoking can _________ lung cancer. Keys: (1) lead to (2) lead to 10. look forward to 盼望,期待 比较 expect to do 期待做 …… 例句 They are looking forward to her visit. 他们在期待着她的来访。 操练 填入适当的词使句子完整。 (1) 我们期待着春天的到来。 We __________ the return of spring. (2) 我们期望早日得到答复。 We __________ an early reply. (3) 不要指望一个星期就能学会一门外语。 You can ’ t __________ learn a foreign language in a week. Keys: (1) look forward to (2) look forward to (3) expect to 中文 动词 名词 形容词 副词 1.死,死亡 die death dead 2.高的;高度的 heigh-ten height high highly 3.长的,长久的 leng-then length long longly 4.运气,好运 luck lucky luckily 5.安全的,平安的 safety safe safely 6.太阳,阳光 sun sunny 7.真的,真实的 truth true truly 8.同意,赞成 agree agreement agreeable agreeably 9.美丽,美观的 beau-tify beauty beautiful beauti-fully 10.乞求,乞讨 beg beggar 11.勇敢的,无畏的 bravery brave bravely 12.中心,中央 centre central centrally 13.危险;威胁 endanger danger dangerous danger-ously 14.进入 enter entrance 15.检查;测验 exa-mine 16.健康,卫生 health healthy healthily 17.(有、无)希望;有前途 hope hope hopeful/ hopeless hopefully/ hopelessly 18.(饥)饿的 hunger hungry hungrily 19.损害,伤害 injure injury injured 20.发明,创造 invent inventor 发明家invention发明 inventive 有创意的 invent-ively 21.噪声,喧闹声 noise noisy noisily 22.和平,安宁 peace peaceful peace-fully 23.愉快的;快活的 please pleasure pleasant/ pleased pleas-antly 24.可能 possibility possible possibly 25.宁愿,更喜欢 prefer preference 26.准备,预备 prepare preparation prepared 27.依赖, 信赖 rely reliance信任 reliable reliably 28.悲哀,悲伤 sadden sadness sad sadly 29.简单的,简朴的 simplify simplicity simple simply 30.晴朗的,阳光充足的 sun sunny 31.滋味,味道;情趣 taste taste tasty/ tasteless 32.使用,有益的 use use/usage useful/ useless usefully 33.等待,侍者 wait waiter/ waitress 34.宽的,广泛的 widen width wide widely 2021/1/19 35.获胜者,胜利者 win winner 36.聪明的,有见识的 wisdom wise wisely 37.能力;才能 enable ability able ably 38.同意,协议 agree agreement 39.怒,愤怒 anger angry angrily 40.道歉 apolo-gize apology apologetic apologe-tically 41.出现;好像,显得 appear appearance 42.申请;实用,应用,使用 apply applicant 申请人application申请 2021/1/19 43.到达 arrive arrival 44.受益,得益;有益于,有利于 benefit benefit beneficial benefi-cially 45.考虑;细想,认为;把……看作 consi-der cosider-ation consid-erate考虑周到的 consid-erately 46.黑暗,阴暗 darken darkness dark darkly 47.快乐,乐事 delight delight delighted delight-edly 48.深,深度 deepen depth deep deeply 49.发展;开展;开发;冲洗(照片);形成 develop development 2021/1/19 50.献身 devote devotion devoted 全心全意的 devotedly 51.难的,困难的 difficulty difficult diffic-ultly 52.不同;差别 differ difference different differ-ently 53.发现,察觉,识破 disc-over discovery 54.讨论,议论,辩论 discuss discussion 55.雇用,聘请 employ employment雇佣关系employee雇员employer雇主 56.喜欢,享受 enjoy enjoyment enjoyable enjoyably 2021/1/19 57.表达;表情 express expression expressive 富于表情的 express-ively 58.雾 fog foggy 59.愚弄 fool fool foolish foolishly 60.毕业 graduate graduation 高考话题: 语言学习 ( language learning )——从初中过渡到高中英语学习 There are many similarities in English study between in junior school and in senior school. As we all know, the best way to learn English well is to learn and use English all the time. Don't be afraid of being laughed at and overcome the fear of making mistakes. However, the differences are also obvious. Junior students are required to recite the new words and make dialogues with others, while senior students must improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, which requires a lot of time and practice so as to maste and use it properly.(98 words)

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