Review of units 1-5(新目标八下)

Review of units 1-5(新目标八下)


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Review of units 1-5  Teaching contents: Review of units 1-5(SB Page 40-43) . Teaching procedures: Step 1  Leading in SB Page 40 , 1a .Ask Ss to do the crossword individually .Correct the answers . SB Page 40 , 1b . 1.     Have Ss understand what they need to do by explaining the example . 2.     Ask Ss to do the activity in pairs . 3.     Ask several pairs to share their clues with the class .Let the other students guess the answer . Step 2  Pre-task SB Page 41 , 2a & 2b . 1.     Read the instructions and let Ss know what to do . 2.     Play the recordings of conversations 1-4 . 3.     Correct the answers . SB Page 41 , 2c . 1.     Replay the second dialogue about the school fire . 2.     Ask two pairs of students to practice the sample dialogue for the class . 3.     Ss complete the task . Step 3  While-task SB Page 42 , Part 3 . 1.     Remind Ss to write in sentences . 2.     Ask some Ss for their suggestions . SB Page 42 , Part 4 . 1.     Ask a few Ss about things they like to do ,tell Ss to write five things they do . 2.     Ask Ss to share their activities with their partner . 3.     Ask Ss to share the answers with their partner . Step 4  Post-task SB Page 42 , Part 5 . 1.     Ask Ss to rank the signs in order of importance . 2.     Ask Ss for their answers . SB Page 43 , Part 6 . 1.     Explain to Ss that aliens landed at your school the week before .Ask Ss to interview several people and write down what the people said . 2.     Instruct Ss to turn the quotes they have into reported speech in their magazine article .Let Ss do activity on their own .Monitor and provide support as required . Step 5  Homework SB Page 43 , Part 7 .Have Ss complete the questionnaire . 教学后记:

资料: 29.3万


