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英 语 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂 黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写 在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分) 略 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A UNIQUE AND WEIRD NEW YEAR EVE TRADITIONS Germany In some parts of Germany, they do bleigiessen, or lead( 铅 ) pouring. Pour a dollop( 团 ) of molten lead in cold water and whatever shape forms may be telling about the year to come. A heart shape, naturally, means love will come your way. A crown predicts wealth and fortune. A star indicates happiness. But if you see a cross in the lead? You’re as good as dead! Latin America If you’re in Latin America, make sure you have some colorful underpants to ring in the new year. End—of—the—year partiers put on colorful underwear to ensure certain types of outcomes for the following year. Red for love and yellow for success. Naples, Italy Neapolitans like throwing things out of windows, at least on New Year’s Eve. Furniture, kitchen machines, grandma. Well, maybe not the last one. Let’s hope not, anyway. This tradition is meant to symbolize an out—with—the—old gesture and getting a brand new beginning for the new year. These days people are a bit more mindful about what they toss down to the street below. Spain In 1909, winegrowers in the Alicante region of Spain had a brilliant idea: start and promote an annual tradition that would involve people having to buy and eat more grapes. One must eat 12 grapes on New Year’s Eve to encourage prosperity for the coming year. Now, it’s a popular custom in Iberia. But the problem is that one has to eat a grape for each bell strike at midnight. 21. What does a cross shape mean? A. Love. B. Wealth. C. Happiness. D. Misfortune. 22. What’s new about Neapolitans’ tradition? A. They hate using furniture. B. They throw their grandma out of windows. C. They are more careful about what to throw. D. They like making gestures in front of the window. 23. Which country has the tradition of eating grapes? A. Germany. B. Brazil. C. Italy. D. Spain. B Remember Vitainwater’s “free of rolling screen for a year” challenge that dared people to be free from smart phones for a whole year will win $100,000? Well, Elana Mugdan, a New York woman, has been into it for eight months, and just four months away from claiming grand prize. Vitaminwater made news headlines last December when it announced its unique challenge. Thousands of people applied to be chosen as the perfect candidate to spend a year without touching their smart phones, but in the end, the only person who got to try and survive for an entire year without a handheld smart phone was Elana Mugdan, a 29-year-old fiction writer from Queens, New York. Eight months into the challenge, she claims it has been a free and eye-opening experience that shows her just how dependent she becomes on her smart phone. Even though there are times when she misses her handheld smart phone, she plans to go on living without it even after the challenge ends, because she really doesn’t want to go back to days when she abused it, wasted time, stayed up all hours of the night on it, and was obsessed with social media. But not having access to her smart phone really made certain situations a lot harder than she could have imagined them before. “Many people did me a favor. However, once, I almost got stranded(滞留) in the SeaTac airport because the phone number I’d written down was wrong, and I had no way of referring to the right one, no way of calling a cab, and no one in the state who could help me,” the young writer said. Another time, her car’s “check engine” light turned on while she was driving in an unfamiliar area at night. She couldn’t use her phone’s GPS location feature, or even check what the light meant on Google or find a nearby car repair shop. Still, she learned to overcome these situations. And now she claims the last eight months of phone-free life have been one of the best adventures of her life and that she’ll keep it for another four months. 24. What’s the challenge “free of rolling screen for a year”? A. People free from smart phones can live a richer life. B. People living a telephone-free life can be awarded every year. C. People living without computers for a year will win grand prize. D. People spending a year free from smart phones will get a reward. 25. Which phrase can replace the underlined part “obsessed with” in paragraph 2? A. satisfied with B. accustomed to C. addicted to D. popular with 26. What does Elana Mugdan mainly want to express in paragraph 3? A. It’s fantastic to have someone to help her all the way. B. It’s unimaginable to lose her phone number on the way. C. It’s unnecessary to refer to information with a smart phone. D. It’s difficult to get out of the trouble without a smart phone. 27. What can we learn about Elana Mudgan? A. She couldn’t live without a smart phone. B. She finds no one can help her in the adventure. C. She has not won the grand $ 100,000 prize yet. D. She used to use her smart phone to write fiction. C If you’re one of the millions of those who use escalators each year, you are probably deeply familiar with the vertical grooves(竖凹槽) that cover each stair. Few of us have stopped to consider why they exist, though. In fact, it’s one of the everyday things we take for granted. But it is a little complicating when you think about it. Sure, the deep, grey lines make an escalator’s metal stairs more appealing to the eye. But regular stairs don’t have grooves like these; why do escalators need them? Is it because of the movement? It turns out those grooves serve a more functional purpose. And, yes, it does have to do with the movement, as well as with general cleanliness! Anyone who has ridden an escalator knows that the steps everlastingly circulate from the top to the bottom. You’ve surely noticed the ridged yellow lip at the top of the escalator. But here’s what you may not have noticed: As an escalator’s steps flatten, this ridge—also called the comb plate—sweeps away any trash or litter that might have fallen on the stairs. Those grooves lock the step and comb plate together, which makes it harder for any dangerous materials to slide underneath the lip. This prevents foreign objects from getting stuck in that gap, potentially causing the escalator to stop, or worse, break down completely. That’s not the only reason why the grooves were created, though. They are also a good place for water to pool together, protecting you from a bad fall on the slick surface. So the next time you step on an escalator, take a moment to appreciate those metal grooves. They exist to make sure you get to your office meeting on time. 28. What are the first two paragraphs trying to say? A. Millions of people use escalators every year. B. Few people think much about the grooves. C. Escalators are complicated machines. D. Grooves make the stairs look better. 29. The ridge is mainly designed to____ A. clean off dangerous objects. B. keep the stairs in movement. C. flatten the steps. D. lock the steps. 30. What does the underlined word “slick” mean in Paragraph 4? A. Smooth. B. Sticky. C. Steep. D. Slippery. 31. What’s the passage mainly about? A. The importance of escalators. B. The reasons for grooves on stairs. C. The look of grooves in escalators. D. The safe ways of riding escalators. D Friendship is an important part of human life. Friends can share our joys and our hardships. We aren’t alone. Many different animals also make friends. Recently, a British research team finished an eight-year study of Indo-Pacific dolphins off the coast of Western Australia. These dolphins can use different tools to search for food. The researchers found that these dolphins are more willing to hang out with partners that like the same tool. Other factors, like family closeness or sex, have no impact on this relationship. “It suggests that dolphins form social bonds(纽带) based on shared interests,” UK biologist Simon Allen told Science Daily. “Using different tools is time-consuming(耗时间的)” for dolphins to cooperate. Apart from dolphins, elephants, horses and bats are also known to form friendships. Are friendships only limited to the same species? Of course not, The Atlantic reported. In 2015, a goat Timur was originally left in the tiger Amur’s enclosure(围场) as a meal. But instead of eating Timur, Amur likes to play with it and gets jealous when others are close to his friend. The Atlantic said it’s not unusual among captive(圈禁的) animals. That’s because in captivity, animals don’t need to spend much time and energy marking their territory(领 地) or looking for mates the way they would in the wild. They are actually more likely to feel bored. “In this particular situation, the animal’s motivation to engage(参与) socially and playfully may be higher than eating.” More interestingly, animals not only make friends but also try to keep lasting friendships. Take bats for example. In 2011, scientists found bats prefer to hang out with a few certain friends, keeping loose ties to the rest of their group. Humans aren’t so different. “We do not work, play and live together with the same friends all the time,” Swiss zoologist Gerald Kerth explained. “But nevertheless, we are able to maintain long-term relationships ... despite our often highly dynamic(动态的) social lives.” 32. What did the recent British research find about dolphins? A. They form friendships based on family closeness. B. They are likely to make friends based on interests. C. They are better at building friendships than other animals. D. They form a group to hunt food together. 33. What’s the main purpose of Paragraph 6? A. To show how different species get along with each other. B. To prove captive animals are friendlier than others. C. To explain why captive animals can form friendships. D. To compare the difference between a tiger and a goat’s friendship. 34. What can we infer from Gerald Kerth’s words? A. Animals like to hang out with different friends. B. Animals might feel bored with friends of the same species. C. Humans are better at keeping long-term bonds than animals. D. Humans and animals make and maintain friendships in similar ways. 35. What’s the text mainly about? A. How to build strong ties with your friends. B. How animals form and keep friendship. C. The importance of friendship for animals. D. The different ways humans and animals socialize. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。 For many, holiday celebrations mean large meals shared with family and friends, but such feasts can generate huge amounts of food waste, harming the environment and overusing natural resources—unless mindful merrymakers take steps to control the amount. 36. . Be mindful of what you already have Try keeping food in glass jars. Using this method, you can make all the food in your kitchen visible, easily remembered and consumed. 37. . Nothing gets lost in the back of a shelf. 38. Stick to a planned holiday menu before heading to the grocery store. A clear idea of who will be gathered and exactly how much food to prepare will save a lot of tossing out later. Be mindful not just of how much to purchase, but the items themselves. Use leftovers wisely It may be impossible to get everyone into the clean plate club. 39. . Freeze and repurpose leftovers by using them as basic ingredients for other recipes or send extras home with guests. Keep track of the scraps(残羹) Along with turkey bones, use holiday scraps such as vegetables, meat and fish bones to make soup. For pet-safe dishes, allow your dog to clean plates before putting them in the dishwasher. Consider composting(堆肥) 40. . These materials can be composted, which will keep them out of landfills, where they take up space and release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. A. Shop smart B. Plan a menu C. That doesn’t mean leftover food has to go waste D. Some of your family or guests may not like the food E. Following are some tips on reducing food waste during holidays F. Organize your dry food on one row and use refrigerator drawers G. Food scraps and yard waste make up more than 28 percent of waste 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Even if they had to stop today, it would have been quite an accomplishment. But Brad Ryan and his 89-year-old grandmother Joy Ryan, who have 41 29 national parks so far, have no intention of 42 . The first one they saw was the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in 2015. Since then, he and Joy Ryan have seen many 43 . “I remembered a(n) 44 conversation with my Grandma Joy when we’re 45 my 2009 Appalachian Trail hike from Georgia to Maine and she expressed 46 that she had never seen the mountains and 47 the great outdoors throughout her life, so I 48 her to join me on my weekend 49 from campus to the Smokies,” Brad said. At the time, Brad was a fourth-year veterinary student at the College of Veterinary Medicine, but needed a 50 to deal with academic stress, especially after news of a second-year vet student’s insanity(精神错乱) was made 51 . There have been a lot of 52 along the way. A highlight for Brad was “watching my grandmother 53 her inner child as she 54 down a sand dune(沙丘) at a park at age 87.” Another highlight was being 55 in an hour-long traffic jam in Yellowstone’s Lamar Valley, and watching the 56 over the Grand Canyon at dawn. “She still 57 to take a speed boat to Boca Chita Key and climbed the spiral staircase(旋梯) of a 65-foot lighthouse on the island,” Brad 58 . “At her age, she’s very 59 that at every moment, she’s probably seeing something for the first and last time. That has dramatically 60 the way I live my life as well,” he continued. 41. A. founded B. recorded C. visited D. protected 42. A. delaying B. stopping C. wondering D. experiencing 43. A. attractions B. achievements C. failures D. risks 44. A. punctual B. ambiguous C. tense D. previous 45. A. imaging B. discussing C. missing D. abandoning 46. A. prejudice B. suffering C. regret D. expectation 47. A. explored B. painted C. heard D. preferred 48. A. served B. invited C. commanded D. forced 49. A. escape B. attempt C. crash D. search 50. A. test B. party C. break D. show 51. A. possible B. public C. similar D. skeptical 52. A. benefits B. promises C. mistakes D. laughs 53. A. burst into B. turn down C. dig out D. bring up 54. A. fell B. cut C. rolled D. looked 55. A. trapped B. absorbed C. lost D. conducted 56. A. play B. sunrise C. sunset D. match 57. A. managed B. promised C. refused D. failed 58. A. regretted B. added C. demanded D. argued 59. A. ashamed B. aware C. confident D. thankful 60. A. chose B. needed C. observed D. changed 第 II 卷 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Learning how to choose a career is not only important for adults but also for students at college. People decide to have their careers 61. (change) simply because they dislike the job they 62. (current) have. They take on the jobs not because they like them but because they need to make a living. In this case, 63. (get) career guidance is very important. The first step in choosing a career 64. (be) understanding yourself. This will help you realize what you enjoy doing. The best way to do this is taking a personality test, 65. it is available on the Internet for free. It is also important to understand your values and know what you are willing to do. Next, visit career guidance centers or career 66. (website). If possible, apply for a volunteer that benefits you. You can get professional help and decide whether the career path is 67. (suit) for you or not. Finally, you should learn universal( 通 用 的 ) skills, such as typing, writing and computer skills, which will help get opportunities to change your career in 68. future. When you study something that leads to just one career, then you may have closed all other opportunities for changing your career. Choosing a career is important because most of the time in our lives 69. (spend) at work. Therefore, putting interests and hobbies into careers can always lead 70. the best jobs. 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共 有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 When stick in traffic, I noticed the woman in the car next to me crying. Alone in her car, she was kept wiping her tears and struggled to caught her breath. Honest speaking, I didn’t mean to stare, and I could hardly look away. As she pulled her car ahead of me, I could still see her crying for quite a few minute. When it was my turn to drive up besides her, I managed to get her attention by waving a little toy pig in car and smiled at her. She gave me the smile, too. At that moment, traffic cleared up and we drive off. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 假定你是李华,想邀请你的外教 Mr. Black 参加你校美食社团为外籍教师和学生组织的活 动。请你用英语给他写一封邀请信,内容包括: 1.活动的时间和地点; 2.活动内容,例如:教参与者包饺子等; 3.活动的意义。 注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:参与者 participant ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 英语答案 第一部分 听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 略 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A 【答案】21-23 DCD 【解析】本文是一篇应用文,介绍了世界上几个国家独特而怪异的新年前夜传统。 21. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“A heart shape, naturally, means love will come your way. A crown predicts wealth and fortune. A star indicates happiness. But if you see a cross in the lead? You’re as good as dead!”可知,心形自然意味着爱情会降临到你身上;皇冠预示财富;星星代 表幸福;但是如果是十字形,你就死定了。由此可知,十字形代表灾祸,故 D 项正确。 22. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“These days people are a bit more mindful about what they toss down to the street below.”可知,如今,人们(那不勒斯人)对扔到街道上的东西更加留心 了,故 C 项正确。 23. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“In 1909, winegrowers in the Alicante region of Spain had a brilliant idea: start and promote an annual tradition that would involve people having to buy and eat more grapes.”可知,1909 年,西班牙阿利坎特地区的葡萄种植者们想出了一个绝妙的主意: 开始并推广一项每年一度的传统,让人们购买和食用更多的葡萄,故 D 项正确。 B 【答案】24-27 DCDC 【解析】本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个名叫 Elana Mugdan 的纽约人参加特殊挑战的故 事。她如果在一年之内不用智能手机就可以获得 10 万美元的大奖。她现在已经挺过了八个月, 再坚持四个月就可以把大奖收入囊中。 24. 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Remember Vitainwater’s ‘free of rolling screen for a year’ challenge that dared people to be free from smart phones for a whole year will win $100,000?” 可知,这个挑战是指人们如果在一年之内不用智能手机就可以获得 10 万美元的大奖。故选 D。 25. 词义猜测题。上文提到 Elana Mugdan 在参加比赛之前常常滥用手机,浪费时间,整 夜不睡,故推知 Elana Mugdan 曾对社交媒体着迷。obsessed with 意为“沉迷于”。故选 C。 26. 推理判断题。在第三段中,Elana Mugdan 因为写错了电话号码,又没有智能手机跟外 界取得联系,所以滞留在 SeaTac 机场。由此可知,她主要是想表达没有手机让她很难解决困 难。故选 D。 27. 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“Well, Elana Mugdan, a New York woman, has been into it for eight months, and just four months away from claiming grand prize.”一个纽约女人,Elana Mugdan 已经坚持了 8 个月,还有四个月的时间就可以获得大奖。”和最后一段最后一句“And now she claims the last eight months of phone-free life have been one of the best adventures of her life and that she’ll keep it for another four months.”现在她说,过去 8 个月的无手机生活是她一生 中最棒的冒险之一,她将继续坚持 4 个月。”可知,Elana Mugdan 已经坚持了八个月不用手机, 再坚持四个月就可以把大奖收入囊中,所以到目前为止她还没得到这个大奖。故选 C。 C 【答案】28-31 BADB 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了自动扶梯上设计竖凹槽的原因。 28. 推理判断题。根据前两段内容,特别是根据第一段中的“Few of us have stopped to consider why they exist, though. In fact, it’s one of the everyday things we take for granted.”可知, 然而,我们很少有人停下来思考它们(自动扶梯上的竖凹槽)为什么会存在,事实上,它是 我们日常生活中习以为常的东西之一。由此可知,前两段是想说很少有人会去多想自动扶梯 上的竖凹槽,故 B 项正确。 29. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“As an escalator’s steps flatten, this ridge—also called the comb plate—sweeps away any trash or litter that might have fallen on the stairs. Those grooves lock the step and comb plate together, which makes it harder for any dangerous materials to slide underneath the lip.”可知,当自动扶梯的台阶变平时,这个脊,也被称为“梳状板”,用来清扫掉 在电梯上的垃圾,这些凹槽将台阶和梳状板固定在一起,这使得任何危险的东西都更难滑到 电梯边缘下面。由此可知,脊是为了清除掉在电梯上的危险物品而设计的,故 A 项正确。 30. 词义猜测题。根据划线词前的“They are also a good place for water to pool together, protecting you from a bad fall”可知,撒了水的表面是湿滑的,这些竖凹槽的作用就是把水存在 里面,这样你就不会滑倒了,由此可知划线词词义为“光滑的”,故 D 项正确。 31. 主旨大意题。通读全文,特别是根据第二段中的“why do escalators need them?”电梯上 为什么需要它们(竖凹槽)呢?再根据倒数第二段中的“That’s not the only reason why the grooves were created, though.”然而,这并不是设计竖凹槽的唯一原因。由此可知,本文主要介 绍了自动扶梯上设计竖凹槽的原因,故 B 项正确。 D 【答案】32-35 BCDB 【解析】本文为说明文。文章主要介绍了动物如何交朋友。 32. 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The researchers found that these dolphins are more willing to hang out with partners that like the same tool” 研究人员发现,这些海豚更愿意和喜欢相同工 具的伙伴一起玩。以及第三段“It suggests that dolphins form social bonds(纽带) based on shared interests,”这表明海豚在兴趣相同的基础上形成了社会关系。由此可推断出海豚交朋友很可能 是以兴趣为基础的。故选 B 。 33. 推理判断题。文章的第五段讲的是一项有趣的发现,老虎和山羊在围场的时候,老虎 没有吃掉山羊,反而一起玩耍了起来,形成了友谊。第六段讲《大西洋月刊》说这在圈养动 物中并不罕见。因为被囚禁的动物不需要花太多的时间和精力争夺领地也不会像在野外那样 花太多的时间寻找伴侣。他们实际上更容易感到无聊。“在这种特殊情况下,动物的更愿意 参与到社交中,比起吃更愿意玩。”由此可知,第六段是对第五段的圈养动物中的友谊这种 现象背后原因的解释,尤其是“That’s because....”。由此可推断出第六段是解释为什么圈养动物 可以建立友谊。故选 C。 34. 推理判断题。根据前文内容以及最后一段可知人类与动物也没有那么多不同。瑞士动 物学家杰拉尔德·克思解释说:“我们不总是和同一个朋友一起工作、玩耍和生活。” Gerald Kerth 说:“尽管如此,我们还是能够保持长期的关系……尽管我们的社交生活十分活跃。” 可知,从 Gerald Kerth 的话中可推断出,动物与人一样都喜欢交朋友,且都愿意维持长期的友 谊。故选 D。 35. 主旨大意题。文章第一段最后一句“Many different animals also make friends.”许多不同 的动物也交朋友。接着下文主要介绍了动物如何交朋友,以及动物交朋友背后的原因。通读 本文可知,文章主要介绍了动物如何交朋友,故 B 项正确。 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 【答案】36-40 EFACG 【解析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了减少节日期间食物浪费的几点建议。 36. 空前说对许多人来说,节日庆祝意味着与家人和朋友共享大餐,但这样的盛宴可能会 造成大量的食物浪费;下文又介绍了减少食物浪费的建议。此处需要一个承上启下的过渡句, 既要对应上文提到的食物浪费话题,又要引出下文介绍的几点建议,故 E 项(以下是一些减 少节日期间食物浪费的建议)符合语境。 37. 空前说试着把食物放在玻璃罐里,使用这种方法,你可以使厨房里的所有食物都能看 得见,容易记住和食用。此处承接上文,讲的还是关于如何摆放食物的话题,故 F 项(把你 的干粮放在一排,还要使用冰箱的抽屉)符合语境。 38. 根据本段内容,特别是根据第一句可知,在去杂货店之前,坚持按照计划的假日菜单 (买东西),因此本段主要讲的是要聪明地购物,故 A 项(聪明地购物)符合语境。 39. 空后说把剩菜冷冻起来以后用作其他菜的基本原料,或者把多余的食物送回家,因此 此处是说剩饭剩菜不一定非要浪费掉,还可以再利用,故 C 项(这并不意味着吃剩的食物要 被浪费掉)符合语境。 40. 空后说这些材料可以堆肥,这将使它们远离垃圾填埋场,因此此处应该会提到垃圾, 空后的“These materials”指代的就是 G 项中的“Food scraps and yard waste”,故 G 项(食物残渣 和院子里的垃圾占了垃圾总量的 28%)符合语境。 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 【答案】41-45 CBADB 46-50 CABAC 51-55 BDCCA 56-60 BABBD 【解析】本文是记叙文。文章讲述了 Brad Ryan 和他 89 岁的祖母 Joy Ryan 迄今已参观了 29 个国家公园,但是他们没有打算停下来,祖母在游玩中一直都很用心专注。祖母对待生活的 态度影响到了 Brad Ryan。 41. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Brad Ryan 和他 89 岁的祖母 Joy Ryan 迄今已参观了 29 个 国家公园。但是,他们不打算停下来。 A. founded 成立; B. recorded 记录;C. visited 参观; D. protected 保护。由空前的上下文可知,“today”之前 Brad Ryan 和他的祖母“参观”了很多国 家公园,选择 visit 合乎语境。故选 C。 42. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:Brad Ryan 和他 89 岁的祖母 Joy Ryan 迄今已参观了 29 个 国家公园。但是,他们不打算停下来。 A. delaying 拖延;B. stopping 停止;C. wondering 想知 道;D. experiencing 经历。由上文的“Even if they had to stop today”并结合空格所在句子可知, 他们没有停下来的想法,stop 是同词复现。故选 B。 43. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,他和 Joy Ryan 参观了许多景点。A. attractions 景点;B. achievements 成就;C. failures 失败;D. risks 风险。国家公园是旅游景点,选择 attractions 合乎语境。故选 A。 44. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我想起以前与我的祖母的对话,2009 年我们谈论我从 乔治亚州到缅因州的阿巴拉契亚的徒步旅行。A. punctual 准时的;B. ambiguous 含混不清的; C. tense 紧张的;D. previous 以前的。现在 Brad 和祖母已经参观游览了很多国家公园,由 remembered 一词可知,此处是表示 Brad 在回忆过去他和祖母的对话,即对话是发生在以前的。 故选 D。 45. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想起以前与我的祖母的对话,2009 年我们谈论我从乔 治亚州到缅因州的阿巴拉契亚的徒步旅行。A. imaging 想像;B. discussing 谈论;C. missing 错 过,想念;D. abandoning 放弃。根据“conversation with my Grandma”可知,在对话中,他们谈 论了 Brad 的徒步旅行计划,选择 discussing 合乎语境。故选 B。 46. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她对自己一生从未见过山峰也没有参加过户外探索活动而 感到遗憾。A. prejudice 偏见;B. suffering 痛苦;C. regret 遗憾,后悔;D. expectation 期望。 空后提到祖母从未看见过山,因此此处是在表达她的遗憾,选择 regret 合乎语境。故选 C。 47. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她对自己一生从未见过山峰也没有参加过户外探索活动而 感到遗憾。A. explored 探索;B. painted 描绘;C. heard 听见;D. preferred 更喜欢。“explore the great outdoors(探索户外的景色)”与“see the mountains(看见山峰)”是并列关系,它们在 never 之后,表示“祖母未曾到过外面游览参观”,这是在解释 regret 这个词的内容。故选 A。 48. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“周末里我离开校园到大烟山去旅行,因此我邀请她和我 一起去”,Brad 说。A. served 服务;B. invited 邀请;C. commanded 指挥;D. forced 强迫。祖 母表达了未曾到过外面游览参观的遗憾,因此 Brad Ryan“邀请”她加入自己的周末旅行计划中。 故选 B。 49. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:“在周末我离开校园到大烟山去旅行,因此我邀请她和我 一起去”,Brad 说。A. escape 逃脱;B. attempt 尝试;C. crash 撞车, 碰撞;D. search 搜索。 由下一题的分析可知,Brad Ryan 周末要逃避学习来休息一下。escape from:逃离,逃脱,这 个短语合乎语境,表示作者的学习压力很大。故选 A。 50. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当时 Brad 是兽医学院的四年级学生,但他需要休息一下 以应对学习压力,尤其是在二年级兽医专业的学生精神错乱的消息被公开之后。A. test 测试; B. party 派对;C. break 间歇,休息;D. show 显示。由空后的“处理学业压力”可知,Brad Ryan 休要休息一下。故选 C。 51. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当时 Brad 是兽医学院的四年级学生,但他需要休息一 下以应对学习压力,尤其是在二年级兽医专业的学生精神错乱的消息被公开之后。A. possible 可能的;B. public 公开的;C. similar 类似的;D. skeptical 怀疑的。听说有一名兽医专业的学 生精神错乱的消息,促使 Brad 在周末需要放松一下。make sth public:公布(某事)。故选 B。 52. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:一路上有很多笑声。 A. benefits 好处;B. promises 诺言; C. mistakes 错误;D. laughs 笑,笑声。由后文 Brad 讲述的祖母的游玩经历可知,旅行过程是 愉快的,充满笑声。故选 D。 53. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:令 Brad 感到激动的一件事是看着祖母在 87 岁时在公园里 滑下沙丘时表现出的孩子一般的样子。A. burst into 突然进入某种状态或发生某种情况;B. turn down 拒绝;C. dig out 挖出,找出;D. bring up 培养。dig out one’s inner child 挖掘自己内心的 童心。该句子表示祖母像孩子一样尽情地玩乐。故选 C。 54. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:令 Brad 感到激动的一件事是看着祖母在 87 岁时在公园里 滑下沙丘时表现出的孩子一般的样子。A. fell 跌倒;B. cut 切;C. rolled 滚动;D. looked 看。 此处表示祖母像小孩儿一样滑下山丘。roll down a sand dune:滑下沙丘,选择 rolled 合乎语境。 故选 C。 55. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一件激动人心的事情是他们被困在黄石国家公园长达一 个小时的交通拥堵中时,黎明时分看到了大峡谷上空的日出。A. trapped 围困;B. absorbed 吸 收;C. lost 丢失;D. conducted 施行。由空格后面的“traffic jam”可知,他们因为交通拥堵“受困” 在公园中。故选 A。 56. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:另一件激动人心的事情是他们被困在黄石国家公园长达一 个小时的交通拥堵中时,他们在黎明时分看到了大峡谷上空的日出。A. play 玩;B. sunrise 日 出;C. sunset 日落;D. match 比赛。由“at dawn”可知,此时是太阳升起的时候,选择 sunrise 合乎语境。故选 B。 57. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“她仍然设法乘快艇去了Boca Chita Key,并爬上了岛上 65 英尺高的灯塔的螺旋梯”,Brad 补充说。A. managed 管理,设法;B. promised 答应;C. refused 拒绝;D. failed 失败。虽然祖母年事已高,但她仍然“设法”乘船,这与前面的“child”相呼应, 以体现祖母对户外游览的喜爱。manage to do sth:设法做成某事。故选 A。 58. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:“她仍然设法乘快艇去了Boca Chita Key,并爬上了岛上 65 英尺高的灯塔的螺旋梯”,Brad 补充说。A. regretted 遗憾;B. added 添加,继续说;C. demanded 要求;D. argued 争论。此处是 Brad 在讲述祖母的又一次经历。故选 B。 59. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在她这样的年龄,她每时每刻都很清楚,她可能是第一 次也是最后一次看到某些东西了。A. ashamed 羞愧的;B. aware 意识到的;C. confident 有信 心的;D. thankful 感激的。因为祖母年纪很大了,有一些东西她可能是第一次看到并且是最后 一次看了,这一点她能清楚地意识到,因此在游玩中她一直都尽力去尝试。选择 aware 合乎语 境。故选 B。 60. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这也极大地改变了我的生活方式。”他继续说。A. chose 选 择;B. needed 需要;C. observed 观测;D. changed 改变。祖母对待生活的态度影响和改变了 作者,改变了作者的生活方式。选择 change 合乎语境。故选 D。 第 II 卷 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 【答案】 61. changed 62. currently 63. getting / to get 64. is 65. and 66. websites 67. suitable 68. the 69. is spent 70. to 【解析】这是一篇说明文。选择职业很重要,我们一生中的大部分时间都花在工作上。文章 介绍了选择职业的几种方法。 61. 考查过去分词。句意:人们决定改变职业只是因为他们不喜欢目前拥有的工作。此处 为 have sth done 结构,表示“(主语)完成某事(主语可能参与)”,“careers”承受“change”的 动作,因此使用 change 的过去分词。故填 changed。 62. 考查副词。句意:人们决定改变职业只是因为他们不喜欢目前拥有的工作。副词在句 子中作状语修饰动词“have”。故填 currently。 63. 考查非谓语动词。句意:在这种情况下,获得职业指导非常重要。不定式作主语常表 示具体的某一动作;动名词作主语表示泛指或一般的抽象概念。根据本句话提供的语境,使 用动词不定式和动名词均可。故填 getting / to get。 64. 考查主谓一致和时态。句意:选择职业的第一步是了解自己。分析句子结构可知,该 句子为主系表的句型结构,空处应填入 be 动词。结合上下文语境及本句话表示的是职业选择 的一般做法,句子应该使用一般现在时。主语是“the first step”,因此填入 is。故填 is。 65. 考查并列连词。句意:最好的方法是进行个性测试,该测试可在网络上免费获得。空 格前后两句话是并列关系。故填 and。 66. 考查名词的数。句意:接下来,访问职业指导中心或职业网站。website 是可数名词, 在句中为泛指意义,它和 center 都使用复数形式,构成选择关系。故填 websites。 67. 考查形容词。句意:你可以获得专业帮助并确定该职业道路是否适合你。形容词在句 子中作表语。故填 suitable。 68. 考查冠词。句意:最后,你应该学习通用的技能,例如打字,写作和计算机技能,这 将有助于你在将来获得改变职业的机会。此处为特指意义,应使用定冠词 the。in the future: 在未来。故填 the。 69. 考查时态和语态。句意:选择职业很重要,因为我们一生中的大部分时间都花在工作 上。此句是在表达一种一般性的看法,应使用一般现在时。“most of the time”作主语,它承受 “spend”的动作,因此谓语动词应使用单数形式及被动语态。故填 is spent。 70. 考查介词。句意:因此,选择职业时考虑到兴趣和爱好会让你找到最好的工作。固定 短语 lead to:引起,导致,造成。故填 to。 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 【答案】 1. stick→stuck 2.把 kept 前的 was 去掉 3. caught→catch 4. Honest→Honestly 5.and→but/yet; 6. minute→minutes 7. besides→beside 8.在 in 和 car 之间加 my 9. the→a 10. drive→drove 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。交通堵塞时,作者看到旁边车里的一位女士在车里哭泣。作者示 意车里的一只玩具小猪引起她的注意,并对她笑了笑。就在那一刻,交通畅通了,车开走了。 1.考查过去分词作时间状语。句意:堵车的时候,我注意到坐在我旁边车里的女人在哭。 固定词组:be stuck in“困住,陷入”。此处句子主语“I”和“stick”之间是被动关系,是过去分词 作时间状语。故把 stick 改成 stuck。 2.考查一般过去时态。句意:她独自坐在车里,不停地擦眼泪,费力地喘着气。此处句子 主语“she”和“keep”之间是主动关系,故把 kept 前的 was 去掉。 3.考查固定搭配。句意:她独自坐在车里,不停地擦眼泪,努力地喘着气。固定搭配:struggle to do sth.尽力做某事,努力做某事。此处是动词不定式作宾语。故把 caught 改成 catch。 4.考查独立主格。句意:说实话,我并不想盯着看,但我无法把目光移开。Honestly speaking“诚实地说”。此处是现在分词的独立主格结构。故把 Honest 改成 Honestly。 5.考查并列连词。句意:说实话,我并不想盯着看,但我无法把目光移开。前后是一种转 折关系,故把 and 改成 but/yet。 6.考查名词复数。句意:当她把车开到我前面时,我还能看到她哭了好几分钟。此处 a few“几个”,修饰可数名词复数。故把 minute 改成 minutes。 7.考查介词。句意:轮到我开车到她身边时,我摇了摇车里的一只玩具小猪想引起她的注 意,并对她笑了笑。此处指“在她旁边”,所以用介词 beside“在……旁边”。故把 besides 改成 beside。 8.考查形容词性物主代词。句意:轮到我开车到她身边时,我摇了摇车里的一只玩具小猪 想引起她的注意,并对她笑了笑。此处指在“我的”汽车里。故在 in 和 car 之间加 my。 9.考查不定冠词。句意:她也对我笑了笑。此处指“给了我一个微笑”,且单词 smile 以辅 音音素开头,用不定冠词 a 表示“一”。故把 the 改成 a。 10.考查一般过去时态。句意:就在那一刻,交通畅通了,我们开车走了。根据“At that moment”可知句子用一般过去时态,故把 drive 改成 drove。 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 【范文】 Dear Mr. Black, I’m a student of yours in Grade Three. And I’m writing to invite you to take part in the activity of the school food club. The activity is going to be held at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in the meeting room of the School Food Club, whose aim is to introduce the traditional food as well as Chinese culture to foreign teachers and students in our school. All the participants will make several kinds of dumplings under some Chinese cooks’ guidance. And later we will enjoy the dumplings made by ourselves. Please join us and enjoy delicious dumplings with us! I’m looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封邀请信。 第 1 步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封去邀请信:假定你是李华,想邀请你的外教 Mr. Black 参加你校美食社团为外籍教师和学生组织的活动。请你用英语给他写一封邀请信,内容包括: 1.活动的时间和地点;2.活动内容,例如:教参与者包饺子等;3.活动的意义。 第 2 步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:take part in the activity of the school food club (参加学校美食俱乐部的活动);the School Food Club(学校美食俱乐部);introduce the traditional food(介绍传统食物)等。 第 3 步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第 4 步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范 清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。 本文内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。另外全文没有中国式英语的句式, 显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。同时文中使用高级句子,如:The activity is going to be held at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday morning in the meeting room of the School Food Club, whose aim is to introduce the traditional food as well as Chinese culture to foreign teachers and students in our school.句中使用一般将来时态的被动语态和 whose 引导的定语从句;And later we will enjoy the dumplings made by ourselves.句中过去分词作后置定语

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